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a16z Podcast | Innovation vs. Invention at Google I/O

51 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses Google's annual developer conference, Google I/O, highlighting new platform products and advancements in artificial intelligence. It explores the concept of innovation versus invention, emphasizing Google's approach to innovation through research and building on existing ideas. The segment also touches on automation, AI, messaging apps, VR technology, and app development, showcasing Google's efforts to enhance user experience and expand beyond its core competencies. The future of technology is predicted to involve messy experimentation, creativity, and advancement, resembling past technological revolutions.

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Highlights from Google I/O Conference.
New platform products announced at the conference were met with excitement for being clear and innovative.
The difference between innovation and invention was emphasized, with most new ideas being incremental improvements.
Google's approach to innovation through research and building on existing ideas was showcased.
Examples from various technology sectors were used to illustrate the concept of innovation.
Google's focus on artificial intelligence as the next generation platform.
Evolution of Google from text indexing to Google Assistant, emphasizing knowledge graph and personalized suggestions.
Concept of AI understanding user needs before they are even expressed, exemplified by Google's messaging app.
Aim to eliminate friction in user experience with potential for creative applications in services like Google Calendar and Gmail.
Advancements in automation and AI are discussed, focusing on the transition to automated living and its impact on daily tasks.
Pattern-based technologies such as self-driving cars are highlighted, along with the challenges associated with AI implementation.
The importance of caution and awareness of potential errors in AI development is emphasized.
Past technological advancements like Google Maps are mentioned as examples of initial challenges that were eventually overcome.
The evolution of technology is reflected upon, emphasizing the need to address challenges that arise from AI implementation.
Google introduced a new messaging app separate from Hangouts for mobile iOS and Android.
The app includes Google Assistant, a modern version of Google Now, focused on AI and answering questions.
The goal is to predict user questions and provide relevant information.
The app aims to work across various platforms, including web and Android devices, offering seamless integration.
Google's strategy revolves around understanding knowledge and data, utilizing technologies like AI, computer vision, drones, and Google Assistant to enhance user experience and provide valuable insights.
Google's Assist umbrella encompasses various algorithms for understanding user behavior.
The VR project and Google Instant apps are key focuses for Google.
Google positions itself as a platform company with a wide range of apps.
Messaging app Hangouts has faced challenges, prompting a revamped strategy.
Despite messaging fragmentation in the Western world, Google aims to strengthen its data platform and capitalize on opportunities in the US market for messaging services.
Fragmentation of messaging apps due to the vast mobile market.
Deficiencies of current messaging apps and the need for innovation in the industry.
Integration of various Google products like Drive, Maps, and Calendar into messaging apps to enhance user experience.
Google's development of a VR headset reference design to compete with other OEMs.
Focus on instant apps and VR technology showcases Google's efforts to expand beyond its core competencies.
Google is implementing a new feature for deep linking to apps.
The feature allows apps to be automatically downloaded and run in chunks, even if not previously installed.
This challenges the traditional binary distinction between web pages and apps.
The goal is to make it easier for users to access app content seamlessly without manual installations.
The feature will be available on all Android versions, bridging the gap between web and app usage.
Evolution of app development and importance of solving technical problems for user experience.
Limitations of JavaScript and HTML for certain interaction styles, leading to app stores and runtime environments like Java.
Introduction of instant apps by Google to reduce friction for consumers by eliminating sign-ins and payment input requirements.
Success of WeChat in improving transaction velocity and conversion rates similar to Google's instant apps strategy.
Comparison of different approaches to app accessibility and user interaction between Facebook's BOTS and Apple Pay on the web.
Google focuses on solving the problem of getting apps onto phones rather than using workarounds.
They leverage changes in technology landscape to create new solutions, avoiding traditional methods like virtualization or rebuilding app runtimes.
This approach allows for faster reactions and one-off marketing campaigns through webviews.
Constant innovation by companies like Apple and Google leads to a lack of stability in the tech industry, with frequent changes and updates disrupting the status quo.
Google aims to standardize VR experiences on smartphones with Daydream.
The future of VR may rely on smartphones, specifically Android and iOS, rather than custom hardware.
Google's influence as the owner of the Android platform will drive the standardization of VR.
VR APIs will be accessible on Android, and VR kits could be developed for iPhones.
The integration of Daydream into Android may impact the rollout of VR in China.
Contrasting approaches of Samsung and Apple in the tech industry.
Samsung focuses on building the hard part and collaborating with partners, while Apple aims for a full-stack approach.
Strategy extends to AI, machine learning, and VR spaces.
Historical shift between vertical and horizontal integration in the industry with implications for end-user experience and quality.
Evolution from supporting various devices to now certifying for specific platforms like Daydream reflects changing dynamics of the industry.
The future of technology will be marked by innovation, messy experimentation, and a variety of qualities and options.
Enthusiasts will explore different methods to optimize performance, similar to early 2000s phones in shapes, sizes, and colors.
Despite chaos, there will be key resolution points driving progress and sparking new ideas.
This period promises to be a blend of creativity and advancement, reminiscent of past technological revolutions.