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Are You Refactoring Code For The Right Reasons?

refactor code#refactoring code#refactoring#code refactoring javascript#code refactoring#refactor python#refactoring python#refactor legacy code#code refactoring c##code refactoring java#code refactoring python#refactoring java#refactoring javascript#refactoring c##refactor java#refactor javascript#refactor c##refactoring legacy code#refactor
16K views|6 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Should You Refactor Someone Else's Code? | What To Consider" discusses the decision of whether to refactor someone else's code based on personal preferences, considering factors such as the longevity and revenue of the project, the time it will take to refactor, and the impact on the hardest cases of the code. The video provides insights and considerations for software developers facing this situation. 6 Things to Consider Before Refactoring Code: 1. Validate the hardest case first. 2. Get permission and buy-in from your team. 3. Are you willing to teach and support others through the change? 4. Be prepared to work overtime if the refactoring turns out to be more complex. 5. Be honest with yourself about your knowledge and the potential challenges of the refactoring. 6. Share experiences and comment on situations where you've had to decide whether to refactor code or not.

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📊 Transcript
The video discusses whether to refactor someone else's code when you don't understand it.
The decision to refactor someone else's code should take into account the longevity and revenue potential of the product or feature.
Consider the time it will take to refactor the code to match your preferences and understand its full scope before making a decision.
Be cautious about introducing new technology or refactoring without considering if it's the right fit for the project.
Consider the impact on existing code when refactoring.
Validate the refactoring approach with the hardest case first to ensure it works with existing complicated code.
Get permission and buy-in from team members before making a change to a pattern.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. Should you refactor someone else's code when you don't understand it?

The decision to refactor someone else's code when you don't understand it should be carefully considered, taking into account factors such as the longevity of the product or feature, the time it will take to refactor, and the potential impact on the codebase.

2. What factors should be considered when deciding whether to refactor someone else's code based on personal preferences?

When deciding whether to refactor someone else's code based on personal preferences, factors such as the longevity of the product or feature, the time it will take to refactor, and the potential impact on the codebase should be considered.

3. How can the decision to refactor someone else's code be influenced by the potential impact on the codebase?

The decision to refactor someone else's code can be influenced by the potential impact on the codebase, as making changes to a codebase without fully understanding the implications can lead to problems and risks.

4. What is the importance of considering the longevity of the product or feature when deciding whether to refactor someone else's code?

Considering the longevity of the product or feature is important when deciding whether to refactor someone else's code, as it determines the potential benefit of refactoring in relation to the overall lifespan and value of the code.

5. How does the time it will take to refactor someone else's code affect the decision to proceed with the refactoring?

The time it will take to refactor someone else's code can significantly influence the decision to proceed with the refactoring, as the effort and resources required must be justified by the potential improvements and long-term benefits.

6. What should be considered before refactoring code?

Before refactoring code, it's important to consider the impact on the entire codebase, validate the hardest case first, seek permission from team members, be willing to teach and support others, and be prepared for the potential complexity that may require overtime work.

7. Why is it important to seek permission from team members before refactoring code?

Seeking permission from team members before refactoring code is important to ensure buy-in and avoid potential conflicts. It also demonstrates respect for the original authors of the code and promotes a collaborative approach to code improvements.

8. What potential challenges should be considered before refactoring code?

Before refactoring code, potential challenges such as the impact on the entire codebase, the need to validate the hardest case first, the requirement to teach and support others, and the potential complexity that may require overtime work should be carefully considered.

9. How can the impact on the entire codebase be managed during the code refactoring process?

The impact on the entire codebase during the code refactoring process can be managed by validating the hardest case first, seeking permission and buy-in from team members, providing teaching and support to others, and being prepared for the potential complexity that may require overtime work.

10. What are the key factors to consider when deciding whether to refactor code or leave it as is?

The key factors to consider when deciding whether to refactor code or leave it as is include the impact on the entire codebase, the need to validate the hardest case first, seeking permission and buy-in from team members, being willing to teach and support others, and being prepared for the potential complexity that may require overtime work.