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PR + Content for Growth by Kat Mañalac and Craig Cannon

Y Combinator2018-09-19
YC#Y Combinator#Startup School#Kat Manalac#Craig Cannon
52K views|5 years ago
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The video emphasizes the importance of content marketing, PR, and storytelling for startups, highlighting the need to create engaging content to attract specific audiences and pitch to press for wider reach. It discusses the significance of setting clear goals, tailoring content to platforms, and building relationships with reporters for successful PR. Examples of successful content strategies and pitching techniques are provided, along with advice on preparing for press interviews and promoting stories effectively. The video stresses the value of authenticity, consistency, and engagement in content creation to drive growth and build a loyal customer base.

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Importance of content marketing, PR, and storytelling for early-stage founders.
Creating and distributing content to attract specific audiences is crucial.
Pitching to press is essential for reaching a wider audience.
Good content and effective press strategy can be powerful but require a lot of work.
Focus on building something people want before investing in marketing efforts.
The importance of content marketing for startups.
Content marketing is a cost-effective alternative to paid acquisition for startups that cannot afford it initially.
By treating content as a product and aligning it with customer interests, companies can effectively reach their target audience.
Businesses can focus on creating valuable and engaging content across various channels like podcasts, blogs, and social media to attract and retain users.
Overall, content marketing is a cost-effective and impactful way to drive growth and build a loyal customer base.
Setting clear goals for content marketing is crucial for success.
Use analytics tools like Mixpanel and Facebook pixel to track user behavior and target audiences effectively.
Identify the platforms where your target customers spend time, such as Reddit or Instagram, to tailor content towards their preferences.
Learn from successful content types on different platforms, such as essays for Hacker News or makeup tutorials for YouTube, to optimize engagement and reach marketing objectives.
Strategies for Successful Online Content Creation.
Understanding customer preferences and where they are present online is crucial for successful content creation.
Effective strategies such as Instagram influencer marketing and content marketing have been demonstrated by companies like Scentbird and YC.
The Onion's approach to headline selection, involving multiple writers and an editor, ensures diverse perspectives and consistently high-quality content.
Learning from successful models like The Onion can help content creators differentiate themselves in a competitive market.
Focus on quality content creation over quantity.
Having team members with domain expertise, such as co-founders and lead developers, is crucial.
Precision in language and editing is essential for audience engagement.
Competition on the internet is intense, with content competing against various distractions.
Promotion is necessary, requiring consistent sharing and creative distribution methods.
Importance of tailoring content for specific platforms to reach the target audience effectively.
Utilizing podcasts over Instagram for certain types of content can be more successful.
Customer profiles, text interviews, and industry advice are valuable in marketing strategies.
Companies like Airbnb and Zapier use different strategies for customer engagement.
Knowing the subject matter well is crucial for creating authentic and credible content.
Importance of press for startups in gaining users, investors, and employees.
Press can improve SEO and create awareness for the company.
Startups should wait until they have a launched product and some early users before pitching to the press.
Media outlets do not usually cover very early stage startups, so startups should focus on pitching newsworthy stories.
Timing is crucial, exceptions exist for companies with particularly novel or notable aspects.
Key Highlights for DIY PR Success:
Avoid hiring PR firms early on due to high costs.
Building relationships with press and reporters is crucial for long-term success.
Founders are best suited to pitch their own interesting stories.
Focus on industry news, target publications, and specific reporters for effective press outreach.
Importance of concise pitching for startups.
Startups should use one-sentence and three to five sentence pitches to effectively communicate their products and target audiences.
Examples of effective pitches include flying robots for retail inventory tracking and eco-friendly boxes for food delivery.
Pitches should be clear, compelling, and jargon-free to attract interest and prompt further questions.
The goal is to provide enough context about the company and its offerings to generate curiosity and engagement from potential investors or customers.
Two companies pitching innovative solutions to reporters, one focused on flying robots for inventory monitoring and surveillance, the other on eco-friendly boxes for food delivery.
The flying robot company emphasizes safety and autonomy in their technology.
The food delivery box company addresses quality and waste issues with their eco-friendly packaging.
Both companies are in discussions with major retailers to bring their products to market.
Founders should prepare responses to common questions from reporters to effectively communicate their vision and value proposition.
Tips for preparing for press interviews.
Have answers ready but avoid over-rehearsing to sound natural and concise.
Bullet point key points for interviews and let other responses flow organically.
Pitch to press aligned with news hooks or trends for increased response rates.
Avoid pitching during major news events to maximize coverage chances.
Importance of Offering Exclusives to Reporters in Story Pitches.
Exclusives increase the likelihood of reporters picking up the news.
Warm introductions are more effective than cold emailing due to higher response rates.
Creating a stack rank list of top reporters and asking for warm introductions from your network is recommended.
YC founders often ask each other for press introductions, facilitating connections with reporters.
Drafting concise emails for introductions is advised to keep recipients engaged.
Tips for reaching out to reporters.
Provide reporters with ample time to respond and avoid rushing the process.
Avoid lying or exaggerating numbers to maintain credibility.
Politely follow up if needed, but do not contact excessively.
Respect the reporter's role in crafting headlines and articles, and refrain from asking to see drafts before publication.
Speak authentically and avoid sounding like a marketing robot.
Actively promote any published pieces on social media and to your network for maximum exposure.
Tips for promoting a story on social media.
Ask friends and family for support when promoting a story on social media.
If no one picks up the story, it's okay to post it on your own channels.
Evaluate the impact of the story on achieving your goals, such as gaining new users or potential investors.
Engage with interested journalists by focusing on building relationships rather than just pitching your story.
Influencers charging for promotion may not always be worth it due to misalignment with the product or high fees.
Organic promotion by influencers such as Casey Neistat can be highly effective.
Sending samples to influencers can result in positive mentions and endorsements.
Balancing future vision with current actions is crucial for companies, with effective communication being key.
Companies like B's emphasize showcasing prototypes and pieces in development to highlight progress while maintaining a clear vision for the future.
Importance of balancing catchy titles and authenticity in content creation.
Good headlines are preferred over clickbait for attracting an audience.
Quality content creation requires time and consistency.
Producing genuinely valuable content monthly may be more effective than weekly.
Finding product-market fit is crucial and requires time and effort for companies.
Importance of product market fit and value delivery.
Consistency in delivering valuable content is emphasized over sporadic updates.
Risks of celebrity endorsements are discussed, cautioning about potential negative associations.
Sending relevant and newsworthy updates to reporters is recommended to maintain interest.
Engaging with journalists on Twitter is recommended for product promotion.
Utilizing tools like Help a Reporter Out (HARO) can help experts connect with journalists seeking assistance on various topics.
Building relationships through expertise sharing rather than pitching products is advised for successful media outreach.