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Sadhguru On How to Manifest What You Really Want

Sadhguru 2019#sad guru#Sadguru#satguru#sathguru#jaggi#vasudev#jakki#isha#yoga#spirituality#wisdom#mysticism#seeking
21M views|4 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Sadhguru emphasizes the power of organizing the mind towards a specific goal to manifest desired outcomes and shape reality. He discusses the impact of focusing on positive thoughts, emotions, and energies, highlighting the importance of controlling actions to prevent self-destructive behavior. By committing to a mindset of creating a peaceful world, individuals can access the source of creation within themselves and become creators of their own reality. Faith, conscious activity, and maintaining a well-established mind are key elements in achieving happiness and manifesting desires.

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Sadhguru discusses the power of organizing the mind, emotions, and energies towards a specific goal.
Human creations originate from the mind, emphasizing the importance of creating the right mindset to manifest desired outcomes.
Using a story about a man in paradise, Sadhguru illustrates how thoughts can instantly materialize.
A well-established mind, likened to a Kalpavriksha or a wishing tree, can effortlessly manifest desires without physical action.
Sadhguru underscores the critical role of mental organization in shaping one's reality.
Importance of organizing the mind in one direction for progress.
Controlling and directing physical, emotional, mental, and energy actions to prevent self-destructive behavior.
Technology as a source of destruction due to unconscious actions.
Transitioning from compulsive to conscious activity is crucial.
The role of faith in manifesting desires and the importance of striving for happiness.
The importance of focusing on what we truly desire and maintaining positive thoughts for creating a peaceful, joyful, and loving world.
By committing to this mindset every day, we can align our thoughts, emotions, energies, and body towards manifesting our desires.
Accessing the source of creation within ourselves through organized thinking, feeling, and energy.
Becoming creators of our reality by aligning our thoughts and actions with our true desires.