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Design Sprints as a Tool for Organizational Change

Google Design2018-12-12
material#design#google#designers#form#Design Sprints as a Tool for Organizational Change#innovation#product challenges#design sprint#design thinking#design tools#cultural change#building consensus#design sprint conference#Google Design Sprint Conference 2018#Josh Lovejoy#GDS: Yes;
3K views|5 years ago
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Josh Lovejoy from Microsoft emphasizes the importance of human-centered design in AI and mixed reality development. He highlights the need for inclusive spaces to encourage diverse perspectives and creative expression. Leadership involves granting individuals the freedom to collaborate on meaningful projects, creating a feedback loop for recognition, and fostering shared affinities to align colleagues with organizational goals.

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Importance of human-centered design in the development of emerging technologies like AI and mixed reality.
Short, time-constrained meetings limit meaningful discussions and decision-making.
Creating spaces for everyone to share ideas, especially those who may not feel psychologically safe to do so, is crucial.
Leaders play a key role in facilitating creative expression and inspiring makers to take action.
Leadership is about empowering individuals to collaborate and work on meaningful projects.
Creating a feedback loop for recognition is crucial in fostering a culture of appreciation.
Shared affinities help in aligning colleagues towards desired organizational behaviors.
Effective leadership aims to encourage and cultivate these behaviors within the team.