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a16z Podcast | Ecommerce and the Holiday Shopping Collision

63 views|5 years ago
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E-commerce companies struggle to meet consumer demand for fast shipping due to Amazon's standards, impacting retailers heavily reliant on holiday sales. Forecasting challenges for e-commerce and physical retailers during peak periods, with malls facing closures. Omni-channel retailing shifts towards online sales, impacting brick-and-mortar stores like Abercrombie. Amazon dominates the market with efficient delivery services, posing challenges for competitors. UPS and USPS work to reduce costs, but same-day delivery trends are challenging. Alternative distribution methods like subscription boxes and Apple Pay's impact on retail landscape are discussed. Retailers adapt to electronic payments and focus on physical retail innovation.

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Challenges in Meeting Consumer Expectations for Fast Shipping and Delivery.
Carriers like UPS and USPS struggled during the last holiday season, resulting in failed deliveries and negative customer experiences.
Amazon's high standards have influenced consumer expectations, with free and same-day delivery becoming the norm in the industry.
E-commerce companies need to prioritize fast shipping to stay competitive as consumers now demand quick and reliable service as a basic requirement.
Importance of holiday shopping season for physical retailers.
Black Friday signifies transition from losses to profits for retailers.
Surge in sales during fourth quarter leads to increased profitability due to fixed costs.
Retailers must differentiate value proposition and focus on timely delivery to compete with Amazon.
Shippers and companies optimizing systems and hiring seasonal workers to handle holiday rush.
Challenges of forecasting demand for e-commerce and physical retailers during holiday seasons.
The difficulty of predicting consumer behavior and the influence of external factors like weather patterns is highlighted.
E-commerce companies have a more positive outlook compared to mall-based retailers, who are dealing with high vacancy rates and decreased foot traffic.
Struggling malls may need to consider closing down or repurposing to align with changing consumer preferences and market conditions.
Omni-channel retailing trend discussed, retailers balancing physical stores and online presence.
Some retailers closing stores to focus on online sales, emphasizing strong online presence.
Online sales growing rapidly but still small percentage of overall retail sales.
Grocery and personal care categories have yet to see significant online growth.
Retailers like Staples adapting by closing stores, investing more in online operations to stay competitive.
Impact of Online Retail on Traditional Stores
Amazon's dominance in the e-commerce market is challenging for competitors like Abercrombie and Starbucks.
Holiday season shows a trend towards online shopping, resulting in decreased foot traffic in physical stores.
Amazon's convenience and scale make it hard for other retailers to compete effectively.
Businesses in the retail sector are focusing on strategies to compete with Amazon.
Amazon's use of scale and cost leverage results in improved customer experience through services like free and overnight shipping.
Amazon is expanding into the shipping market, choosing lower cost shipments and leaving higher cost shipments for competitors like UPS.
Efficient delivery by Amazon in cities is in contrast to less efficient delivery in rural areas, affecting UPS's overall delivery mix.
The growth of e-commerce is favoring more expensive residential deliveries, impacting UPS's business model.
UPS and USPS are focusing on cost reduction to stay competitive in the shipping industry.
Same-day and same-hour delivery services are becoming increasingly difficult to provide.
Amazon's scale advantage is a significant factor in the shipping industry.
Drone delivery of holiday gifts is not practical at the moment.
To compete with Amazon, companies should focus on unique strategies like offering a variety of designers and impulse purchases not available on Amazon.
Discussion on alternative distribution methods and Apple Pay.
Monthly subscription boxes and personalized offerings like Stitch Fix and Trunk Club are mentioned.
Apple Pay is seen as another form factor for credit cards.
Apple Pay could potentially increase payment costs for merchants and consumers.
Apple Pay showcases Apple's business power and network influence in the banking industry.
Impact of Apple's introduction of iPhones on retailers and the need to support electronic payments.
Emphasis on physical retail innovation over online, with credit cards providing a good customer experience.
Convenience and benefits of credit card usage in physical retail compared to mobile payments.
Highlighting consumer preferences and the importance of early holiday shopping.