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Building an Engineering Team by Ammon Bartram and Harj Taggar

Y Combinator2018-09-26
YC#Y Combinator#Startup School#Harj Taggar#Ammon Bartram
65K views|5 years ago
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Hajin Amin from Triplebyte shares insights on building successful engineering teams, discussing challenges, strategies, and the importance of effective hiring practices. Utilizing personal networks, hiring marketplaces, and structured interviews are key. Focusing on skills, avoiding biases, and providing a positive candidate experience are emphasized. Startups should prioritize productivity and ownership in early hires. The significance of humility in interviewing skills, feedback, and mock interviews is highlighted. Transparency in compensation, company culture, and mentorship are crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. Accurate assessments are key to successful hires, with a focus on technical skills and role-playing for improvement.

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Insights on building a successful engineering team from Hajin Amin of Triplebyte.
Triplebyte focuses on helping companies hire engineers efficiently by emphasizing challenges and strategies involved.
Importance of evaluating technical skills and the process of making offers and closing deals is discussed.
Warning about the time-consuming and difficult nature of hiring, emphasizing the need for careful preparation and prioritization.
The significance of effective hiring practices in scaling and competing in the market is stressed in the video segment.
Hiring Process in Startups
Hiring in startups involves repetitive tasks like messaging, interviews, and meetings, often resulting in rejections.
The hiring process is compared to creating a funnel with sourcing, screening, and closing stages.
Personal networks are recommended for hiring in startups, allowing for assessing both skill fit and personal compatibility.
Hiring the right person early on is crucial for startup success, as a wrong hire can be fatal.
Utilizing personal networks for hiring effectively.
Create a list of all good engineers known, regardless of their availability.
Reach out to each person on the list and make the ask, even if it seems unlikely.
Persistence is key in convincing potential candidates to join.
Tap into personal networks of team members through team events as the company scales for successful hires.
Utilize shared spreadsheets, LinkedIn, and Facebook to identify and describe roles and candidates effectively.
Encourage team members to spend time finding potential fits on social media platforms and follow up personally with candidates.
Consider offering referral bonuses to motivate team participation in the hiring process.
Explore hiring marketplaces for quick and efficient hiring processes, similar to dating sites for connecting companies and engineers.
Be proactive in reaching out to candidates due to high demand for engineering talent, and utilize marketplaces to expedite the hiring process and reduce founder time spent on recruiting.
Tips for Efficient and Cost-Effective Hiring Process.
Costs of hiring can range from 15-20% of the first year salary.
Aircast can provide better candidates through hiring marketplaces.
LinkedIn and GitHub are recommended sources for finding engineers, but response rates are dropping due to high volume messaging.
Personalized and targeted messages are more effective for early-stage startups, requiring time for research and personalization.
Tips for Reaching Potential Candidates
Personalize messages by referencing candidate profiles and keeping them concise.
Use email for higher response rates rather than messages.
Utilize job boards like Stack Overflow Jobs and AngelList to find engineers, but expect underqualified applicants.
Attract quality candidates by making job listings unique, interesting, and highlighting personal stories, company mission, and technical challenges.
Effectiveness of in-person meetups for recruiting debated.
Concerns about low attendance and lack of genuine interest in general.
Technical meetups may be more successful in finding qualified candidates.
Hosting meetups at the office can help build a network of potential hires.
Timing of hiring a technical recruiter should be after the first engineer is onboard.
Importance of Hiring Your First Employee and Recruiter Delegation.
Hiring your first employee before delegating to a recruiter is crucial for understanding the hiring process and company needs.
Different types of recruiters include contract recruiters, in-house recruiters, and agency recruiters.
Recommendations include starting with a contract recruiter focused on sourcing and filling your calendar with promising calls.
Importance of experience and data analysis in screening technical talent for companies.
Triplebyte offers a unique perspective in evaluating candidate performance across different companies.
Standard tech company hiring process starts with resume screening and includes multiple steps.
Speaker provides insights and advice based on extensive interviewing experience and data analysis.
Overview of the hiring process for engineers.
The hiring process includes resume review, recruiter phone call, technical phone screen, onsite interview, and decision meeting.
Companies extend offers to only 2-8% of engineers who apply, with drop-off rates at different stages.
Around 95% of hired candidates succeed, but 5% are fired within months.
Top programmers receive more job offers, highlighting the challenge of interview inconsistency and the need for a repeatable process.
Importance of inter-rater reliability in interviews.
Low agreement levels among interviewers on candidate evaluations, similar to online movie review agreement.
Only 20% of engineers willing to participate in trial employment periods.
Most engineers prefer traditional interviews due to time constraints.
Recommendation to offer trial employment as an option alongside standard interviews to attract top talent.
Tips for Reducing Noise in Job Interviews
Defining important skills for the company is crucial to avoid biased questioning and hiring decisions.
Structuring interviews around specific questions regarding the type of programmers needed, their motivation, technical skills, and expertise can improve the hiring process.
Establishing clear criteria for evaluation helps companies select candidates more effectively.
Importance of structured interviews in the hiring process.
Structured interviews are more predictive and should be favored over freeform interviews.
Asking every candidate the same set of questions helps reduce bias and noise in the evaluation process.
Providing interviewers with defined criteria for evaluation helps mitigate biases related to race or gender.
Unified decision-making is essential to ensure fair evaluation and selection of candidates.
Best practices for conducting interviews in larger companies.
Having one person or group making final decisions reduces confusion and ensures consistency.
Use better interview questions to minimize noise and avoid questions that require a leap of insight.
Opt for questions with a gradual ramp of steps leading to a solution.
Multi-step problems can help assess candidates' problem-solving abilities, and providing hints can guide candidates to demonstrate their skills effectively.
Tips for conducting technical interviews.
Focus on basic CS concepts like lists and hash tables rather than specialized knowledge.
Budget three times the solving time for a problem when creating interview questions.
Effective interview questions are often easier than expected, and asking multiple questions can provide a more consistent assessment of a candidate's abilities.
Provide candidates with a solution to a problem and assess their ability to implement it in code to evaluate their skills accurately.
Importance of not being biased by a candidate's credentials, especially from well-known companies like Google, in evaluating programming skills.
Interviewers often influenced by strong credentials, leading to potential false positives in hiring decisions.
Focus recommended on assessing actual programming ability during interviews to find skilled individuals who may lack traditional credentials.
Consider the false negative rate in interviews to avoid missing out on talented candidates who could positively contribute to the team.
Potential consequences discussed of false positives in hiring decisions.
Importance of False Negative Rates in Interview Processes
Not all candidates who fail interviews are unfit for employment.
Focus on candidates' maximum skills rather than average or minimum skills during assessments.
Creating a positive candidate experience increases the likelihood of candidates accepting job offers and performing well during interviews.
Reducing candidate stress during interviews by allowing them to work in a familiar environment.
Importance of designing a structured interview process based on necessary skills.
Avoid hazing practices during interviews and focus on providing a positive experience for candidates.
Set criteria for interviewers, use good interview questions, and calibrate around the maximum skill each candidate offers.
Tips are applicable to companies of all sizes, with specific considerations for smaller startups in the seed stage.
Key skills for the first hires in a startup should focus on productivity and ownership.
Accepting potentially lower code quality for quick results is common and recommended during the early stages of a company.
Being less aggressive in screening out candidates early on is suggested, especially for small startups struggling to find applicants.
Designing questions to assess the most important skills can aid in better screening all applicants.
Importance of humility and awareness in interviewing skills.
Speaker recommends a mock interview exercise with purposely bad answers to emphasize self-awareness and feedback.
Role-playing good and bad answers can enhance objectivity in assessing candidates.
Exercise helps interviewers acknowledge limitations and be more humble in evaluations.
Debrief session feedback offers valuable insights for improvement.
Importance of honest and rigorous feedback in interviews.
Use of reverse role-playing to identify weaknesses.
Significance of speed in the hiring process for startups.
Training interviewers on bedside manner and technical questions.
Addressing common complaints of interviewers not being familiar with technical questions.
Tips for discussing company culture during interviews.
Emphasize diversity and how it is incorporated into hiring practices.
Use unique terms to describe your culture instead of common ones like 'open, transparent, collaborative'.
Discuss the trade-offs of your culture to attract the right candidates.
Involve your team and investors in the hiring process to increase candidate interest and closing rate.
Offer full and transparent compensation details to candidates for clarity.
Importance of Transparent Salary and Equity Offers in Hiring Process.
Full details of salary and equity offers should be provided to candidates to prevent a negative candidate experience and improve acceptance rates.
Founders need to comprehend stock options to effectively address candidate inquiries.
Startups can compete with tech giants like Google and Facebook for engineers by highlighting learning opportunities, real decision-making responsibilities, and growth potential.
Despite tech giants offering higher compensation, startups can still attract and retain talent by providing engaging learning experiences and growth opportunities.
Importance of mentorship in startup vs. larger company environments.
Big companies have checks and balances to prevent new hires from causing significant damage.
Emphasis on career progression and rapid advancement in the tech industry.
Working at a startup offers unique and varied experiences compared to safe technology companies.
Evaluate the level of mentorship available before choosing between a startup or a larger company.
Importance of learning from experienced engineers for valuable insights and best practices.
Assess technical skills for hiring by evaluating past work and portfolios.
Background checks are discussed but not prioritized in hiring process.
Advocate for background blind hiring based on direct skills assessment.
Challenges non-technical founders face in evaluating technical skills and the advantage of having a technical co-founder.
Importance of role-playing in job interviews for honest feedback and performance improvement.
Making intentional mistakes during mock interviews allows for constructive criticism without social pressures.
This method enables genuine evaluation and helps individuals identify areas for growth.
Experienced engineers can benefit from role-playing to enhance their interview skills.
Role-playing is a humbling experience that promotes self-improvement and prepares candidates for real-world interviews.
Discrepancy in reported success rates of hires.
Only 10% of hires considered top performers.
Surveys show 5% of hires get fired, 30% are average employees.
Emphasis on accurate assessments in the hiring process.