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Level 50 0% Shadow VS 100% Non-Shadow Pokemon, Which is Better? - Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO#Shadow#Tyranitar#Gaming#How To#Pokémon
500K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the strength of shadow Pokemon compared to non-shadow Pokemon, emphasizing the difficulty of obtaining high IVs for shadow Pokemon. It showcases the superior strength of shadow Pokemon, particularly Tyranitar and Metagross. Despite challenges in obtaining max IVs for shadow Pokemon, they are shown to outperform non-shadow versions in battles. The video encourages viewers to prioritize high IV shadow Pokemon for battle, highlighting their effectiveness and potential benefits. Overall, the message is that IVs are not the sole factor determining a Pokemon's strength in battles, with shadow Pokemon being strong and worth powering up in most cases.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Strength of Shadow Pokemon compared to non-shadow Pokemon and the impact of IVs.
Creator showcases powered-up shadow Pokemon and emphasizes the difficulty of obtaining 100% IVs.
Superior strength of shadow Pokemon demonstrated with examples like Tyranitar and Metagross.
High IVs are desirable but max IVs for shadow Pokemon are nearly impossible to achieve.
Viewers are urged not to focus solely on powering up high IV shadow Pokemon as they are inherently stronger than non-shadow variants.
Comparing zero IV shadow Tyranitar with 100% IV non-shadow Tyranitar at level 50.
CP and moveset optimizations for battles are discussed between the two Tyranitar variants.
Difficulties in obtaining zero IV shadow Pokemon versus 100% IV ones are explored.
Strategy behind powering up and evolving Pokemon is analyzed.
Process of removing frustration move, unlocking new moves, and testing effectiveness of different Tyranitar variants in battles is discussed.
Shadow Tyranitar outperforms non-shadow Tyranitar in raids despite the additional damage and defense decrease.
The demonstration showcases the impact of shadow damage and defense reduction on battle performance.
Utilizing shadow Pokemon, such as shadow Tyranitar, can lead to faster defeats of opponents.
This challenges the perception of limited usefulness of shadow Pokemon in battles.
Effectiveness of Shadow Pokemon with Low IVs vs. Non-Shadow Pokemon with High IVs.
Shadow Pokemon with low IVs can outperform non-shadow Pokemon with high IVs in battles, particularly against raid bosses.
Strategy involves prioritizing high IV shadow Pokemon with specific stats for battle, focusing on meta relevance.
Preference for certain IV combinations mentioned, but willingness to use lower IV Pokemon if needed.
IVs are not the sole indicator of a Pokemon's strength in battles.
Benefits of Shadow Pokemon in Gameplay.
Shadow Pokemon are generally strong and worth powering up, especially for non-competitive play.
Despite some situations where non-shadow Pokemon may be stronger, shadow Pokemon can still be valuable assets.
The video aims to educate viewers on the advantages of using shadow Pokemon in various gameplay scenarios.
The creator emphasizes the importance of sharing the video to showcase the strength of shadow Pokemon, even compared to non-shadow Pokemon with perfect IVs.