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a16z Podcast | Writing a New Language of Storytelling with Virtual Reality

29 views|5 years ago
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The video explores the potential of virtual reality in creating deep human connections, storytelling, and empathy. It discusses the challenges and innovations in VR filmmaking, the impact on physiology and emotions, and the comparison to traditional cinema. The immersive experience of VR technology, including shared spaces and sensory enhancements, is highlighted. Major Hollywood studios are experimenting with VR marketing experiences, and advancements in hardware are driving VR technology development. The company is working on a streaming solution for high-quality cinematic VR content. Overall, the video emphasizes the transformative and revolutionary possibilities of storytelling in virtual reality.

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The potential of virtual reality in creating deep human connections and transporting users to new experiences.
Storytelling is crucial in virtual reality, emphasizing the need for a new grammar in this medium.
Third-person experiences are more powerful in VR than first-person games, allowing for strong emotional connections with audiences.
Virtual reality provides a platform for building meaningful human connections and immersive storytelling.
Virtual reality films are being used to create empathy by immersing viewers in different worlds and experiences, such as refugee camps and communities affected by Ebola.
These films aim to educate world leaders and the public, raising awareness and funds for those in need.
By providing a unique perspective through VR, filmmakers hope to evoke real emotions and drive positive change.
The use of VR in nonfiction storytelling has been successful in conveying impactful narratives.
VR could potentially revolutionize traditional storytelling methods.
Importance of Brain-Body Connection in VR and Film Techniques Evolution.
The brain monitors visual input and bodily response to prevent danger, such as motion sickness in VR from mismatched movements.
Adjusting camera motion in VR is essential to prevent motion sickness and enhance the user experience.
Breaking traditional filmmaking rules can lead to innovative and creative results, shaping the evolution of film techniques.
Understanding editing and shot composition in cinema has evolved over time, creating a language for storytelling through experimental and refined techniques.
Challenges of creating storytelling in virtual reality compared to other mediums like film.
Breaking rules in virtual reality for creative reasons discussed.
Film 'Evolution Averse' uses unique camera movements to create sensations without physical effects.
Impact of virtual reality on physiology and emotions highlighted, with studies showing physical reactions to virtual environments.
Emphasis on innovative possibilities and challenges of storytelling in virtual reality.
Virtual reality technology creates immersive experiences that feel real, allowing for shared experiences like watching movies in a theater.
VR engages senses in a more profound manner compared to cinema.
The potential of VR includes creating communal spaces with advanced technology.
The complexity and contradictory nature of VR technology is acknowledged by the speaker.
The speaker discusses the unique experience of watching movies in theaters and the benefits of this medium.
Shared experiences in theaters connect viewers to the characters on screen and each other.
Virtual reality is explored as a way to enhance the connection without physically going to a theater.
A demo involving interaction in a virtual world with Oculus technology is described, emphasizing presence and hand motion capabilities.
The potential for immersive experiences like gaming and chatting in virtual space is highlighted.
Immersive experience of virtual reality and its social implications.
VR technology can look different from how it feels, leading to a gap in perception.
Expensive technology is needed for advanced VR experiences.
'The Void' in Utah offers a large-scale interactive virtual reality experience.
Interest in adding other sensory experiences to VR beyond sight and sound after trying demos.
VR demonstration at Sundance showcased immersive protest march experience.
Technology tricks the brain into believing in sensory inputs for realistic experience.
Custom-built cameras for filmmaking highlighted for unique solutions.
Potential for off-the-shelf solutions in future mentioned.
Innovative camera techniques used to enhance virtual reality experiences discussed.
Hollywood studios are creating VR marketing experiences for existing properties like Game of Thrones and Ready Player One.
Studios are also testing VR promos for movies such as Pacific Rim and Godzilla.
The success of future VR movies is uncertain due to discomfort of wearing VR headsets for long periods.
Challenges include determining camera angles and editing styles specific to VR storytelling.
Development and adoption of VR technology driven by hardware advancements.
Content side lagging behind due to limited market opportunities.
Companies like Facebook heavily investing in VR, but uncertainties remain around user adoption rates.
Trajectory of VR technology compared to the slow but eventual dominance of mobile technology after the introduction of the iPhone in 2007.
Development of premium streaming solution for filmmakers.
Version one of cinematic VR with spherical video and binaural audio.
Files under a gigabyte for 5-7 minute videos with maximum compression.
Goal to showcase filmmakers' work in the best possible way.