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a16z Podcast | Tech Trends Changing Gaming

153 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the impact of crowdfunding on the gaming industry, empowering creators, increasing diversity in games, and the importance of emotional engagement. It highlights the shift towards indie developers, storytelling in games, VR experiences, mod communities, moral choices in gaming, and the balance between system-based and content-based games. The conversation also touches on the evolution of technology, community engagement, direct fan interaction, and the changing dynamics of game development funding. Overall, it emphasizes the need for creative freedom, player engagement, and innovation in the gaming landscape.

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Tim Schafer discusses the success of Broken Age and the impact of crowdfunding on the gaming industry.
Crowdfunding for Broken Age set records for backers and funding, highlighting the positive impact on creative control and relationships with gamers.
Direct funding from fans has revolutionized the gaming industry, providing more creative freedom and a closer connection with the audience.
Independent game developers are gaining popularity and attracting a loyal following separate from major corporations.
The shift from dealing with large companies to crowdfunding has allowed for more opportunities for creativity and success in the gaming industry.
Impact of Technological Innovation in Game Development.
Crowdfunding and other funding sources have democratized game development by reducing the reliance on big publishers.
Similar to the film industry, crowdfunding does not guarantee success as organic discovery remains a challenge.
Barriers to entry have decreased, but indie developers now face the challenge of standing out and getting discovered in the competitive gaming landscape.
Success in the current gaming industry requires a combination of innovative game development, effective marketing, and strategic positioning.
Empowering creators in the gaming industry leads to more creativity and innovation.
Allowing creators to work on smaller, riskier projects attracts players and investors.
Indie games like Minecraft demonstrate the benefits of exploring unconventional concepts.
Giving power back to creators can lead to the development of new genres and ideas.
Similar to the film industry, empowering creators in gaming can have a positive impact on the industry as a whole.
Evolution of the gaming industry towards diverse and independent projects.
Concerns raised about changing preferences of new gamers and impact on existing gaming communities.
Emphasis on the industry needing to adapt to cater to a broader range of tastes.
Recognition of positive growth potential from welcoming new players and embracing different types of games.
Evolution of Gaming Industry towards Inclusive Narratives.
The industry is moving beyond emergent and systemic games to include scripted and story-driven experiences like The Last of Us.
The Last of Us is showcasing the impact of strong storytelling in games, bridging the gap between emergent and scripted gameplay.
This shift is enabling exploration in various game types, from scripted story-based games to emergent experiences such as Minecraft.
Online gaming communities are increasingly interested in participating in and creating narratives within games, highlighting the significance of storytelling in gaming.
The importance of bringing emotional experiences to online gamers is emphasized, challenging the industry to go beyond graphics.
VR and narrative are identified as key elements that can engage players in a unique way.
The goal is to immerse players in a world where characters and problems feel real, creating a mental transformation that keeps players invested.
VR has the potential to transport players to another place physically, enhancing the gaming experience and creating a sense of being truly present in the virtual world.
Importance of emotional, personal, and mental engagement in VR experiences.
Emphasizes significance of content over superficial enhancements like graphics.
Need for more experimentation in mediums enabled by better funding models and more people trying new things.
Success of game 'Daisy' on Steam despite being buggy and unfinished, showcasing power of word-of-mouth marketing.
Unique development methodology and engaging nature of the game are key factors in its success.
Impact of the mod community on game development.
The collaborative nature of modding blurring the lines between developers and modders.
Freedom to take risks and create new genres without commercial constraints.
Mods leading to unique player experiences and sparking discussion.
Influence of YouTube streams in promoting games and fostering a sense of community.
Importance of moral and ethical components in games.
Games allow players to experiment with morality and behavior by providing a space for making choices and exploring different roles.
Games do not preach morals but offer authentic choices for players to navigate.
Children use games to test out behaviors and emotions in a safe environment, such as roleplaying as the bad guy.
Players have the opportunity to explore difficult or taboo actions without real-life consequences through games.
Importance of Video Games in Providing Emotional Practice and Authentic Choices.
Consequences in the gaming world are necessary to make choices meaningful and impactful.
Unique experiences and choices in games like Minecraft offer value in exploring authentic choices, whether moral or otherwise.
Challenges in creating adventure games are discussed, along with the benefits of leveraging different approaches in game development.
Balancing system-based and content-based games in response to consumer expectations.
Combining crafted fantasy universes with system-based components is suggested to enhance gameplay experiences.
Online game developers are facing challenges due to high costs, encouraging more experimentation and innovation.
The evolving landscape allows developers to interact directly with the community and explore alternative funding channels.
Discussion on control in the gaming industry, comparing traditional and new models involving modders and indies.
Highlight of studios like Double Fine, positioned between indies and AAA studios.
Exploration of capital efficiency in game development, focusing on risk management and financial structure.
Benefits of bypassing middlemen to receive funding directly from risk-taking individuals.
Anticipation for Tim's upcoming adventure game announcement.
Importance of commitment, passion, and technology in building bonds as a high-value consumer.
Evolution of technology in the gaming industry leading to changes in funding models and community engagement due to social media.
Direct access to feedback provided by social media emphasizes the need for honest and attentive interaction with the gaming community.
Rapid response to community feedback in online games leads to strong developer-fan connection.
Developers can quickly make changes and modifications to online games based on player feedback.
Adjusting systems and physics in games fosters engagement and excitement among fans.
Interactive gameplay experiences, like dynamiting rocks and chopping down trees, showcase the potential for direct fan interaction.
Direct fan interaction in games was previously impossible but is now achievable, opening up new player-engagement possibilities.