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a16z Podcast | What Comes After the Smartphone

114 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the current state of technology post-smartphone era, highlighting the lack of a new wave of innovation in flagship phones. It delves into the evolution of technology, comparing the stability and ongoing innovation in various industries. The rise of IoT and the creation of new ecosystems are emphasized, with a shift towards mobile components and smartphone operating systems. The importance of ecosystems, collaboration, and adaptation in the tech industry is highlighted, leading to potential opportunities for startups beyond smartphones. The discussion ends with uncertainty about surpassing the current technological situation.

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Discussion on the current state of technology and post-smartphone era.
Lack of new technological wave evident in flagship phones resembling previous models.
Innovation seen in devices like iPad Pro, Surface, and Chromebook, moving in a different direction.
Analyzing the focus of innovation and the importance of recognizing peak technology before obsolescence.
Evolution of technology with a focus on battleships, spy planes, PCs, and smartphones.
PCs reaching peak innovation while smartphones continue to evolve rapidly.
Predictions about future capabilities and improvements in technology platforms.
Stability and ongoing innovation in industries such as banking, entertainment, and productivity.
Influence of messaging platforms and shift towards innovation in the smartphone industry.
The smartphone ecosystem is rapidly expanding, leading to a shift in power away from Apple and handset manufacturers.
Over 2 billion smartphones are sold annually, compared to 300 million PCs, indicating a trend towards larger ecosystems.
Historical shifts from mainframes to PCs suggest a similar trend, with mainframes once measured in MIPS and word processors preceding software word processors.
Rise of mini computers in the late 1980s and introduction of VMs software.
Decline of mini computers due to emergence of PCs, with Apple selling 5-6 million units compared to Commodore 64 selling 17 million.
Evolution of the PC industry and the need to create new markets beyond smartphones.
Emphasis on the importance of building new industries instead of converting existing customers to drive growth.
The future of technology is moving towards IoT, utilizing smartphone components for device creation.
The IoT ecosystem links devices to smartphones, potentially giving rise to new, larger companies.
The shift towards IoT may not create a separate ecosystem but expand existing businesses.
Envisioned IoT future involves individuals owning multiple connected devices, possibly leading to a scenario of numerous devices without active counting.
This evolution could redefine the technological landscape with a surge in interconnected devices.
The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on technology ecosystems.
Companies in the IoT space will drive software support and create opportunities within the supply chain.
Significant growth and opportunities presented by IoT.
Potential to empower various industries.
Drive innovation in the technology sector.
Importance of ecosystems in technology shift from PC dominance to mobile components.
Wintel ecosystem's share of total computing decreasing, iOS and Android gaining prominence.
Innovation and investment patterns changing in favor of mobile ecosystems.
Comparison made to decline of Power PC and Mac OS in early 90s.
Emphasis on impact of where innovation is centered.
The importance of innovation and adaptation in the tech industry.
Evolution of chip architectures like x86 is crucial for technological advancements.
Apple faces challenges in scaling innovation due to limited resources.
Chip manufacturers play a key role in supporting technological advancements.
Collaboration and adaptation are essential for startups in shaping the future platform of technology.
The Apple ecosystem has 700-750 million active devices, two-thirds of App Store revenue, and half of web traffic, making it attractive for developers.
Android and iOS coexist, with Google focusing on discovery and Facebook on social aspects.
AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud provide essential scale for innovation in the tech industry.
Stable points of iOS and Android allow for innovation similar to the PC era with Windows and Intel.
Existing platforms have reduced uncertainty in starting a company, potentially leading to the next big thing post-smartphones.
Uncertainty on how to surpass the current situation.
Expressions of gratitude.