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How To Beat Oda - Cyberpunk 2.0 (Very Hard, Melee + Quickhacks)

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15K views|10 months ago
💫 Short Summary

In this tutorial video, the presenter provides strategies for beating Oda in Cyberpunk 2077, including tips for dealing with his various moves, using ranged and quick hack tactics, and managing the fight in different scenarios. The video includes gameplay footage and detailed explanations of each strategy.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Tips for Beating Oda in Cyberpunk 2077
Keep your distance from Oda to avoid his lunges and jump attacks.
If using a smart gun, aim for Oda's head to remove his face shield and make him vulnerable to smart weapons.
Consider using quick hacks like cyberware malfunction to disable Oda's smart gun.
Counter Oda's pistol by using the weapon glitch quick hack to stop him from jinking around.
Look for opportunities to counter the first move in Oda's combos to stop the entire sequence.
Keep the pressure on Oda to prevent him from regenerating health.
Oda's Tactics and Behavior
Oda uses a smoke bomb to retreat and regen health.
He has no specific cyberware that can be removed to stop his self-healing.
Oda tends to shelter in covered areas or corners of the map.
He can be spotted easily once in your field of view.
Oda is not easily affected by stealth tactics.
Dealing with Oda's Pistol
In close quarters, keep attacking to interrupt Oda's pistol fire.
Try to stay under roofed spaces or behind walls to avoid Oda's smart bullets.
Do not rely on blade deflect against Oda's ranged attacks.
Tracking Oda and Dealing with Glitches
Keep a close eye on Oda when he's jumping around in camo to prevent him from regenerating too much health.
Beware of a graphical glitch where Oda freezes in midair, making it difficult to counter his attacks.
Dodge out of the way when the glitch occurs to avoid getting hit.
Final Tips for Beating Oda
Understand Oda's tactics and patterns to make the fight more manageable.
Check out other cyberpunk videos by the creator.
Goro thanks the viewer for watching.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What are some effective strategies for beating Oda in Cyberpunk 2077?

Effective strategies for beating Oda in Cyberpunk 2077 include keeping your distance, targeting his head to remove his face shield, using quick hacks to counter his cyberware, and being cautious of his ranged attacks.

2. How can players deal with Oda's regen ability during the fight in Cyberpunk 2077?

To deal with Oda's regen ability during the fight in Cyberpunk 2077, players need to keep the pressure on and find him fast to re-engage, as there is no direct counter to his regen ability.

3. What is the key to avoiding Oda's smart pistol attacks in Cyberpunk 2077?

The key to avoiding Oda's smart pistol attacks in Cyberpunk 2077 is to either run under roofed spaces or put a wall between him and you to avoid the smart bullets. Players should also be cautious of charging head-on across open ground.

4. Are there any specific tips for countering Oda's moves and attacks in Cyberpunk 2077?

Specific tips for countering Oda's moves and attacks in Cyberpunk 2077 include learning the timing for his combos, using effective dodging and blocking, and staying vigilant during his cloaked and regen states. It's also important to be prepared for his ranged attacks and smart pistol usage.

5. What are the important factors to consider for a successful encounter with Oda in Cyberpunk 2077?

Important factors for a successful encounter with Oda in Cyberpunk 2077 include maintaining distance, exploiting his vulnerabilities such as face shield removal, using quick hacks to counter his abilities, and staying cautious during the fight, especially when dealing with his regen ability and smart pistol attacks.