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Olivia Moore Shares Trending Apps in 2023

2K views|1 years ago
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The video discusses the rise of gamified commerce apps like TAMU in China, the evolution of AI algorithms in platforms like TikTok for personalized content, and the shift towards shorter, curated video content on platforms like Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts as a response to social media addictiveness. This trend reflects a move towards quality interactions over quantity of time spent on social media platforms.

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TAMU app revolutionizes group buying with discounts through inviting friends, becoming a top app in China.
The app offers a gamified experience that has attracted many users due to its innovative approach.
Invisible AI products like TAMU and Tick Tock are on the rise, using algorithms to cater to user preferences and offer personalized recommendations.
Companies are increasingly utilizing AI infrastructure for targeted marketing and enhanced user experience, with the trend expected to grow in 2023.
Evolution of TikTok and User Engagement
TikTok's success is linked to its adaptation to user preferences through AI algorithms for personalized content.
Some startups are limiting virality to maintain user retention, by archiving videos that drive downloads but not active users.
Founders are urged to adjust their strategies for TikTok to maximize its potential in the upcoming year.
Users are aware of the addictive nature of TikTok's algorithm and are taking steps to limit their usage on the platform.
Rise of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts as influencers quit TikTok due to addictiveness.
Users prefer shorter, curated video content over endless scrolling for healthier engagement.
Pushback against constant social media engagement in favor of quality interactions.
User behavior influences platform algorithms, leading to a future of hyper-curated short-form videos.
Trend reflects a shift towards authenticity and mindful consumption in the social media landscape.