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Startup Technology - Technical Founder Advice

Y Combinator2018-10-10
YC#Y Combinator#Diana Hu#Calvin French-Owen#Lillian Chou#Ralph Gootee#Jared Friedman#Startup School
113K views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video features a diverse panel of tech founders discussing their companies and technologies, emphasizing the importance of efficient data management and collaboration tools. Various tech companies, including Segment, Niantic, and Second Measure, share insights on their operations and tech stacks. The development process, challenges faced, and strategic shifts are highlighted, focusing on the importance of adapting methodologies, security, scalability, and team structure. Strategies for accelerating product development, obtaining user feedback, and hiring developers early on are discussed for successful growth and product refinement.

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Tech panel discussion featuring founders of Clean Grid and Segment showcasing innovative technologies in construction and data management industries.
Ralph Judy from Clean Grid introduces software similar to GitHub for the construction sector.
Calvin French Owen from Segment presents an API for organizing customer data across different tools.
Clean Grid utilizes AWS, Python, and multiple platform development in their tech stack.
Segment focuses on data collection from tools like Google Analytics and Customer.io, highlighting the significance of efficient data management and collaboration tools.
Highlights from Tech Company Operations Segment.
Segment has over 300 employees across multiple offices, primarily utilizing AWS.
Niantic acquired Escher to focus on back-end technology for augmented reality.
Second Measure analyzes billions of credit card transactions daily to track company performance.
Each company highlighted their use of specific technologies like Google Cloud, C++, and Docker containers for efficient development and operations.
Company focus on providing data services to clients like VC firms and big brands.
No CTO in company, both founders are technical.
Team consists of 50 people, 30 in technical roles split evenly between data scientists and engineers.
Core product is data, requiring close collaboration between data scientists and engineers.
Leveraging AWS services like Lambda and Spark for pipeline and using React for front-end.
Challenges faced in developing the first prototype.
Issues with graphics chip limitations and PDF format were encountered.
Past graphics experience was utilized to create a more efficient second prototype.
Technical impossibilities, such as loading blueprints onto an iPad, were overcome.
The prototype lacked a web interface, leading to manual document loading for customers.
Challenges with tracking user behavior in college lecture tool led team to switch to competitor tool for segmentation and engagement analysis.
Unsuccessful attempt to attract users after spending half a million dollars.
Met with PG who advised trying something new, leading team to repurpose internal growth hack tool into successful product.
Positive feedback and support received on Github for repurposed product.
Successful launch of product after quick test on Hacker News, gaining significant traction despite initial skepticism.
Developing a product in one week through a hackathon mode and utilizing a landing page for email sign-ups.
The team achieved initial product-market fit and developed a user base through this process.
Robotics algorithms, specifically slam algorithms for camera positioning and world mapping, were discussed in the context of AR technology.
Advancements in phone computation power now allow running these algorithms on phones, comparable to a MacBook Pro from 2013.
Journey to Product-Market Fit and Acquisition by Niantic
The team interviewed potential users to find product-market fit, leading them to focus on gaming.
They accelerated their roadmap to take on Apple and launched their product in just three months.
About a thousand developers signed up in a week, drawing interest from Niantic.
The development process took a year of part-time work, with additional engineers hired during Y Combinator for faster progress.
Development of self-service platform based on user testing data.
Initial focus on building analytics product and front-end application using Groovy and Grails framework.
Emphasis on quick iteration and use of familiar technology in early stages of company growth.
Shift towards selecting technologies that align with product market fit as company expanded.
Prioritization of speed in development to accelerate product launch.
Importance of speed and constant testing in development.
Evolution of processes such as unit tests, CI/CD, code reviews, and building controls into the system as the company grew.
Changes implemented about a year to a year and a half after launch due to system complexity and team growth.
Focus on reaching MVP quickly, even if it meant using 'duct tape code' initially for a private beta with game developers.
The development process went through three distinct phases.
The first phase focused on rapid iteration to gain users and avoid running out of money.
The second phase involved the addition of an experienced engineer, leading to improvements in testing and CI.
The final phase saw a shift towards more strategic thinking and planning.
Each phase marked significant progress in the project's development and success.
Importance of security and scalability in end-to-end testing for handling customer data.
Emphasis on the shift towards prioritizing data handling due to enterprise customers paying significant amounts.
Company's focus on security and scalability from the beginning to ensure usefulness and impact on construction businesses' bottom line.
Challenges in scalability requiring proactive architectural decisions to efficiently handle large-scale projects.
Challenges with scaling project sizes on offline devices and balancing engineering efforts and technical debt.
Importance of finding a balance between writing tests and writing good code upfront to ensure successful project scaling.
Experiences with unit tests and the trade-off between testing and product release.
Mention of various engineering methodologies like agile development and test-driven development, with a focus on their company's agile approach.
Advocacy for a practical, agile-ish approach to development methodologies for successful project scaling.
Transitioning from small agile team to larger team requiring more processes and structure.
Adapting development methodologies to suit organization's needs and implementing more structure and documentation for efficiency and communication.
Evolving processes as the team grows and emphasizing the importance of finding what works best for the organization.
Moving towards weekly planning sessions and sub-teams for focused work areas to enhance productivity and collaboration.
Team divided into three main focuses: back end folder work, bringing computer vision algorithms to production, and implementing CV algorithms on the server and client.
Lack of a set process for teams, allowing individual engineering teams to self-organize.
Company-wide use of OKR model, with teams setting goals and executing plans every quarter.
Teams track progress weekly or monthly and assess performance against goals at the end of the quarter.
Emphasis on discussing important problems and having tools and processes serve the team.
Importance of daily stand-ups in engineering teams for effective communication, timeboxing, and management techniques.
Timeboxing helps keep projects on track and manage estimates efficiently.
Connecting with team members individually to understand their needs and emotions is crucial.
Working with non-technical co-founders requires testing opportunities and learning to set deadlines effectively.
Importance of project management when working with non-technical co-founders.
Emphasis on the need for a process and deadlines to track progress accurately.
Suggestion to keep separate sets of books for technical and non-technical co-founders.
Recommendation to ask team members individually about their predictions for upcoming weeks to identify potential trouble spots.
Reflecting on experience with a non-technical co-founder focused on research rather than product development.
Transitioning from building a product to developing an organization and system for longevity.
Focus on non-technical tasks as a company grows.
Structuring an early engineering team: local vs. remote, full-time employees vs. contractors.
Prioritize core competencies in-house rather than outsourcing.
Starting with full-time employees is recommended for building a product and company.
Importance of learning from early days for technology contracting.
Evaluating potential hires through contracting and focusing on core competencies and IP.
Defining projects well for outsourcing and experimenting with remote employees for documentation and communication benefits.
Advantages of tapping into different talent pools and culture shift with incorporating remote engineers.
Evolution of Hiring Strategy at Company XYZ.
Initially, company focused on hiring full-time employees and only outsourced work for specific infrastructure or product features.
Transitioned to hiring mostly remote workers who had previously collaborated with the team in open-source communities.
Communication and alignment on product goals became challenging with remote workers.
Shifted to a hybrid model, hiring locally and remotely based on bandwidth, with emphasis on documentation and communication for a successful remote culture.
Importance of Equity in Payment for Contractors.
Converting contractors into full-time employees can be beneficial for the business.
Managing contractors can be more time-consuming for founders compared to full-time employees.
Remote work model can be successful by prioritizing talent over location.
Decisions in business should be based on company size and needs, understanding the trade-offs involved.
Strategies for Accelerating Company Development.
Getting in front of users early and often is crucial for validating ideas and obtaining feedback.
Building multiple versions of a product helps gain valuable experience and refine the final version efficiently.
Utilizing cross-platform development libraries can streamline the development process.
Hiring developers early on is emphasized to expedite the growth of the company.
Importance of user feedback in product development.
User feedback is crucial for making adjustments to the product.
Getting the product in front of users frequently helps in refining it.
Regular user feedback helps in meeting user expectations effectively.