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How Trump Manipulates The Media

charisma on command#charismaoncommand#donald trump#trump#msnbc#president trump#fox#obama#sean hannity#fox news#media#trump interview#news#opinion#immigration#politics#president#presidency#white house#msnbc news#manipulates#how#how trump#Charlie Houpert#CoC#Charisma
1M views|6 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Donald Trump's success is attributed to his ability to manipulate and control the media, generating over $2 billion in free advertising during the 2016 campaign. By repeating his core message relentlessly and using sensationalism, anger-inducing content, and strong audio-visual components, Trump ensures his message sticks with the public. His strategy involves crafting simple, positive, and enraging messages to dominate the news cycle. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding media tactics to shape narratives effectively. Viewers are encouraged to resist sharing outrage-inducing content and instead contribute positively to create real change in the media landscape.

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Donald Trump's media strategy has been a key factor in his success during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's strategy involves repeating his core message relentlessly to drown out opposing views.
Sensationalism, anger-inducing content, and stories with strong audio-visual components are key in driving media engagement.
Trump has received over $2 billion in free advertising due to his ability to control and manipulate the media.
The video discusses how Trump has thrived in the current media environment without explicitly supporting or criticizing him.
Trump controls the news cycle by crafting emotionally resonant, novel, dead simple, and sensational messages.
He ensures his messages stick by using imagery, repetition, and keeping them simple, positive, and enraging.
When faced with negative news, he avoids defending himself and keeps responses vague to prevent clear negative associations.
By understanding these principles, Trump effectively shapes the narrative and influences media coverage.
Strategies for dealing with accusations and denials in media.
Importance of body language and counter-attacks in responding to allegations.
Sensational attacks and their impact on media coverage.
Praise for Trump's media manipulation skills and criticism of Bill and Hillary Clinton's actions towards women.
Comparison of Trump to past politicians who excelled in using media to their advantage.
Media thrives on sensationalism, rage, and simplicity to attract viewers, leading to a cycle of demand and supply.
Individuals should resist sharing outrage-inducing content and instead contribute positively by donating time or money to causes.
This proactive approach can create real change and break the pattern of feeding into negative media trends for the sake of clicks.
It's essential to be mindful of the content consumed and shared to foster a more constructive and impactful media landscape.