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The Coming Demonic Invasion (Revelation 9:12–21)

Grace to You2024-07-11
John MacArthur#Bible#Preaching#Christianity#Expository#Exposition#Sermon#Jesus#Christ#Grace to You
95K views|1 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses a spiritual battle between good and evil, detailing the Book of Revelation's judgments and Divine interventions during the Tribulation. It emphasizes the importance of repentance and faith in Christ, warning of impending chaos, demonic influence, and escalating judgments on Earth. The speaker urges viewers to turn away from sinful behaviors and idolatry, highlighting the need for spreading the gospel and calling sinners to repentance to avoid despair and judgment. The narrative culminates in a plea for faithfulness, boldness, and love in warning others of the future horrors described in scripture.

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📊 Transcript
The spiritual battle between good and evil is discussed, with society engulfed in corruption and immorality.
Holy angels and fallen angels (demons) are engaged in this battle, with individuals aligning themselves with either God or Satan.
Belief in this reality has eternal consequences, with Heaven calling through Jesus Christ and the gospel, while Hell entices through lies and deception.
Satan's influence is pervasive, appealing to sinners and leading them into darkness.
Overview of the unseen spiritual world and battles between God and Satan.
Satan has been operating covertly since Christ's ministry.
A future time is predicted where demonic power will dominate, hindering gospel preaching.
Believers may face martyrdom by the Antichrist, with some surviving to enter Christ's kingdom.
The seven-year tribulation period is expected after the church is raptured, with judgments symbolized by the seven seals in Revelation.
The Book of Revelation describes judgments and Divine interventions during the future Tribulation.
The seventh seal leads to seven trumpets and bold judgments, culminating in Christ's return.
Each trumpet blast brings devastating events like hail mixed with blood, burning mountains, and poisoned waters.
The judgments are intense and relentless, signaling unparalleled devastation and Divine retribution.
The events serve as a warning and a call to repentance for witnesses.
The sixth Angel sounds, unleashing demons bound at the Great River Euphrates, causing devastation on Earth and tormenting mankind.
Despite seeking death, they cannot find it as millions of demons bring pain but not death.
The golden altar and the River Euphrates are key points to consider in these events, with judgments impacting all aspects of life on Earth.
The release of demons signifies a significant escalation in the chaos and suffering experienced during this period.
The significance of the golden altar in the book of Revelation.
The golden altar is located before the Throne of God and symbolizes a place where martyrs seek vengeance and judgment.
It is a smaller altar made of gold, contrasting with the Brazen altar for sacrifices, and is used by the high priest for specific rituals.
The golden altar is associated with prayers of the saints and represents divine judgment and vengeance through the actions performed there.
Symbolism of incense on the golden altar in the Book of Revelation.
Incense offerings symbolize prayers for grace and mercy, highlighting the link between sacrifice and connecting with God.
The golden altar transforms into a symbol of vengeance and judgment in Revelation, signaling the end of grace and mercy.
The release of fallen angels from the Euphrates River signifies an increase in demonic activity and the onset of tribulations.
The connection between the demons bound at the river Euphrates and ancient origins of sin and deception.
The symbolism of the river Euphrates as a central location of evil and false religions in ancient times.
The potential influence of these demons on empires like Babylon and Persia.
The association of the river Euphrates with future battles and the release of 200 million demons.
The stronghold of Pagan religions in the Middle East, representing Satan's counterfeit religions.
The Four Angels as Agents of Destruction.
The angels are described as fierce demons with lion-like heads, emitting fire, smoke, and brimstone.
They are unleashed by God to bring judgment and kill a third of mankind using these elements.
Their arrival is likened to hell on Earth, with unimaginable death and destruction.
These demons operate as instruments of God's will, and no power on Earth can withstand their force.
Importance of Repentance and Faith in Times of Judgment.
Two-thirds of the population refuse to repent despite experiencing wars, famine, and death.
The urgency of turning to Christ is emphasized through severe warnings in scripture.
Believers from all nations, tribes, and backgrounds will be saved by repenting and having faith.
Refusal to repent leads to escalating judgments, including severe hailstones and continued blasphemy against God.
Warning against Satan worship and societal decay.
Individuals engaging in idolatry, murder, drug use, immorality, and theft.
Highlighting a world engulfed in demon worship and rampant crimes.
Future with global chaos, escalating evil, and lack of restraint in sinful behaviors.
Urging viewers to heed warning signs of a society heading towards moral collapse.
Urgency of warning people of future horrors.
God is displeased with the death of the wicked and calls for repentance and life.
Believers are tasked with warning others of impending judgment and encouraging repentance.
Spread the gospel with faithfulness, boldness, and love.
Call sinners to repentance and faith in Christ to avoid despair and judgment.