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Why Even Bother Ranger Spear A Weapon Of Limitations

Paper Roll2024-06-29
Guild Wars 2#Guild Wars#mmorpg#Guild Wars 2 game footage#MMO#GuildWars#GuildWars2#Guild Wars II#GW#GW2#MMORPG#Guild Wars 2 PvE#Guild Wars 2 PvP#GW2 News#GW2 Ranger Gameplay#Guild Wars 2 Elite Spec#GW2 Ranger Elite Spec#ranger#roaming#pvp#build#Guild wars 2 untamed#untamed#unleash#guide#untamed gameplay#guildwars2#gw2#druid#heartofthrons#pathoffire#tips#tricks##roaming##pvp##wvw##guildwars2##gw2##ranger##hot##pof##pve##openworld##dps#solo#new#patch#spear#beta#test#weapon
2K views|2 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores the new Ranger spear weapon in an upcoming expansion, detailing its skills and mechanics, strengths, weaknesses, and potential improvements for competitive gameplay. It also discusses issues with skill animations, the effectiveness of a specific weapon in combat, and the trade-offs between different weapons in the game. Overall, the analysis provides insights into the weapon's design, gameplay dynamics, and suggestions for enhancing its viability and appeal in various scenarios.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Overview of the new Ranger spear weapon in the upcoming expansion.
Auto attack design, chain attacks, and damage comparisons between range and melee attacks are discussed.
Skills two to five enhance effectiveness and damage, with skill two delivering two hits.
Skill three increases damage by 20% against immobilized enemies.
Skill four is a short leap distance with increased damage below 50% health, and skill five inflicts daze in different competitive modes.
Analysis of weapon skills and mechanics in a competitive game mode.
The Unleash Ambush skill criticized for design flaws and revealing player positions prematurely.
Skill noted for high damage output and versatility, hitting multiple targets from a distance.
Concern raised about forced reveal mechanic when hitting an opponent while stealthed.
Overall analysis of weapon strengths and weaknesses in relation to gameplay dynamics.
Bugs and issues with skill animations in the game, focusing on Skills Three and Four.
Skill Three can cause the player to face the wrong direction when attacking.
Skill Four has inconsistencies in damage application and can prevent quick transitions to other skills.
These bugs disrupt gameplay, hindering the effectiveness of certain weapon skills.
This leads to frustration and potential combat disadvantages for players.
Analysis of a weapon setup in a beta version of a game.
The weapon is criticized for being clunky, low damage, and lacking swiftness, conditions, CC, and mobility compared to other setups.
Skill rotation is awkward and damage output is insufficient.
Lack of utility and mechanics make it unattractive for solo open world play.
Suggestions for improvement include enhancing CC, cleave, and overall utility to make the weapon more viable and appealing in competitive gameplay.
Advantages of using a specific weapon in combat.
Ability to quickly switch between skills and increase mobility.
Emphasis on strategic disengagement and survivability in battles.
Critique of the weapon for lacking optimal crowd control capabilities.
Reliance on skills, traits, and abilities for damage and utility in combat scenarios.
The strengths and weaknesses of the short bow in competitive play.
The short bow is defensive but lacks damage and utility in larger fights.
It excels in Power Ranger builds, offering mobility, distance damage, and versatility.
The short bow is tankier and better for close combat engagements compared to the long bow.
Its ability to disengage and apply damage from range makes it valuable in glass cannon setups and against melee opponents.
Comparison of weapons in the game focusing on sword mobility, hammer barrier and CC abilities, and the benefits of running multiple sources for STS.
The speaker points out the limited value of one particular weapon, especially in condition builds, and highlights its design for power which may not be suitable for certain builds.
The review invites feedback and questions from viewers at the end of the segment.