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How Riot accidentally broke Teemo

vandiril#vandril#league of legends#teemo accident#how riot accidentally broke teemo this patch#riot thanks for fixing#teemo bug#teemo passive#phreak#teemo update
204K views|1 months ago
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Teemo was accidentally made overpowered in patch 14.14 due to a bug affecting his stealth and attack speed. Riot quickly hotfixed the issue after a day of chaos, restoring balance to Summoner's Rift.

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Teemo Riot in Patch 14.14.
A bug in Teemo's stealth and attack speed caused his win rate to drastically increase, making him overpowered.
The bug was due to an undocumented change to Teemo's passive aimed at improving reliability and responsiveness.
Changes were detailed in a Reddit post and a video by Freak.
Teemo was hotfixed quickly to restore balance to Summoner's Rift.