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a16z Podcast | Containing the Monolith -- From Microservices to DevOps

135 views|5 years ago
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The evolving role of developers in the software development lifecycle includes developers being more involved in purchasing decisions, a shift towards front-end developers taking on web development roles, and developers having more control over assembling applications. The CI/CD pipeline is seeing a significant shift towards developer involvement, impacting infrastructure companies, with automation playing a key role. Traditional DBAs are evolving towards engineering expertise, and the integration of code and performance characteristics is becoming standard. The transition to new applications in the banking sector involves building systems around old mainframes and adopting new technologies for faster issue detection and resolution, leading to an evolution in the software development process.

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Developers' evolving role in the software development lifecycle.
Developers are now more involved in purchasing decisions for software.
This shift has impacted how software is designed, built, released, configured, and monitored.
Importance of platform services like distributed databases and message queues for end users, operators, and data scientists.
Future trend is towards developers having more control over assembling applications with building blocks.
Evolution of web development towards front-end developers and microservices integration.
Shift towards front-end developers taking on web development roles and integrating microservices on the backend.
Blurring of distinction between back-end and front-end developers with more focus on gluing together various microservices.
Decrease in the need for back-end developers in favor of front-end developers and microservice experts.
Companies reallocating resources with fewer back-end developers and more front-end developers to adapt to the new model in the industry.
Increased developer involvement in technology decisions for core runtime.
Organizations are centralizing teams to develop best practices for core infrastructure services.
Application development velocity has significantly increased.
Proactive identification and mitigation of destructive changes is crucial.
Analytics around telemetry data are essential for identifying trends.
Shift towards developer involvement in CI/CD pipeline impacting infrastructure companies.
Developers are universally adopting CI/CD as their primary workflow and collaboration method.
Workflow extends from code deployment to infrastructure management, simplifying the process for developers.
Automation is crucial in deployment and operations, ensuring safety and enabling instant rollbacks.
Automation may replace traditional roles like release engineers, with future workflows triggering automated processes and reducing the need for separate deployment operations teams.
The impact of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) on business operations.
Automation is crucial for rolling out new versions, conducting A/B testing, and managing traffic redirection.
Automated processes are necessary to minimize errors caused by human intervention.
A future where many operational tasks will become autonomous is predicted, leading to a more efficient and error-free environment.
Evolution of traditional DBAs in the age of automated systems and high recovery levels.
Focus has shifted towards engineering skills, code, APIs, and application management.
Implementation of CI/CD pipelines and containers has transformed downstream systems management.
Shift towards mutable infrastructure requires proactive monitoring to identify discrepancies.
Customers are using testing strategies such as canary and Bluegreen deployments for comparison and quick rollbacks.
The integration of code and performance characteristics is becoming standard in web development.
Developers are incentivized to instrument their code for easier troubleshooting.
Early adopters are leading the adoption of new technologies in web development.
Despite its limitations, 20% of websites are still built using WordPress.
The architecture of web development is expected to shift in the next decade, impacting all developers.
Transition to new banking applications involves building systems around old mainframes.
Microservices allow for processes to be split into smaller services, potentially extending the lifespan of mainframe technology.
Shift to a speed-focused model requires an evolution in toolsets for faster issue detection and resolution.
Adoption of various technologies is prompted by the philosophical change in toolsets to support the new software delivery model.
The software development process is evolving in response to changes, encompassing building, managing, and supporting software.