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CEVRO Institut Forum / Arthur Finkelstein / English

CEVRO Institute#Cevro#CEVRO Institut Forum#Arthur Finkelstein#Conference#Forum#International
23K views|12 years ago
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The video features a special event at a private College discussing political strategy, truth in politics, the role of appearance in elections, and the global economic crisis leading to nationalist movements. It emphasizes the importance of personality, early investment in campaigns, and adapting to the digital age for effective communication. The speaker predicts future political trends, addresses negative campaigning, and reflects on ethical dilemmas in supporting candidates. The event concludes with discussions on honesty in politics and the impact of a dangerous world, transitioning to informal conversations with wine and cookies.

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Introduction of special event at Institute of Political Science.
Institute offers BA and MA programs in political science, international relations, law, and public administration.
School promotes unique education with a free-market perspective.
Opening up to international students and professors to enhance global presence.
Guest speaker Arthur Finkelstein, a Republican Party consultant, highlighted for work in conservative campaigns.
Arthur Finkelstein's impact on political campaigns and consulting.
Finkelstein pioneered independent expenditure campaigns in politics, operating as a third force beyond candidate or party control.
He was the chief strategist behind successful campaigns for US politicians, including Ronald Reagan, and worked with leaders in Israel and various countries overseas.
Despite some unsuccessful projects, Finkelstein is known for his creative talents, dedication, and opposition to big government, aligning himself with libertarian ideals.
Finkelstein's strategic skills and influence in political debates have made him a significant figure in the field of political consulting.
The speaker discusses the concept of truth in politics and how politicians manipulate perceptions.
Politicians strategically mix true and untrue statements to control belief.
Credibility is emphasized in delivering political messages, illustrated by Bill Clinton's speech on school uniforms.
The four key resources in politics are money, information distribution, message content, and the messenger.
The lecture will cover political processes, campaigns, and the evolving global political and economic landscape.
The impact of distribution systems and candidate characteristics on voter perception and success.
Candidates' physical appearance, background, and values heavily influence voter perception and success.
Candidates with military backgrounds are favored during times of war.
The state of the economy influences preference for business-oriented leaders.
Time is a critical resource in political campaigns for fundraising, group identification, and campaign development.
Importance of early investment in political campaigns for a strong foundation.
Different types of candidates - structure, personality, and issue candidates.
Structural voting is crucial in elections, with many votes predetermined based on party affiliation.
Rejectionist voting tries to persuade individuals not to vote for specific candidates.
Impact of voter demographics on election outcomes shown through examples from New York State Senate races.
Role of personality in politics.
Success of figures like Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan due to their personalities.
Elections can be won by creating a negative vote against the opposing party.
Personalities can overshadow policy stances in voter decision-making.
Charisma and relatability have a significant impact on voter behavior.
Global economic crisis leading to social unrest, particularly among young individuals from poor backgrounds.
Unemployment, underemployment, and fear of job insecurity are driving protests and political movements worldwide.
Rise of strong government figures in response to unrest, with a focus on maintaining power and control.
Emergence of ethnically charged and anti-Muslim political parties in various countries, exploiting economic struggles for support.
Common theme of job loss and cultural preservation driving nationalist sentiments and political shifts globally.
Impact of Economic Crisis on Nationalism and Xenophobia
Greece riots are being exploited for political gain.
Rise in nationalism leads to prioritizing domestic issues.
Shift in mindset influences global politics and voter decisions.
Importance of engaging narratives and humor in political communication.
Importance of appearance in politics.
The Nixon-Kennedy debate showcased how TV viewers favored Kennedy over radio listeners who favored Nixon.
Women politicians often dress in a masculine manner to appear strong.
Mitch Daniels' height may impact his presidential candidacy despite his conservative ideas and fiscal responsibility.
The speaker, an elected politician in the European Parliament, discusses the evolution of communication over the past 40 years.
Information fragmentation and the velocity of communication are key concepts highlighted by the speaker.
Growth of television, newspapers, and magazines is emphasized in the discussion.
The rise of the Internet has provided access to more specific information but may lead to a lack of broad understanding.
Impact on news consumption is evident with a decline in newspaper circulation and an increase in online and cable news sources.
The impact of real-time information on politics and communication strategies.
Understanding the fragmentation of information is crucial for success in politics.
Children are growing up in a world of constant, high-speed information from multiple sources.
Print media and traditional communication methods may decline due to the rapid pace of digital information.
Politicians need to adapt to the fast-paced digital age to remain relevant and effective in their communication.
Barack Obama's successful presidential campaign highlighted the importance of utilizing social media and internet fundraising in politics.
He engaged with the population through platforms like Twitter and blogs, raising $750 million online.
This contrasted with traditional political methods, showing the significance of adapting to new technologies for effective communication and outreach.
The speed at which candidates can gain traction online emphasizes the need for swift and strategic campaign preparation in the digital age.
Analysis of Ron Paul's chances of being elected president.
Ron Paul may choose to remain a Republican instead of running as an independent candidate.
Prediction that Ron Paul's son may have a better opportunity for a presidential race in the future.
Discussion on the evolution of the Republican Party, highlighting the shift from two separate wings to different factions including economic libertarians, anti-communists, and evangelical religionists.
Shift in political ideologies within the Republican Party.
Ron Paul's role in maintaining economic focus despite growing anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiments.
Prediction of potential Republican nominees reflecting these trends, expressing concerns over Barack Obama's leadership.
Emphasis on the need for individuals to champion freedom and free markets in the face of rising populism and xenophobia.
Pessimistic outlook on current trends in global leadership.
Importance of Ideological Alignment in Supporting Political Candidates.
Aligning with candidates who share similar values is crucial, avoiding support for those with fundamental disagreements.
Presidency is emphasized as significant, requiring ideological compatibility with candidates.
Speaker declined support for three Republican presidential candidates due to lack of agreement with current field.
Ethical dilemma of supporting candidates with opposing views is discussed, reflecting on initial idealistic aspirations to change the world.
Reflections on past activism and unintended negative impact.
Ethical dilemma of spreading false information in the age of the internet.
Importance of freedom of speech despite misinformation.
Denial of knowingly deceiving others in political campaigns.
Aversion to negative campaigning and emphasis on honesty in political discourse.
Negative campaigning and its destructive nature.
Negative campaigning criticizes opponent's failings rather than promoting a candidate's virtues.
The public's interest in scandalous details over policy plans is highlighted.
The example of the IMF leader's scandal is used to illustrate the ease of ruining someone's reputation with false accusations.
Media's focus on sensational stories over substantive political discussions is critiqued.
Impact of a dangerous world and negative campaigning with an emphasis on honesty.
The discussion delves into how the current world climate and negative campaigning tactics are affecting society.
Transition into a more informal setting with wine and cookies to continue the conversation.
Participants gather to engage in further dialogue and exchange ideas in a relaxed environment.