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a16z Podcast | On Corporate Venturing & Setting Up 'Innovation Outposts'

81 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the importance for corporations to establish genuine integration into innovation ecosystems like Silicon Valley to maximize benefits, become value-add partners for startups, and adapt to technological revolutions. It emphasizes the need for quick decision-making, understanding the role of digital technologies, and transitioning to software-as-a-service models. Moonshots, open innovation principles, and collaboration with other companies are highlighted as strategies for successful innovation. The video also addresses the shift towards the gig economy, the need for experimentation, and the challenges corporations face in adapting to the evolving market.

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Transition from Machine Learning Researcher to Software Engineer.
Importance of lessons learned from previous experiences in corporate innovation.
Caution advised against establishing innovation outposts in Silicon Valley becoming 'innovation theater.'
Genuine integration into the ecosystem is crucial for maximizing benefits.
Trend of companies establishing venture efforts for enhancing presence, emphasizing long-term success through genuine integration.
Importance of Trust and Engagement in Startup Ecosystems
Corporate leadership must actively engage and build trust to be a valuable partner for startups.
Companies should focus on solving specific problems and maintain continuous engagement with startups.
Quick responses are crucial in decision-making processes within companies.
Understanding the corporation's needs and reasons for involvement in innovation ecosystems is essential for success.
Importance of establishing presence in relevant ecosystems for corporations to effectively address problems.
Corporations advised to determine response type based on signals from ecosystems like investing, partnering, or incubating.
Many corporations failed in late 90s with venture groups, leading to closures.
Current corporations need to understand technology's role in business differently to avoid repeating past mistakes.
Emphasize establishing business development capabilities before setting up a venture group for long-term success.
Impact of technological revolution on corporations.
Companies are recognizing the significance of digital technologies like software and big data beyond traditional IT functions.
Adaptation to new business models such as software-as-a-service driven by customer demand and changes in the business environment.
Similarities drawn between current technological revolution and past revolutions like the steam age and the first internet wave.
Necessity for companies to respond and incorporate new technologies to remain competitive in the evolving market.
Challenges faced by corporate executives in transitioning to software-as-a-service companies.
Transition requires a complete overhaul from sales to mindset and incentives.
Innovation outposts can drive significant change in corporate structures.
Lifespan of corporations is decreasing with fewer long-standing companies.
CEOs' tenures are decreasing and employees' attitudes are shifting towards shorter-term aspirations.
The shift towards the gig economy is changing the traditional model of long-term employment.
Companies must adapt by experimenting more rapidly and inexpensively, drawing inspiration from Silicon Valley.
Innovation outposts are essential for launching experiments and fostering change within corporations.
Google's Alphabet venture and BMW's i brand demonstrate unique approaches to integrating innovation into core operations.
Companies need to embrace new practices and structures to stay competitive in the evolving business landscape.
Overview of Moonshots in Corporate Innovation
Moonshots involve companies like IBM and Google investing over a billion dollars in projects like Watson using artificial intelligence.
Risk-taking and learning from failures are essential components of moonshot projects.
Differentiating factors for moonshots include significant investments and tackling complex problems.
Moonshots aim to address new challenges with substantial resources and innovation to make a significant impact.
IBM aims to make artificial intelligence accessible through their platform for developers.
The focus is on applications in the healthcare sector, with doctors using Watson-based apps for advice.
The challenge is in proper experimentation, patience, and hiring the right personnel.
IBM competes with startups by significant partnering practices.
Corporations are recognizing the need to innovate collaboratively in the current environment.
Importance of open innovation and collaboration in corporate success.
Overcoming the 'not invented here' syndrome is a key challenge in absorbing external innovation effectively.
Shifting company mindset and practices is crucial for embracing new ideas.
Rethinking traditional ways of corporate innovation with the help of startup playbooks and best practices.
Corporations face scale issues, short-termism, and optimization challenges hindering long-term innovation effectiveness.
Strategies for Corporate Risk Management in the Technological Revolution.
Corporations must implement multiple strategies to address challenges posed by the ongoing technological revolution.
Lessons from Silicon Valley can be valuable, but there is a concern about the potential disruption of Silicon Valley itself.
Collaboration between local and incumbent automotive ecosystems can lead to innovation and growth.
Working together can help ecosystems avoid disruption and create something valuable.