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LIVE Q&A FOR FREELANCERS w Adrian Probst from @Freelanceverse (Plus an Earthquake!)

freelance translation#freelance translator#freelance translation tips#become a freelance translator#become a translator#Working as a translator#translation#work as a freelance translator#Freelanceverse
30 views|4 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video features a live Q&A session between freelance translator Adrien and agency owner Robert discussing insights on working in the translation industry. They highlight cost-sharing for translation tools, the importance of clear processes, specializing in specific fields, quality assurance, and client communication. Emphasis is placed on building relationships, maintaining a diverse client base, and tailoring CVs to job requirements. The use of AI tools like Chat GPT is discussed, with a focus on niche markets, expertise, and adding value to remain competitive. Prioritizing passion and aligning career choices with personal interests for long-term success is emphasized.

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📊 Transcript
Discussion between freelance translator Adrien and agency owner Robert on their backgrounds and experiences in the translation industry.
Robert runs boutique agency Lugano Translations, while Adrien focuses on freelance translation work.
Insights on working as a freelance translator and being an agency owner are shared during the session.
Viewer questions are addressed, and collective experiences in the field are discussed.
Valuable perspectives for freelancers and agency owners in the translation industry are offered.
Cost-sharing and access to tools for freelancers.
Purchasing together or using free trials can help freelancers save costs on translation tools.
Some translation jobs provide licenses, reducing initial expenses for translators.
Tools are essential expenses for freelance translators and are tax-deductible.
Different approaches to handling CAT tools based on job requirements; collaboration and sharing resources can improve efficiency.
Importance of clear processes and structure in businesses for boutique agencies.
Lugano Translation agency mentioned with focus on marketing strategies.
Networking in legal and financial sectors to attract new clients.
Reliance on word of mouth for client acquisition.
Significance of building and maintaining relationships for business growth.
Tips for freelance translators.
Limit language combinations to a manageable number and specialize in specific fields to appear reliable and professional.
Focus on a few language combinations that you are proficient in rather than covering a wide range.
Specialize in fields like medical, legal, or financial translation to establish expertise and credibility.
Starting broad is common, but finding a niche where you excel is key to success.
Importance of language expertise and quality assurance in agency work.
Trusted translators and editors are essential for accurate translations.
Transparency and communication are crucial for maintaining high-quality work.
Quality assurance can be relaxed as trust and successful collaboration are built over time.
Challenges in the translation industry and transitioning from solopreneur to agency owner.
Warning about potential scams in the industry due to lack of regulation.
Benefits and drawbacks of working as a solopreneur versus running an agency, with a focus on administrative and project management tasks.
Decision to grow into an agency driven by curiosity and potential earnings, as shown in a video.
Casual conversation about earthquakes and personal experiences.
Benefits of Freelancing as a Translation Coordinator.
Importance of understanding work relationships and utilizing software tools like monday.com and Proimos.
Personal preference for Excel despite other options available.
Highlighting low overhead costs and ease of entry into the field.
Emphasis on finding what works best for individual tracking and organization needs.
Clarify job offer type to determine employment status and benefits eligibility.
Working with multiple clients can prevent being classified as a fake employee or freelancer.
Maintain a diverse client base to avoid legal issues.
Having an online presence on platforms like LinkedIn can demonstrate seriousness about the role.
Building relationships before seeking collaborations can lead to long-term partnerships and job opportunities.
Tips for successful CV outreach in freelance work.
Tailor your CV to the specific job by highlighting relevant experience and portfolio, rather than listing all past experiences.
LinkedIn is emphasized over a CV, with a focus on viewing client interactions as business negotiations rather than job interviews.
Success in freelance work is dependent on emphasizing a service provider mentality and providing value to clients.
Importance of staying updated with AI tools in freelance translation.
Course created around 10 years ago due to lack of information in the field.
Emphasizes the use of tools like Chat GPT for translations, but highlights confidentiality and liability concerns.
Recommends using actual machine translation tools for incorporating technology into the translation process.
Impact of AI Translation Tools on Human Translators.
AI translation tools like Chat GPT have not replaced human translators but have led to significant growth in the localization industry.
This growth has resulted in price pressure and increased demands on translators to focus on niche markets, expertise, and adding value to remain competitive.
Clients prefer human translators for accuracy and reliability, recognizing the limitations of AI tools.
To effectively incorporate AI tools, transparency, confidentiality, and paid subscriptions for data security are essential.
Importance of transparency in client communication when using machine translation (MT) services.
Being transparent about when MT is suitable, such as for standardized text, builds trust with clients.
Not offering desktop publishing (DTP) services or editing non-editable PDFs is discussed.
Suggestions for using OCR tools for extracting text are provided.
The need for editable formats for translation and clear communication with clients regarding formatting requirements is highlighted.
Importance of specializing in less common languages or niche areas in the Translation and Subtitling Industry.
High demand also means high supply, resulting in intense competition within the industry.
Emphasizes the value of having a few loyal clients in a specialized field for a successful career.
Challenges the traditional approach of following trends and encourages prioritizing strengths and unique offerings.
Suggests that being in demand should not be the sole focus for success in the industry.
Importance of pursuing a career based on passion, expertise, and experience.
Following one's passion leads to greater chances of success and reaching the top.
The speaker shared personal experiences of starting in a high-demand field but transitioning to something they truly enjoyed.
Emphasis on aligning career choices with personal interests and strengths for long-term fulfillment and success.