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a16z Podcast | New Year, New Horizons -- Pluto!

31 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the challenges and successes of the New Horizons mission to Pluto, including securing plutonium, implementing FPGA designs, and communication systems. The mission faced funding irregularities and power budget issues, leading to innovative solutions for reliable technology. The use of ultra-stable oscillators during the Cold War is mentioned, along with the importance of precise oscillation technology in covert operations. The spacecraft's encounters with faults and communication difficulties are addressed, highlighting the team's problem-solving and troubleshooting efforts. Overall, the video showcases the complexity and dedication required for successful space missions.

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Discussion on radio science experiments for sending signals to Pluto.
Ivan Linscott part of the Rex experiment with New Horizons probe, focusing on digital signal processing and radio occultation experiments.
Linscott's background in observational radio astronomy and particle physics, with experience at NASA and other institutions.
Conversation covers Linscott's involvement in communication systems design, influenced by SETI project and work on high-performance spectroscopy for pulsar observation.
Collaboration with Space Sciences Group and Electrical Engineering.
Conducted radio science experiments in outer planets using radio occultation to extract atmospheric properties.
Early stages of planning the Pluto mission included developing novel technology for signal acquisition.
NASA provided support to develop prototype receivers for future missions.
Collaboration with Southwest Research for the New Horizons mission focused on radio science experiments to study Pluto's atmosphere and surface.
Power generation and limitations of New Horizons mission.
The spacecraft generates 250 watts of electricity using a radiothermal electric generator powered by plutonium.
Only four out of five scientific instruments can run simultaneously due to the limited power budget.
The spacecraft's design allows for flexibility in instrument orientation, but only one or two can be used at the same time.
Plutonium's radioactive decay over time must be considered in the system's design, accounting for various isotopes with different decay rates.
Challenges in acquiring necessary plutonium supply for spacecraft mission to Pluto.
Pressure to complete project quickly due to potential collapse of Pluto's atmosphere.
Glenn Fountain tasked with acquiring RTGs and handling licensing process.
Approval process involved congressional and environmental impact studies.
Protests against launching spacecraft with plutonium onboard.
Glenn brokered a deal with the Russians to purchase plutonium to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
The processing facility packaged and tested the plutonium under a tight timeline to meet mission requirements.
This mission required exceptional problem-solving skills and statesmanship, qualities that Glenn demonstrated during the plutonium negotiation.
Despite initial doubts, the team successfully obtained the necessary licenses in under six months, an impressive feat considering the usual three-year timeframe.
Glenn's role as program manager was crucial in ensuring the mission's success.
Challenges faced due to funding irregularities and efforts to secure enough plutonium for a space mission.
Compromises and deals were brokered to address power budget issues resulting from lower-quality plutonium.
Impact on communication systems was significant, requiring a radiation-tolerant implementation using field programmable gate arrays.
Arrays were hardened by design and implemented with triple redundancy for reliability.
Voting on pairs of elements was done to ensure accurate signal processing in the spacecraft's environment of high radioactivity, leading to successful technology implementation.
Challenges of implementing FPGA designs and importance of gate routing.
NASA guidelines mandate a high gate margin for successful implementation.
Speaker faced the challenge of fitting design into limited gates, requiring precise signal processing.
Student Kamakshi worked on reducing bandwidth and ensuring linearity in filtering.
Innovative solutions beyond traditional computing technologies were needed for the complex task.
Kamakshi adapts an old radar idea by Glenn Hagemeyer into a programmable device called FPGA.
Kamakshi faces challenges in getting the device to work and after a year of troubleshooting, a program manager sends a team to assist.
Mark, a former Stanford graduate student, reviews and recommends solutions, leading to the successful implementation of the project.
Successful integration of the first AT&T module with Kamakshi's assistance and completion of successive modules.
Demonstrated project efficiency and reliability under different conditions despite having only 25 gates left out of a million.
Strategic routing of the FPGA for the Pluto mission within a tight timeframe by Mark showcased his resource optimization and effective problem-solving skills.
Communication with Earth during spacecraft fly-through encounters with Pluto.
Signals transmitted through antennas with high-powered transmitters in California and Australia.
Frequencies are shifted during fly-through encounters due to refraction through Pluto's atmosphere, necessitating signal sampling and noise reduction.
Despite solar wind and plasma irregularities, spacecraft receives a signal one thousandth of transmitted waveform power.
Effectiveness of capturing and processing signals over vast distances demonstrated.
Use of ultra-stable oscillators in Cold War surveillance.
Department of Defense utilized oscillators to sample voltage fluctuations in undersea cables.
Sampling devices allowed for secret monitoring of Soviet activities.
Devices were crucial in deciphering encrypted communications and gaining strategic insights.
Importance of precise oscillation technology in covert operations highlighted.
Transition from Soviet Union disassembly to US market impact.
A French and US company went bankrupt due to decreased demand for supplies like plutonium.
APL focused on internal technology development and transitioned capabilities to startups.
Nearly a decade of testing and communication efforts were made before reaching the destination.
Regular annual checkouts and tests, including occultation z' tests, were conducted.
Troubleshooting and resolution of spacecraft computer issues.
The spacecraft encountered a fault from an overload, leading to problems with the onboard computer.
Protocols were established to troubleshoot and transmit error logs to resolve the issue.
The computer stalled due to a watchdog timer problem, resulting in a shutdown.
Updating flash memory caused the computer to prioritize it highly, leading to another shutdown.
Race condition caused by JPEG compression resulted in a delay in algorithm response during a spacecraft mission.
Computer had to be rebooted, and timeline restarted just in time to capture scientific opportunities.
Operations team avoided missing crucial data by restarting the timeline moments before it was needed.
Sacrifices were made on early scientific measurements for later ones.
Emphasis on the critical nature of spacecraft missions and the need for precise timing to not miss any scientific opportunities.
Development of Communication Techniques for Over-the-Horizon Communication.
Alan Peterson and colleagues proposed radio signal techniques to refract over the horizon.
NASA got involved in investigating solar wind properties.
Spacecraft with receivers operating at two frequencies were created.
NASA's work characterized solar wind throughout the solar system, completing the project in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Use of hydraulic motors from surplus anti-aircraft guns in altitude azimuth drive system for dish.
Motors operate on high pressure with pins pushing against off-center plate to rotate.
Major issue of potential danger from hydraulic lines being cut and spraying oil at high pressure.
Despite challenges, hydraulic motors provided necessary control and precision for dish's movement.
Revival of the dish in the 80s and 90s.
Efforts were made to improve control and receivers for better performance.
Research was conducted on isolation and protection methods to address concerns about radio interference.
Collaborative efforts with Mike and others led to solutions like electric stepper motors replacing hydraulic ones.
These enhancements improved the dish's capabilities and usability.
Evolution of electric stepper motors in the disk drive industry from the 1970s to the 2000s.
Electric stepper motors were initially developed for controlling drive precision and later expanded to industrial control purposes, replacing hydraulic systems.
The technology enabled high-speed tracking on spacecraft, facilitating troubleshooting of communication failures and spacecraft malfunctions.
Reference frequencies from spacecraft oscillators were utilized to detect spacecraft signals leaking into space.
Despite some failed spacecraft, electric stepper motors proved effective in satellite tracking and repair efforts.