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How To Plan YouTube Videos For Audience Retention (Exact Outline)

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9K views|3 years ago
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The video discusses the importance of planning YouTube videos, including using keyword research tools like VidIQ to generate ideas. It emphasizes focusing on the overall score of keywords for content creation. Tips are provided for finding popular topics, creating scripts, and keeping viewers engaged with cliffhangers. Strategies for increasing watch time and monetizing YouTube without showing your face are also covered. The video offers valuable insights and resources for optimizing video content and growing a channel.

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Importance of planning YouTube videos for better content, audience retention, and increased revenue.
Use keyword research tools like VidIQ to generate video ideas based on niche.
Sort keywords by overall score to identify the best ideas for videos.
Follow a formula for each video to ensure all aspects are checked off before uploading.
Systematic planning streamlines video creation, boosts channel promotion, and leads to increased subscribers and views.
VidIQ provides scores for search volume, competition, and overall ranking to assist in keyword selection.
The overall score is a combination of competition and search volume scores for accurate keyword ranking.
It is important to prioritize the overall score over individual scores when choosing keywords.
Using keywords like 'tech gadgets' and 'future technology' can boost content visibility and generate ideas.
Combining keywords can improve content relevance and discoverability, leading to enhanced optimization of video content.
Tips for finding video ideas on YouTube.
Search for popular videos in a specific niche and sort by view count and upload date.
Select trending topics to generate views.
Create a script and outline for videos by outlining main points and filling in details.
Bonus tip: Ensure scripts are over 1800 words long to increase watch time.
How to increase audience retention on YouTube videos.
Aim for scripts between 1,500 and 2,000 words to ensure videos are at least 10 minutes long.
Tease content early in the video to boost audience retention and watch time, similar to TV cliffhangers.
Opening and closing loops in videos keeps viewers engaged by revealing content gradually.
Utilize this method throughout the video to maintain interest and increase growth on YouTube.
Strategies for making money on YouTube without showing your face or recording videos.
Planning content is crucial to boost audience retention and watch time.
Options include recording videos, hiring others, or doing voiceovers.
Viewers are encouraged to attend a free training session for detailed guidance.
Matt Parr promotes another resource for making money on YouTube without showing your face.