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a16z Podcast | Trigger, Action, Reward, Investment -- Four Steps for Habit-Forming Products

103 views|5 years ago
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Michael Copeland hosts Nir Eyal and Ryan Hoover discussing their book 'Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products', exploring user psychology, product development evolution, triggers for engagement, and the importance of creating habits over addiction in technology. They advocate for using technology to improve well-being and productivity, emphasizing the impact of triggers on user behavior and the role of habits in product success. The book focuses on understanding habit formation in products, offering valuable insights for entrepreneurs and technology companies.

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Discussion on the book 'Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products'.
Nir Eyal and Ryan Hoover collaborated on the book after meeting through blogging.
The book started as a small PDF for subscribers but evolved into a 207-page book set for release on November 4th.
The idea for 'Hooked' originated from society's addiction to phones and social apps.
The conversation highlights the genesis of the book and its focus on creating habit-forming products.
Importance of User Psychology in Product Development
The speaker began researching user psychology after his company was acquired, realizing the significance of habits in user behavior.
User psychology is often overlooked in startup discussions but provides valuable insights into enduring human behaviors.
Knowledge of user psychology is essential for creating desirable products and maintaining user engagement as interfaces evolve.
Evolution of Product Development
Industrial Revolution era involved lengthy processes of product creation.
Today's products are tailored in real-time based on user data.
Lean Startup movement has increased awareness around iterative build-measure-learn cycles, resulting in faster product development.
Key steps in habit-forming technologies: trigger, action, reward, and investment, help entrepreneurs enhance user engagement.
The importance of trigger, action, reward, and investment in creating habit-forming products.
Daily emails with new product listings serve as an example of product engagement.
Not all products need to be habit-forming to be successful.
Technology companies are able to engage users without prompting, leading to consistent product usage.
Importance of building habit-forming products over addictive ones in technology.
Technology companies and entrepreneurs should focus on creating better behaviors to improve users' lives.
Using technology to help people live happier, healthier, and more productive lives is crucial.
Habit-forming technology has the potential to positively impact society.
Discussion includes healthcare and investments in companies promoting positive habits.
Impact of wearable technology on health and wellness.
Wearable technology, like Fitbit, encourages increased physical activity.
Rise of quantified health products to track diet and exercise.
Importance of technology in promoting physical and psychological health, including social media.
Development of products like Mobile Flow to combat technology addiction and reduce distractions.
Importance of Triggers in User Engagement and Retention
Triggers, such as email and Twitter, are crucial in prompting actions from users and creating associations in their minds.
Reminders through triggers help drive user engagement and retention, ultimately impacting product success.
Creating habits through frequent and unconscious actions is explored, with examples from software products.
The critical role of triggers in influencing user behavior and forming habits is emphasized for both software and non-software industries.
Importance of forming habits for products that require repeat engagement.
Kodak's example of creating an association with internal triggers to drive customer action.
Success of Kodak's strategy in the past based on fear of missing a moment and required investment.
Digital photography disrupted the industry, impacting Kodak's success.
Upcoming book 'Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products' by NIR and Ryan focuses on understanding habit formation in products.