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a16z Podcast | Adjusting to Trade... and Innovation

55 views|5 years ago
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The video explores the impact of trade on innovation, productivity, job displacement, and economic adjustments. It highlights the benefits of trade for efficiency and overall prosperity, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of its complexities. The discussion delves into historical events like the Industrial Revolution, China's impact on global trade, and the challenges of transitioning to new technology. It also addresses the importance of free trade, the role of trade agreements in strengthening alliances, and the significance of exporting for boosting productivity and competitiveness. Overall, the video advocates for a more open and interconnected approach to trade for global relations and economic growth.

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📊 Transcript
Discussion on trade, innovation, and impact on tech, jobs, and productivity.
Russ Roberts and Noah Smith challenge the assumption of frictionless economic adjustments in trade.
Emphasis on the complexities of trade and the need for a deeper understanding beyond basic economic principles.
Conversation on distributional effects, long-term skill value, and challenges individuals face in adjusting to trade changes.
Lack of economics education noted as a barrier to understanding trade's intricate nature.
Benefits of Trade According to Adam Smith.
Adam Smith emphasized the benefits and productivity-boosting effects of trade in 1776.
Trade allows for more efficiency and innovation by enabling individuals to specialize, increasing overall productivity.
Self-sufficiency is costly and impractical, while trade benefits society as a whole by creating new opportunities and freeing up resources for innovation.
Economists generally agree that opening borders to trade promotes economic growth and prosperity in the long run.
The Industrial Revolution was triggered by various factors, such as expensive labor in Britain and the Netherlands, and cheap resources from the New World.
The shift to using machines over human labor led to continuous improvement and the exploration of new industrial technologies.
This period marked a significant event in human history, surpassing even the Agricultural Revolution in terms of impact on human flourishing.
Impact of the Industrial Revolution on People's Lives and Work.
Charlie Chaplin's 'Modern Times' portrayed the struggles of workers with automation.
Economic changes eventually led to better opportunities and living standards for future generations.
Long-term effects of economic shifts should be carefully considered due to their significant consequences.
Advancements in technology, like robots, were crucial in driving the Industrial Revolution and raise concerns about outsourcing labor to cheaper markets.
The impact of outsourcing labor on innovation and productivity.
Relying on cheap labor may reduce the incentive for entrepreneurs to invest in labor-saving technology.
Productivity slowdown in the early to mid-2000s may be explained by this phenomenon.
Outsourcing to countries like China may have led to short-term gains in lower prices but hindered long-term productivity gains in the US.
The video questions the trade-off between outsourcing for cost savings and investing in innovation for long-term growth.
Long-term effects of static efficiency versus short-term productivity.
Importance of innovation for long-term success.
India's decision on driverless cars as an example of the trade-off between preserving jobs and investing in labor-saving technologies.
Potential benefits of autonomous cars in reducing transportation costs and creating opportunities for innovation.
Concerns about the impact on employment and the need for political considerations in technological advancements.
Discussion on technology and jobs in relation to trade and innovation.
Concerns about job displacement from technological advancements are similar to fears about trade with China and autonomous vehicles.
Immediate worries about job security overshadow broader impacts of trade policies and technological developments.
The type of trade, countries involved, and policy changes influence effects on different societal groups.
Politics surrounding these issues vary based on specifics of trade agreements, such as TPP and TTIP focusing on treaties with wealthy nations.
Impact of Chinese Competition on Displaced Workers.
Workers displaced by Chinese competition in the 2000s had slower and worse adjustment compared to those displaced by Japanese competition in the 80s and 90s.
Workers in the 80s and 90s found similar or better jobs after displacement, while those in the 2000s ended up with low-wage service jobs or on welfare.
Trading with labor-rich, capital-poor countries like China and India differs from trading with other rich countries due to the significant role of unit labor costs in determining labor cheapness.
Chinese productivity played a key role in contributing to their cheap labor status.
Impact of China's lower labor costs and subsidized energy on global trade.
Analysis shows a steady decline in manufacturing jobs since 1945, with sharper drops in the 80s and 2000s.
Challenges exist in transitioning to new jobs and effectively finding opportunities in the market.
There is a necessity for improved policies and deeper understanding of the issue.
Evolving technologies like autonomous cars and artificial intelligence raise concerns about future job displacement.
Decline in Manufacturing Employment and Total Employment Stability.
Manufacturing employment decreased post-1945, but total employment remained stable until 2000.
Introduction of computers and internet in the 90s coincided with the decline in employment.
Productivity in manufacturing slowed down as employment fell, raising questions about automation's impact on job loss.
Trend challenges assumption that productivity should have increased with technological advancements.
Challenges in measuring productivity and output in industries, particularly in manufacturing.
Real wage gains affected by inflation rates and evolving quality of products like TVs and phones.
Bureau of Labor Statistics faces challenges in adjusting for technological advancements in products, impacting accuracy of real wage calculations.
The impact of trade, especially with China, on the economy is discussed.
Debate on protectionist measures in response to trade challenges is highlighted.
Impact of Walmart on poor people and the economy.
Cheaper prices at Walmart are beneficial for low-income individuals.
Job availability at Walmart is important for employment rates.
Current low unemployment rates and positive job statistics are encouraging.
Concerns about slow adjustment and competition between low and high wage countries.
Possible innovation slowdown due to the impact of Walmart.
China shock being over and changes in China's currency valuation.
Academic arguments on economists' perspectives regarding Walmart's impact.
Importance of Free Trade vs. Protectionism in Economics.
Opening borders for trade strengthens relationships between countries, even when not reciprocated.
The US-Japan trade dynamics demonstrate how politics influences trade decisions.
Emphasizes the significance of trade for global relations and economic prosperity.
Advocates for a more open and interconnected approach to trade.
Importance of Trade Agreements and Exporting in Strengthening Alliances.
Exporting at the company level can enhance productivity and competitiveness in foreign markets.
A large trade deficit may suggest a lack of exporting, hindering companies from benefiting from international competition pressure.
Encouraging companies of all sizes to sell in foreign markets can lead to increased productivity.
The internet provides opportunities for companies to access global markets, but concerns arise about lower productivity from decreased exporting despite a large domestic market.
Impact of exports and role of export promotion agencies in accessing new markets.
JETRO assists small companies in expanding internationally, while the Exim Bank in the US primarily benefits large corporations like Boeing.
Adaptability is crucial in the face of technological advancements such as autonomous cars.
Continuous education is essential to effectively navigate future changes in the global market.
Acknowledgment of audience support on 6nc podcast.
Recognition of the challenges faced in the present compared to the past.
Gratitude expressed by the hosts towards the audience for their support.