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The Borderlands Chat Ep.1: WvW Development Goals w/ Roy and Cecil

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💫 Short Summary

The video features discussions with ArenaNet devs on World vs World changes, including structural improvements, population balancing, and player engagement. It highlights the challenges of server restructuring, community dynamics, and the importance of player feedback for continuous improvement in Guild Wars 2. Efforts are made to incentivize winning, align player incentives, and enhance the overall gaming experience. The speaker emphasizes transparency, communication, and adaptability to diverse player preferences, aiming to create a more competitive and inclusive gaming environment.

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Discussion with ArenaNet Devs on World vs World changes.
The conversation focused on structural changes, not balance changes in World vs World.
The creator is grateful for the opportunity to speak with devs and hopes for more in the future.
The conversation was considered interesting and valuable, highlighting ArenaNet's engagement with creators for interviews.
Dedication and experiences in early morning tournaments.
Playing support classes and being a target as a commander.
Enjoyment of various game modes.
Recognition of players who prefer anonymity.
Congratulatory remarks on team achievements and platform engineers' contributions.
Restructuring system in World versus World.
Aims to improve matchup balance and player experience by spreading player populations across different time zones.
Addresses issues with stack servers and imbalanced populations.
Enhances the feeling of fairness in facing off against other teams.
Discourages server stacking to promote a competitive environment.
The World vs World system aims to equalize player populations and address spikes and valleys in player content.
It allows for better response to population fluctuations compared to static server systems.
The linking system was introduced to address population imbalances between servers.
Issues existed with both the server system and the linking system, as massive population disparities were observed between different tiers.
Continuous improvements in server structures and restructuring systems are needed.
Discussion on server linking and world restructuring in online games.
Aims to balance server populations and time zones for better matchups.
Allows players some control over who they play with, within limits.
Initial excitement over the idea of more player agency and group control.
Concerns raised about potential balance issues with rewards and winning on low population servers.
Disparities in World versus World gameplay based on server community vibe and size.
Evolving server dynamics with a focus on community and external pressure to win.
Call for a better system to support fair and balanced match-ups for all players.
Ongoing developments and adjustments in gameplay structure to achieve equal chances of winning.
Challenges and benefits of world restructuring in the game.
Impact of server restructuring on community dynamics, guild interactions, and long-term game health.
JQ and TC double-teaming BG in Season 2 as a strategy to address imbalance led to lasting community rifts.
Emphasis on the need for systems that balance player freedom with community cohesion and adaptability to population changes.
Development of server system and World restructuring in video game industry faced delays, but were prioritized in 2021.
Backend system for handling algorithms and switching between server systems was developed in 2021 and 2022.
Complex infrastructure of Guild Wars 2 posed challenges, leading to longer development time.
Competitive producer for Guild Wars 2 played key role in decision-making and gathering community feedback.
World restructuring project launched on June 14th.
Importance of maintaining a backlog and setting goals in improving systems.
Appreciation for transparent communication on issues like matchmaking.
Gratitude for leadership supporting transparent communication and navigating challenges in the tech industry.
Iterative process of testing and refining systems, such as matchmaking permutations.
Highlighting the importance of adapting to unexpected community actions and integrating feedback into system development.
Player Engagement Data Collection and Alliance Structures.
Direct live data is used to understand player engagement.
Increase in large player groups may be attributed to alliance structures.
Plans are open to adjustment based on data insights.
Time zones are not well considered in the algorithm, potentially impacting data accuracy.
Communication about system limitations is prioritized to prevent player frustration and misinterpretation.
Balancing NA and OCX populations in online gaming.
The challenge of managing queue times and matchmaking tiers for both populations.
Crafting an environment for all players to have a fun and active experience.
Acknowledgment of the complexity and limitations in achieving an ideal scenario due to regional differences.
Mention of upcoming changes in the game mode to address these challenges.
Population differences between NA and EU servers discussed, focusing on time zone coverage and player preferences.
Constant iteration and adaptation emphasized as necessary to cater to diverse player opinions and preferences in the gaming community.
Roundtable discussions planned to address issues within the OCX community and gather feedback for improvements.
Challenges in creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive gaming environment, especially in World versus World discussions, acknowledged.
Diverse preferences in the World versus World Community.
Meeting everyone's needs is challenging due to the variety of playstyles.
Evolution from focusing on PVP to GVG gameplay.
Many players start with random PPT activities before becoming more organized.
Emphasis on constant evolution and diversity within the community.
Importance of Community Feedback in Gaming Communities.
Player populations have diverse preferences and playstyles that impact game development.
Positive changes based on community feedback are well-received by players.
Updates and attention given to game modes to make players feel heard and listened to.
Emphasis on engaging with the community, listening to opinions, and providing opportunities for change and communication.
Speaker emphasizes importance of player feedback and impact of game changes.
Positive reception of communication initiatives like retro blog and bug fixes.
Striving for continuous improvement while facing challenges of pleasing everyone with changes.
Emphasis on balancing improvements for all player types and taking a 'Do no harm' approach to updates.
Importance of communication and experiencing different player types in gaming.
Diverse perspectives and interactions lead to valuable insights in gaming groups.
Exploring different playstyles offers benefits in the gaming experience.
Ongoing improvements and challenges in the World versus World environment are discussed.
Continuous efforts are made to enhance the gaming experience for all players.
Recent scoring changes and adjustments made to game mode.
Developers are open to feedback and plan to iterate changes based on player responses.
Goal is to incentivize winning, make winning matter, and encourage players to care about matchups and fighting for their respective battle guilds.
Past concerns about player burnout and unhealthy behaviors are reflected upon, emphasizing the importance of addressing these issues while evolving the game.
Incentivizing winning in a World versus World game mode for a healthier gaming environment.
Goal is to improve communication and teamwork among players by aligning objectives.
Emphasizing the importance of winning to bring different player communities together.
Making systemic changes and iterating on gameplay to enhance overall experience.
Importance of aligning player incentives with shared goals in gaming communities.
Recent adjustments in a game to align player fun with overall success in matches.
Concerns raised about player base feeling slighted by majority Zerg-oriented approach and lack of prioritization for diverse playstyles.
Questions about reward structures in World versus World gameplay and potential need for rebalancing to address outdated content.
Emphasis on ongoing considerations for reward acquisition and potential adjustments in future updates.
Introduction of vendors like Duan to address the issue of players accumulating excess tickets without valuable items.
Focus on improving rewards, simplifying acquisition process for legendary items, and enhancing player experience.
Seeking feedback from players for ideas on currency distribution and game mode enhancements.
Commitment to continuous improvement based on player input.
Importance of providing feedback through forums and discords in influencing potential changes in the game.
Specific questions raised about World versus World rewards and encouragement for players to share their thoughts in the forums.
Clarification that the speaker is not part of the balance team but is willing to pass along feedback to the relevant team.
Mention of receiving bug information and player opinions on the current meta, with a willingness to share this with the skills and balance team.
Emphasis that while feedback can be relayed, the speaker does not have decision-making authority in balance matters.
Discussion on the potential return of events like holidays or festivals.
Uncertainty surrounding the decision to not host such events currently, with no definitive reasons given.
Speaker expressing interest in event ideas and their role as an 'ideas man.'
Conversation about changes in the game mode Siege, particularly focusing on design philosophy.
Speculation on the prioritization of Defense as an active event between players.
Importance of player versus player interactions in game mode.
Emphasis on engaging and active gameplay, balancing defense and offense.
Highlighting adjustments to siege mechanics, like reducing supply costs for offensive tools.
Ensuring that both offensive and defensive strategies have value and purpose in the game.
Importance of Player Engagement and Efficient Button Use in the Game.
Addressing the CU bug in the game with an ongoing investigation and dedicated resources to solve the problem.
Decision to increase tiers in each region to lower the impact of the CU bug.
Challenges in resolving complex game issues.
Decision not to delay the release of the restructuring system despite existing bugs.
Importance of live data for system iteration and observing different aspects of the system.
Openness to feedback and communication with the community for positive changes in the game mode.
Commitment to listening to player feedback and engaging with the community through various platforms.
Acknowledgement of forgetting previous public tags and commitment to rectifying the issue.
Speaker plans to watch VOD, identify incorrect tagger, and send thank you message for correction.
Gratitude expressed for viewers, well-wishes for week and weekend, and mention of interacting on forums, balance streams, and maps.
Segment concludes with warm farewell and well-wishes for audience.