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a16z Podcast | Using Social Tools to Build Homes for Those Most in Need

45 views|5 years ago
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New Story charity crowdfunds permanent housing for disaster-displaced families, prioritizing safety and community. They emphasize long-term solutions over temporary relief, addressing health risks and educational opportunities. The organization operates as a nonprofit startup with a transparent and efficient business model. Donors fund homes in Haiti built to hurricane standards, aiming for sustainability and impact beyond individual families. They focus on scalability, transparency, and innovation, partnering with reputable nonprofits for quality infrastructure. New Story aims to create sustainable communities globally, employing a personalized donor experience to attract new supporters and promote growth.

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New Story charity's mission is to crowdfund permanent housing for families displaced by natural disasters, prioritizing safety and community building.
The organization functions as a nonprofit startup, utilizing a social media-driven method of fundraising.
The founders stress the significance of transparent communication to differentiate their nonprofit from for-profit tech startups.
The initiative was inspired by the extended displacement of families in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, underscoring the necessity of sustainable, long-term solutions.
Importance of Safe Housing Solutions for Families in Crisis.
Living in temporary shelters with poor sanitation and extreme temperatures poses serious health risks and discomfort for families.
Simple inconveniences like rain on families living in tents can have catastrophic consequences, emphasizing the urgent need for better housing solutions.
Providing safe homes not only saves lives but also creates opportunities for education, health, and income generation.
Improving housing conditions has ripple effects that extend beyond immediate benefits, laying a foundation for long-term positive outcomes in communities.
Impact of homelessness on students' education and well-being.
Homelessness affects attendance, academic performance, mental and physical health, and parents' job stability.
NewsStory is a nonprofit startup addressing traditional charity issues with transparency, efficiency, and innovation.
Emphasis on transparency and technology in philanthropy leading to NewsStory's launch in December 2014.
NewsStory participated in Y Combinator in June 2015, aligning with their vision.
Business model focuses on making money to distribute back to families.
Operations, platform, and product are set up for scale.
Donations fund homes in Haiti built to hurricane standards.
Families own the land the homes sit on for lasting solution to displacement.
Impact extends beyond individual families to future generations.
Community-run water co-op in partnership with Clinton Foundation provides sustainable energy and water.
Donors can contribute to specific families and receive videos of them moving into new homes.
Organization has separate bank accounts for donations and operational costs for transparency.
Measures in place to reduce reliance on private investors and donors can opt-in to fund operational costs.
Organization aims for sustainability and measures success by publicly sharing financial information and operating at a 6x efficiency.
Impact of building homes on poverty alleviation and community development.
Transparently allocating funds to specific families for home construction is more effective than other approaches.
Speaker discusses success in funding 131 homes within a campaign and stresses tracking progress and completion.
Emphasis on tangible benefits of providing homes to communities for long-term positive outcomes.
Construction of new sustainable homes in progress.
Features include water co-op and solar power for sustainable neighborhoods.
Vision includes establishing multiple new story communities globally within five years with essential facilities.
Fundraising strategy involves birthday campaigns to attract new donors and promote growth.
Importance of Trustworthy Partnerships and Quality Infrastructure in Disaster Prevention.
Emphasis on solid communication and necessary structures for successful project completion.
Discussion on potential challenges from traditional nonprofit charity organizations and technologists.
Highlighting the benefits of a transparent and donor-appreciated approach in infrastructure projects.
Building trust through efficient home construction and transparent funding.
Prioritizing donor experience with personalized videos, a non-scalable practice.
Larger nonprofits facing scalability challenges due to established operations.
Early integration of non-scalable practices sets the organization apart.
Startups benefit from this approach, gaining an advantage over larger organizations.
Expansion plans for organization's second country location.
Consideration of nonprofit partners sharing values and meeting technological demands.
Potential locations in disaster-affected areas like Nepal or with internally displaced populations like El Salvador.
Decision based on alignment of goals and capabilities with local partners.