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How To Talk To Users | Startup School

Y Combinator2022-12-01
YC#Y Combinator#yt:cc=on
143K views|1 years ago
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Gustaf Alströmer, a Y Combinator group partner, discusses the importance of talking to users and future customers for startups, covering how to find users, interview them, and turn conclusions into a minimal viable product (MVP). He emphasizes the need to learn directly from users throughout the company's lifetime, using Airbnb's early experiences as examples.

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Good founders talk to users throughout the lifetime of the company.
Talking to users is essential for learning and growth.
Users and customers keep the company honest and provide valuable feedback.
Potential users can be found through personal and professional networks, as well as online communities.
Interviewing people within your network may result in less honest feedback.
Early users can be found in various online platforms and in-person events.
Interviews should be conducted over video calls, and it's important to build rapport with the interviewees.
Focus on listening rather than talking during the interview.
Example of a potential customer interview about carbon emissions.
Good interview questions to ask potential customers.
Ask about the current process and challenges.
Understand the importance of the problem to the company.
Observe the customer's behavior and ask for clarification.
After understanding the problem, the next step is to create a hypothesis for the solution and test it with the users.
Ensure the problem being solved is valuable and users are willing to pay for the solution.
Keep the interviewees involved throughout the process and make them feel special.