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Watch This Before You Make Your First Game!

Thomas Brush2022-11-23
thomas#brush#making your first game#first game#game development first timer#how to make first game#indie game development#how to make games#unity#tutorial#unreal#solo game dev#how much money#college#game career#game industry#GDC
456K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Thomas Brush discusses the challenges of indie game development, emphasizing the complexity and time-consuming nature of creating a game due to various elements such as art, music, coding, and game design. He provides a sequence for building a game properly, including starting with a budget, creating a game design document, and building a polished prototype. Brush shares his own experience of using this method to successfully complete his game 'Never Song' in six months after facing pressure from his publisher.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The developer received pressure from their publisher to launch their indie game, Never Song, in just six months, despite the game being far from complete.
The developer was surprised to realize that they had been working on the game for two years with no clear end in sight.
There was a concern about potential legal action and the impact on the developer's career.
Game development often takes twice as long as initially expected.
The key ingredients to building a game include understanding the sequence, budget, game design document (GDD), and prototype development.
Game development involves a complex mix of art forms and crafts.
Understanding how different elements interact with each other is crucial in predicting the time it takes to build a game.
Following the right sequence and seeking advice from experienced developers can save time and money.
Creating a budget and estimating the time commitment is essential for project planning.
Developing a game design document (GDD) serves as a blueprint for the game.
Building a prototype to test the game's basic mechanics and fun factor is a critical early step.
The recommended sequence for building a game properly involves starting with a budget, creating a game design document (GDD), building a prototype, and then polishing the demo for potential funding.
Compare your budget and schedule to similar indie games to set realistic expectations.
Use the GDD as a blueprint for your game.
Focus on building a prototype or demo to test the core gameplay mechanics.
Polish the demo to a high standard before seeking funding or beginning full-scale development.
Securing funding or using the polished demo as a standard can guide the development of the full game.
The developer for Never Song scaled the game in six months using the first couple of levels as a template after receiving pressure from the publisher.
The developer used the method of quickly fleshing out several more levels based on the template to meet the tight six-month deadline.
The publisher's pressure ultimately helped the developer make better decisions and improve the game.
Never Song was eventually sold to Apple, released on other platforms, and generated over five hundred thousand dollars in revenue.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. Why did the creator of the indie game Never song feel panicked?

The creator felt panicked when the indie game publisher wanted to launch the game in six months, but the game was nowhere near complete after two years of development.

2. What is the main reason for the extended development time of video games?

The extended development time of video games is attributed to the complexity of game development, which involves various elements such as art, music, coding, and game design.

3. How does the creator suggest mitigating the challenges of game development?

The creator suggests mitigating the challenges of game development by following a structured sequence, starting with a game design document, building a prototype, and then seeking funding or investment to support the development process.

4. What success did the creator achieve with the game Never song after scaling the development process?

After scaling the development process and completing the game in six months, the creator sold the game to Apple, released it on other platforms, and generated over five hundred thousand dollars in revenue.

5. What offer is mentioned for the creator's full-time Game Dev program during the Black Friday sale?

The creator's full-time Game Dev program is offered at a 50% discount during the Black Friday sale, and it includes free access to the 2D and 3D art programs.