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Why Sugar Ages Your Skin FASTER

Dr Dray2024-04-09
why sugar ages you#sugar and wrinkles#sugar and skin health#effects of sugar#how sugar affects your skin#sugar and skin#sugar side effects#dr dray sugar#dr dray glycation#Sugar glycation#why is sugar bad for the body#why is sugar unhealthy#sugar and skin problems#sugar aging effects#sugar causes aging#sugar is aging you
66K views|5 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses glycation in skin aging, emphasizing lifestyle choices' impact on glycation accumulation. It clarifies the natural aging process and criticizes misinformation about sugars. Fiber is essential for gut health, while sun exposure and processed foods accelerate aging. Limiting ultra-processed foods and sugar intake is recommended, with the benefits of marinating meats in acidic solutions highlighted. Extreme sugar elimination is not practical, and understanding added sugars is crucial. Metformin shows potential in skin cell protection, and healthy lifestyle habits can offset glycation effects for youthful skin and overall health.

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The process of glycation in skin aging and the impact of lifestyle choices.
Glycation involves sugars binding to biomolecules, affecting skin texture, flexibility, and collagen levels.
Glycation is a natural part of aging but can be influenced by dietary choices, particularly limiting refined sugars.
Misinformation demonizing natural sugars is criticized, with a highlight on the benefits of fruits and vegetables in slowing down sugar metabolism and balancing blood glucose levels.
The importance of fiber for gut health and as fuel for good bacteria.
Sun exposure leads to the formation of advanced glycation end products in the skin.
Smoking and processed foods high in sugar and salt contribute to accelerated aging.
Limiting consumption of ultra-processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages is recommended.
Cooking foods at high temperatures can increase glycation and carcinogen formation, but marinating meats in acidic solutions can help reduce these effects.
Recommendations for Sugar Intake and Understanding Added Sugars.
Extreme approaches like complete sugar elimination are not practical in reality, despite social media popularity.
The American Heart Association advises limits on daily added sugar intake for both women and men.
Identifying added sugars in food can help make simple swaps without completely giving up sweet treats.
Metformin, a medication for diabetes, has positive effects on insulin sensitivity, satiety hormone production, and overall health for type 2 diabetes patients.
Metformin shows promise in protecting skin cells from UV radiation damage.
Studies in cells and animal models have shown positive results in using metformin to combat glycation in the skin.
Research is focused on developing a metformin cream to slow down glycation process in the skin.
Adopting healthy lifestyle habits like a balanced diet, moderate alcohol consumption, and no smoking can help reduce glycation accumulation in the body and promote overall health and youthful skin integrity.
Making lifestyle choices to address skin aging and glycation is essential for long-term health and maintaining skin health.