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a16z Podcast | We Gotta Talk Pokémon Go

34 views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game that utilizes Google Maps for navigation, allowing players to catch Pokemon in real-world locations. The game's success is attributed to the Pokemon IP's fit with gameplay, unique AR experience, and viral growth strategy. Players contribute to a crowdsource map, influencing game features, and partnerships with businesses enhance monetization. Pokemon Go encourages social interactions and exploration, setting it apart from other apps. The game's potential lies in sensor technology for safety and retail experiences. Snapchat's evolution into a communication platform and World of Warcraft's longevity highlight key factors for app success and player engagement.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Overview of Pokemon Go game features.
Players explore real-world environments to catch Pokemon using augmented reality technology.
Google Maps is utilized for navigation, with PokeStops and Gyms as key locations for players.
Gyms allow players to battle and leave their Pokemon to represent them.
Gameplay includes a ghost mode for asynchronous competition and was developed by Niantic with support from Google, Nintendo, and the Pokemon Company.
Pokemon Go's success attributed to accessibility, nostalgic factor, and unique gameplay mechanics.
The game's wide audience appeal was due to the accessibility and nostalgic factor of Pokemon.
The 20-year history of the Pokemon IP attracted users to the app.
Pokemon Go's unique aspect of displaying fictional creatures in real-world locations intrigued many users.
The addictive gameplay mechanics played a significant role in engaging users and keeping them hooked on the app.
The potential success of the Pokemon IP in an endless runner game.
Pokemon Go's success is due to the perfect fit of the IP with the gameplay concept, enabling players to catch Pokemon with friends in real-world locations.
The game's AR mode enhances the immersive experience by overlaying Pokemon in the real world.
AR technology allows users to see the real world while adding virtual elements, contrasting with VR.
Microsoft HoloLens is an example of AR technology that layers holograms onto the real environment.
Pokemon Go introduced augmented reality (AR) to a mass audience without additional hardware.
The game utilizes geo-mapping from Google Maps, with CEO John Hanke's background in Google Earth.
Detailed mapping allows for precise location tracking, even indoors, offering potential for innovative retail experiences.
The combination of real-world elements and digital gameplay mechanics makes Pokemon Go unique and engaging.
Pokemon Go showcases the potential of AR technology for interactive and immersive experiences.
Impact of location-based games like Pokemon Go on user behavior and conversation.
Holding up a phone in public while playing such games can attract attention and curiosity.
Mechanics of these games create a network effect, leading to viral growth and increased stock value for companies like Nintendo.
Detailed mapping data collected by these apps has broader applications beyond gaming, emphasizing the importance of location information in various contexts.
Key Highlights of Pokemon Go Success
Unique viral growth strategy and leveraging the Pokemon IP contributed to the success of Pokemon Go.
Current gameplay may not fully exhibit network effects, but potential future enhancements could enhance this aspect.
Features like lures at Pokestops increase the odds of finding rare Pokemon, especially in densely populated areas.
The density of players in certain areas enhances gameplay by allowing for faster leveling up and capturing better Pokemon.
Integration of Pokemon mechanics into gameplay.
Emphasis on catching and trading Pokemon with other players.
Importance of completing collectible sets.
Mention of upcoming Pokemon trading feature.
Discussion of difficulty curve and varied strategies.
Suggestion of collaborative gameplay with friends for increased excitement and value.
Players are contributing to a crowdsource map in Pokemon Go to show desired features.
Feedback from users helps Niantic improve the platform by understanding user preferences.
The concept of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is highlighted, with users creating desired features within the game.
Pokemon Go introduces a new way of monetizing games and potentially enhances network effects.
Partnerships with businesses like McDonald's are mentioned as examples of leveraging the game for marketing purposes.
Pokemon Go compared to other apps with gamification hooks.
The game encourages players to go out, catch Pokemon, and engage with friends.
Pokemon Go's primary focus is on gameplay rather than utility.
The app facilitates social interactions and exploration through its gameplay mechanics.
Pokemon Go's unique approach sets it apart from traditional gamified apps.
The trend of games achieving utility goals by keeping players engaged in gameplay mechanisms is highlighted.
Pokemon Go's introduction of a new monetization channel through partnerships with retailers is noted.
The shift in in-app purchase buyers from whale users to retailers is discussed.
The significance of partnerships like McDonald's with Pokemon Go in expanding the game's reach and monetization potential is emphasized.
The potential for massive public gaming experiences facilitated by widespread smartphone ownership is mentioned as a future trend.
Smartphone sensors can be utilized for safety purposes, such as in the New York subway.
The idea of a live view camera in the real world was discussed, with Facebook Live during the coup in Turkey as an example.
Gathering location data from smartphone users for various applications, like predicting Chipotle sales through foot traffic analysis, was explored.
The value of such data for companies and the implications of widespread sensor use were highlighted.
The use of sensors in retail and home safety.
IKEA's app enables users to virtually place furniture in rooms, simplifying measurements and color coordination.
Sensors have the potential to childproof homes by identifying hazards through camera scans.
The psychological aspect of expressing oneself through new technologies is emphasized.
This indicates a shift towards innovative forms of communication and self-expression.
Snapchat rumored to be developing AR glasses for customizable filters.
AR glasses will enhance user expression through temporary style changes and self-expression.
Snapchat's focus on a younger audience and user-friendly design compared to Google Glass.
Potential for personal avatars to convey emotions and moods through AR glasses.
Enterprise applications of Google Glass in democratizing expertise within different fields are discussed.
Evolution of Snapchat as a unique communication platform.
Snapchat differentiated itself by focusing on the camera aspect for sharing content.
Content creation on Snapchat is easier compared to other social media platforms, catering to mobile trends.
Success of apps like Snapchat and Pokemon Go hinges on utility, ease of use, and staying relevant to consumer preferences.
Pokemon Go's lasting popularity is due to its strong intellectual property and endgame concept inspired by MMOs.
Contrasting player engagement in World of Warcraft and Pokemon Go.
World of Warcraft players transition to raiding after quests, entering high-level dungeons with up to 40 people for loot.
Pokemon Go struggles with gym battles for non-competitive players, needing enhancements like Pokemon Trading.
World of Warcraft adds challenging content for hardcore players, keeping millions engaged for over a decade.
Pokemon Go's appeal lies in external applications, showcasing potential beyond gaming.