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a16z Podcast | A Podcast about Podcasts

136 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the evolution and challenges of podcasting, emphasizing the importance of niche content, intimacy with the audience, and storytelling. It touches on podcast discovery, marketing strategies, audience engagement, and the potential of live-streaming and virtual reality. The power of voice in building connections and the impact of personal preference on podcast selection are highlighted. The speaker shares experiences in redesigning the San Francisco flag and expresses hope for the future of podcasting. Overall, the video explores the unique opportunities and challenges presented by the podcasting landscape.

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Origins of 99% Invisible as a short podcast on Tumblr before transitioning to a full podcast format.
Success attributed to filling a unique niche in design and architecture storytelling.
Growing popularity of podcasts mentioned with milestones like Barack Obama appearing on Marc Maron's podcast.
Impact of technology, specifically iTunes and the iPhone, on podcast distribution and consumption.
Evolution of Podcasting Landscape
Podcasting has become a popular form of entertainment with on-demand options like YouTube, TV, and movies.
The concept of curation and unbundling is changing how podcasts are presented, with a focus on topics over specific shows.
Many listeners prefer variety and flexibility in their listening choices, leading to challenges in finding diverse content.
Podcast discovery for different audiences is still a work in progress, likened to blog posts or news articles, with the evolution of offering more personalized and diverse content options.
Importance of cross-promotion in discovering new podcasts.
Other podcasts play a key role in introducing new audiences to shows.
Marketing strategies, such as advertising on podcasts, are crucial for growth in listenership.
Speaker references own experience with podcast promotion and interactions with industry figures like Matt Lieber from Gimlet.
The popularity of podcasts is concentrated in the top 50, but there is a need to explore lesser-known podcasts.
Diverse content is in high demand in the podcasting world.
Personal experiences of listening to podcasts are shared, highlighting the lack of online platforms for podcast discussions.
Online communities, such as those surrounding 'Serial,' have a significant impact on podcasts.
The potential role of live-streaming in the future of podcasting is questioned.
Importance of intimacy and forming relationships with the audience for a successful show.
Podcast gained traction through a Kickstarter campaign due to the intimate nature of the audience-host relationship.
Contrasts podcasting with traditional radio, stating that one podcast listener holds more value than thousands of radio listeners.
Touches on voice modulation and performance techniques used to engage listeners.
Highlights the role of manipulation in creating a connection with the audience.
Importance of engaging and entertaining listeners through music and editing in podcasts.
Comparison of podcasts to traditional radio shows and the evolving perception of podcasting as a legitimate medium.
Shift in personal identity from journalist to podcaster reflects changing media consumption landscape.
Growing influence of podcasting in today's society.
Rise of Podcasts as the Future of Content Marketing.
Brands like Slack are excelling in podcast production.
Importance of maintaining editorial independence, strong narrative voice, and personality in podcasts.
Brands can create fantastic podcasts by connecting intimately with their audience and expanding the definition of what constitutes a brand.
Challenges of making mundane topics interesting and transforming commerce into art through podcasting.
Importance of intimacy and feedback in podcasting.
Podcasting allows for longer, more personal content compared to traditional broadcasting.
Caution against excessively long episodes and the importance of discipline in crafting a compelling narrative.
Feedback is a challenge in podcasting due to the lack of concrete metrics.
Key principles include tone, interest, and genuine connection with the audience.
Challenges with data measurement in podcasting compared to traditional media like radio.
Concerns raised about the reliability of Nielsen and Arbitron ratings in podcasting.
Emphasis on measuring ad efficacy through product codes rather than download numbers.
Frustration expressed over the lack of detailed analytics in podcasting and the need for standardized measurement tools.
Mention of the speaker's unique approach to ad placement at the end of their show for artistic reasons and preference for negotiating ad deals independently.
The unique nature of podcasts allows for a diverse range of niche shows to thrive.
Advertisers often support podcasts due to personal affinity rather than just for commerce.
Corporate deals are often driven by marketing super fans within the company.
Facebook supported a podcast despite not needing to advertise.
Personal preferences play a significant role in podcast selection and enjoyment.
Appreciation for intimate and authentic podcasts and unique shows like 'Welcome to Night Vale'.
Involvement in redesigning the San Francisco flag, with both positive and negative responses.
Hope for the redesign and receiving requests to comment on flag designs from places like New Zealand and San Francisco.
Creating intimacy through technology, focusing on voice interactions and live streaming.
Smartphones could play a crucial role in the podcast Renaissance.
Virtual reality is changing online interactions.
Audience interaction is vital for podcast hosts.
Voice has a unique ability to engage the brain directly, enhancing intimacy in digital communication.
The influence of storytelling in architecture and design.
Sharing the history and narrative behind a building can change perceptions and create emotional connections.
Importance of voice in conveying stories and the desire to continue sharing engaging content.
Encouragement to persist in creative endeavors despite criticism, with a mention of exploring opportunities in New Zealand.
Gratitude towards the audience for their support and participation.