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a16z Podcast | The Wearables Session

45 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the potential of wearable computing in various sectors such as fitness, health, fashion, communication, and ID. It explores the management of notifications to reduce information overload and emphasizes the need for solving real problems. The evolution of technology companies towards platform plays is highlighted, along with the comparison to the early days of the internet. Wearables are predicted to lead to innovative inventions and can connect to devices, the body, other people, and physical spaces. The use of wearables in enterprise applications for security, energy efficiency, and employee health is also discussed, along with the democratization of funding for startups through platforms like Kickstarter.

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Future potential of wearable computing devices.
Different segments are emerging, such as fitness, health, fashion, communication, and identification.
Users may have multiple wearable devices for various purposes, akin to buying clothing.
The Nimmi bracelet measures pulse and heart rate, offers unique identification, and has potential for payment use.
Personalized settings based on user profiles are being explored.
Focus on managing notifications efficiently and reducing information overload in technology usage.
Emphasize the importance of solving real problems rather than adding unnecessary features to devices.
Critique the Samsung watch for being platform-driven rather than user-driven.
Highlight the evolution of technology companies towards platform plays and caution against being too early in the market.
Use past examples like touch computing in the 90s as a cautionary tale for tech companies.
Skepticism towards wearables and the comparison to early iPhone backlash.
Removal of screens to improve size and discretion of wearables emphasized.
Importance of innovative design in the development of wearables.
Exploration of network effects and interconnected devices creating a more useful ecosystem.
Comparison drawn to early days of the internet and the impact of widespread adoption on development and creativity.
The potential of wearables in revolutionizing technology and innovation.
Wearables are seen as the next frontier in technology, with the ability to connect to various devices, the body, and physical spaces.
Wearables offer new opportunities for communication and customization, enhancing user experiences.
The use of wearables in physical spaces, such as stores, can provide valuable data on customer behaviors and preferences, similar to online e-commerce data collection.
Companies are utilizing temperature control systems through iPhones to optimize energy usage and adjust temperatures based on room occupancy and individual preferences.
Enterprise applications are ahead of consumer ones in adopting wearable technology for security and energy efficiency.
Large companies are promoting employee health with fitness trackers like Fitbit, as they benefit financially from a healthier workforce.
Wearable technology, such as Google Glass, shows potential for strong enterprise use cases like remote assistance for repairing tasks and providing real-time expert guidance.
Democratization of Funding for Startups through Platforms like Kickstarter.
Startups now have reduced dependence on traditional venture capitalists for funding due to platforms like Kickstarter.
Direct Sales and Online Retail offer more control and profitability for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs can now engage in smaller production runs with higher margins thanks to direct sales and online retail.
Shift in business landscape allows for more flexibility in pricing and production strategies, empowering innovators to bring products to market more efficiently and independently.