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The complete guide on how get a thicker lawn for beginners

Premier Lawns2024-03-01
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393K views|6 months ago
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The video provides a detailed guide on achieving a thicker lawn, including steps like aeration, scarification, overseeding, and nutrient recycling. It emphasizes the importance of proper watering, soil moisture, and seed recovery techniques for successful lawn renovation and maintenance. Additional tips include using a compost roller, mixing seed with compost, and applying pre-seeder fertilizer for optimal results.

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Steps to Achieving a Thicker Lawn
Cut the lawn and leave it for a few weeks after renovation.
Aerate the soil to prevent compaction and promote root health.
Use scarification to remove moss and thatch, creating a seed bed for overseeding.
Highlight the importance of nutrient recycling and returning microorganisms to the soil.
Over seed and cover seeds with soil for a healthy lawn.
Use a compost roller for efficient soil coverage and mix seed with compost for better results.
Proper care is essential for the growth of a newly renovated lawn.
Use a light spray to moisten the soil without washing away the seeds.
Water once or twice a day to maintain damp soil without making it soggy.
Work the material into the lawn for seed recovery using a lawn lute or other tools.
Applying pre-seeder fertilizer can aid in effective seed growth, while removing debris and adding seaweed are additional maintenance steps.