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Skillshare Q&A: An Interview with Aaron Draplin

Skillshare#skillshare class#aaron draplin#draplin#Adobe Illustrator#draplin design company#portland#Graphic Design#Design#poster design#field notes#how to design a patch#learn to design merch#design tutorial#merch design tutorial#design workflow#designer q-and-a#how to be creative#creative ritual#ask a designer
9K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores the importance of pursuing projects for enjoyment and personal growth rather than just monetary gain. It emphasizes creativity, self-improvement, and healthy habits during lockdown. The speaker discusses the value of organization in creative work, self-care, and making unexpected decisions to harness creativity. Success is seen as creating meaningful and impactful work that stands out rather than chasing big clients or projects. Overall, the narrative revolves around personal growth, self-belief, and evolving priorities in professional and personal life.

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Importance of pursuing projects for enjoyment and personal satisfaction.
Emphasis on self-improvement and healthy habits during lockdown as a shift towards valuing personal growth over external validation.
Insights on adaptability in handling client demands, emphasizing flexibility and perseverance in the face of challenges.
Narrative focuses on personal growth, self-belief, and the evolution of priorities in professional and personal life.
Importance of organization in creative work to overcome creative block.
Utilizing colors, typefaces, and fonts to improve mood and productivity.
Encouragement to have fun and be creative without focusing solely on financial gain.
Emphasizing the value of self-care through activities like taking walks, playing the guitar, and aligning one's chi.
Acknowledgment of the time saved by working from home, leading to personal growth and financial stability.
The importance of focusing on creating meaningful work in the creative process.
Success is not solely dependent on pursuing big clients or projects, but on producing beautiful things that offer more than just superficial appeal.
Avoiding a cynical approach and striving to create work that stands out from the rest leads to more fulfilling outcomes.
Embracing a mindset that values meaningful and impactful work can result in more successful and impactful creative projects.