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2023 Big Ideas in Technology (Part 1)

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In 2023, social commerce, discovery commerce, and video commerce are key trends, with a focus on live video shopping and product discovery. The differences in shopping behaviors between Western and Eastern markets are highlighted, emphasizing the shift towards social and entertainment-based shopping experiences. The integration of innovative features from global markets, the impact of AI in gaming, the evolution of digital media creation, and the rise of generative AI tools are also discussed. The metaverse is explored as a platform for fashion expression, with brands collaborating with gaming platforms for unique in-game content. The future of AI in workflows, fintech, and user trust is examined, with a focus on the importance of transparency and regulation in AI implementation. The potential for automation to reshape industries, particularly in the fintech sector, is also considered.

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Trends in 2023: Social Commerce, Discovery Commerce, and Video Commerce.
Social platforms will be key for product Discovery, bridging the gap between inspiration and purchase intent.
Short, long, and live stream videos will be utilized to sell products and educate consumers on value propositions.
A new ecosystem will emerge where anyone can become a seller and companies can support creators in curating and selling products and services.
Benefits of Live Video Shopping in Western Markets.
Live video shopping provides a unique interactive experience for consumers, allowing direct communication with sellers and increasing consumer confidence.
Limited-time discounts and promotions, similar to Black Friday sales, can be offered through live video, encouraging volume and group purchasing.
Exploring different types of video content, inspired by successful infomercials, can enhance consumer engagement and boost sales in the Western market.
Contrasting shopping behaviors between the West and China, focusing on the popularity of live shopping in China.
Infomercial success attributed to time-limited offers and freebies, creating a sense of urgency for consumers.
Lack of similar platforms in the West identified as a barrier to replicating the success of live shopping and infomercials.
Digital scarcity and retargeting on platforms like Instagram mentioned as factors impacting consumer behavior, leading to delayed purchases.
Overall, differences in shopping habits and marketing strategies between regions play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior.
Shift in Shopping Experience:
The West has transitioned to a search-based digital shopping experience, while the East still values shopping as a social and entertainment activity.
Companies like Shan and Temu are emphasizing social commerce and product discovery in the East.
Many e-commerce companies continue to rely on search-based methods for shopping in the West.
Social platforms are imitating each other's features instead of introducing new innovations, despite successful creative features in other regions.
Importance of Learning from Global Markets for Innovation in the US.
Delay in implementing innovative ideas in the US compared to Asia is highlighted.
Organizational changes and top-down decisions are crucial for successful implementation of new concepts.
Cultural differences and misconceptions may hinder the adoption of new ideas.
The key message is to be open-minded, learn from diverse examples, and adapt to stay competitive in the market.
The US is still PC-oriented, while China and other developing countries are mobile-only, limiting innovation.
High ticket transactions, such as buying plane tickets, are primarily done on computers rather than phones.
The disconnect between mobile-first and mobile-only approaches affects the speed of innovation in the US.
Platforms are expected to make significant shifts in 2023 to address these issues and prioritize mobile innovation.
The importance of effective selling in Commerce and content creation.
Emphasis on the concept of the 'third space' for social interactions outside of home and work.
The need for new technologies to enhance user experiences and facilitate deeper connections in the digital world.
Discussion on the evolving hybrid work environment and the role of platforms in serving consumers, community builders, and creators.
The importance of third spaces in allowing for freedom and exploration of identity beyond work and home.
Third spaces such as colleges, churches, gyms, and museums provide opportunities for individuals to interact freely.
Public spaces have experienced a decline, particularly due to the impact of COVID-19.
The emergence of digital spaces raises questions about replicating physical experiences online.
Rethinking spaces with online tools can lead to innovative uses of technology and reshaping interactions.
The impact of digital native platforms on global connections and specialized communities.
Whatnot platform provides live shopping experiences, gamification, and real-time auctions for users.
The reimagining of presence in digital environments allows for immersive experiences without physical constraints.
Dungeons and Dragons exemplifies the future of consumer technology through digitally native advancements.
The benefits of digital games and online platforms in expanding social engagement.
Digital games allow players to explore different worlds, play with AI or real humans worldwide, and immerse in various visual and audio environments.
Shift to digital platforms has expanded social engagement beyond traditional meetups, with examples like coding games and Fortnite encouraging diverse age groups to play together.
Online platforms like TikTok, Reddit, and Discord facilitate building and deepening relationships, providing outlets for niche interests and hobbies.
The digital space offers new avenues for connecting with others, fostering unique interactions and shared experiences.
Evolution of digital media creation and impact on human connection.
Virtual pets and AI-generated art like Lenza AI are discussed as examples of technological advancements.
VR integration in education is highlighted for enhancing learning experiences and promoting collaboration among students.
The shift towards remote work and online interactions is seen as an opportunity for developing innovative digital products that facilitate social engagement.
The emergence of digital and physical interactions in the creator economy, fandoms, and online gatherings.
Leveraging digital data for more engaging in-person discussions and interactions.
Games as a never-ending Turing test, with a focus on bots in gaming evolving into neural network-based AI.
The prevalence of bots in various games and the development of AI-driven in-game agents mimicking human-like behavior.
The segment discusses the potential for AI to deceive humans and raises questions about its trustworthiness.
Flaws in the Turing test and deceptive capabilities of AI models like chat GPT are highlighted.
The conversation explores the complexities of AI understanding and challenges in determining the accuracy of AI-generated answers.
Biases and data sources can influence AI responses, emphasizing the need for critical evaluation of AI outputs.
There is a need to be cautious when interpreting AI responses, especially in ambiguous or subjective domains.
Trust in AI models like GPT is based on training data and filtering processes.
Open source and transparency in AI models improves reliability.
Correcting falsehoods at scale is a key advantage of AI models.
Technology growth suggests more convincing and sophisticated bots in the future.
Implications of advanced AI models go beyond simple true or false answers.
Impact of bots in gaming.
Designing rules for bots within games, including resource constraints and human interaction requirements.
Analyzing the complexity of tasks and distinguishing between bots and humans, especially in simpler games like tic-tac-toe versus chess.
Considering the potential evolution of NPCs in games to be more human-like and less scripted.
The impact of AI companions in enhancing the gaming experience.
AI companions in games like Minecraft and Call of Duty Mobile provide personalized interactions and companionship.
Using AI bots that mimic human behavior can create more engaging and challenging gameplay.
Game developers aim to create a 'Flow State' experience by manipulating dopamine spikes to maintain player engagement.
The potential for scalable AI-driven gaming experiences, such as in Fortnite, is highlighted for predicting player likelihood of returning in the future.
Importance of curating game design to avoid bots.
Bots can enhance or detract from the gaming experience.
Emphasis on the difference between bots created by game creators and hacks by players.
Fischer random chess variant mentioned as a way to test human skills without bot influence.
Need for game designers to create engaging and exciting games despite bots.
Excitement for games with bots and new game modes for humans.
Bots are becoming more influential in 2023, with foundation models being developed for various media types.
The interconnected nature of different game assets is discussed, highlighting the impact of changes in code, sound, and scripts on 3D assets.
AI Unity is playing a significant role in simplifying game creation for creators.
The evolution of ease in publishing content online is reflected upon, showing advancements over the years.
Fashion becoming a key form of self-expression in the metaverse.
Character skins in games like League of Legends and Fortnite are driving this trend.
Brands enabling self-expression through digital fashion will be favored by consumers in both physical and digital realms.
Gen Z and Gen Alpha seamlessly transitioning between physical and digital worlds.
Interoperability across experiences in the metaverse will be crucial for brands to succeed.
Major brands and artists like Louis Vuitton and Ariana Grande have partnered with games like Fortnite and League of Legends to create unique in-game content.
Luxury brands like Balenciaga are collaborating with games to create exclusive skins based on real-life fashion events.
This trend of incorporating high fashion into virtual worlds is on the rise.
The partnerships not only enhance player experiences but also serve as a marketing tool for brands to engage with a wider audience in the digital space.
Strategies for building awareness and excitement within player bases of games through scarcity and feature differentiation are discussed.
League of Legends offers different tiers of skins with unique benefits as an example of this strategy.
There is potential for brands to participate in new business models long-term by experimenting with fashion, skins, and cosmetics in the digital world.
The conversation also explores replicating physical world behaviors in the digital space and rethinking fashion within games.
Parallels are drawn to past experiences like Snow Crash's metaverse to highlight the evolution of fashion in the digital realm.
The impact of digital vs. physical worlds in the global apparel and footwear industry.
Digital revenue is significant but unlikely to fully disrupt the physical world due to cost structures.
Brands face challenges in digital space, including competition with user-generated content.
Advanced digital features have potential impact, similar to those seen in movies.
Evolving consumer behavior in the digital space includes broader content consumption and frequent outfit changes based on experiences.
Interoperability in gaming and challenges in standards and technical hurdles are discussed.
Ready Player Me offers cross-game avatar technology as a solution for startups.
The technology streamlines development and enhances interoperability in gaming.
Consumer expectation is growing for customizable avatars and immersive experiences, particularly among Gen Z and Gen Alpha demographics.
This trend is shaping the future of gaming towards more personalized and interconnected gameplay.
AI advancements driving platform shift in technology.
Generative AI evolving from text to image to complex workflows.
Companies to benefit from AI-driven productivity enhancements.
Expected emergence of AI-native infrastructure and application companies.
Applications needing to differentiate based on handling mission-critical workloads in the democratization of AI.
Rise of generative AI tools in 2020.
Lack of perfect solution in creative AI applications leads to more experimentation.
Importance of fault tolerance in systems like autonomous vehicles.
Potential for workflow applications of AI is enormous.
Developers are using AI for coding assistance to improve efficiency and productivity.
AI in pitch editing and creation is discussed, focusing on how it enhances productivity and efficiency for humans.
The potential of AI to boost creativity by generating unique plot lines, like in the show Mad Men, is highlighted.
The evolution of AI from text to image, text to code, and the possibility of text to sequel models is explored.
The future of AI models is considered, weighing the benefits of a few foundational models like GPT-3 against the potential for numerous fine-tuned models for specific use cases.
Democratization of large and expensive models through APIs has increased their accessibility for fine-tuning in specific industries.
Some companies are opting to own models for greater control and cost-effectiveness.
Debate exists on whether certain use cases justify the expense of models, potentially leading to oligopolistic structures.
Differentiation of products based on the same model foundation, such as GPT-3, raises questions on how to stand out in distribution, product features, and user experience.
Owning more workflows and collecting data for model fine-tuning are considered strategies to enhance product improvement cycles.
Importance of cloud platforms like Salesforce, Workday, and ServiceNow in dominating the market.
Incorporation of AI into existing workflows to enhance user experiences and competitiveness.
Crucial need for companies to have an AI strategy to leverage user data and product usage for enhancements.
Evolution from gimmicky AI implementations to practical uses like Script's machine learning for voice training.
Shift towards long-standing AI integration without relying on flashy marketing tactics.
Fintech companies in 2023 will need to balance innovation with customer trust by leveraging new technology like large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 and upcoming GPT-4.
LLMs can expedite data training and automate tasks like insurance claims processing and loan origination.
AI in data workflows offers efficiency gains and valuable insights, transforming workflows with breakthrough features.
Companies are expected to move from novelty to practical utility with AI, saving time and improving outcomes.
Importance of earning user trust in fully automated investment decisions and financial reporting for complex money flows.
Emphasis on robustness to error, particularly in AI applications like potential drug candidate selection.
Initial AI tools with fault tolerance to be used in customer engagement tools, such as virtual assistants in fintech.
Varying levels of transparency in using machine learning features among applications, some choosing openness like Descript's overdub feature.
Founders advised to consider transparency when implementing AI technologies.
Implications of using AI technologies like chat GPT and llms in terms of transparency and regulation.
Founders should disclose the use of AI technologies, especially when automated decision-making may impact consumers.
Regulatory bodies like the CFPB may intervene if discriminatory data sets are used with AI technologies.
The absence of human interaction in processes involving AI can impact public perception.
Founders should be aware of potential regulatory hurdles and prioritize transparency in implementing AI solutions.
Importance of product leaps and distribution in new technology integration.
Founders are reminded that distribution remains key despite technological advancements.
Training data sets and fine-tuning models are crucial for differentiation.
The need to reach target customers is emphasized, drawing on patterns from previous technology shifts.
Potential applications in insurance claims processing and loan origination, with a focus on back office automation as initial low hanging fruit.
Automation of workflows in the fintech sector is increasing, specifically in managing back-office finances for various industries.
Software is viewed as enhancing employees and possibly replacing them completely.
The idea of full automation is compared to historical instances such as ATMs replacing bank tellers.
There is anticipation of a complete shift towards automating workflows, emphasizing the need to fully embrace automation rather than partial measures.
The potential for automation to significantly reshape industries is recognized with enthusiasm for the future.