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Minimum Viable Community with Sascha Mombartz Close Knit, Community Canvas

Zoom recording
0 views|4 months ago
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The video explores the importance of community and belonging, discussing different organizational structures, trust building, resilience, and effective communication within communities. It highlights the challenges of virtual interactions and offers strategies for better engagement. The discussion extends to community retention, building lifelong connections, and the role of community managers. The segment also delves into creating a feedback software for work environments, fostering progressive feedback culture, and engaging developers in community-building activities. Overall, the video emphasizes the value of strong social connections, collaboration, and continuous learning for community growth and sustainability.

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Sasha's upbringing influenced his views on community and belonging, leading him to create the Community Canvas guidebook.
He studied design and worked in product design for 10 years before creating the guidebook with a friend.
Originally expecting 5,000 downloads, they were surprised by 100,000 visitors, showing the demand for community frameworks.
Sasha stresses the significance of community belonging, trust, and resilience as essential elements for building robust communities.
The importance of organizing systems as centralized, decentralized, or distributed in communities.
Consideration of network structure within a community for efficiency and communication.
Community serving both internal and external purposes, illustrated by Greenpeace.
Emphasis on belonging, trust, and resilience in a community.
Interconnected nature of belonging, community, and longing in understanding community dynamics and member relationships.
Importance of community and belonging.
Loneliness has severe health implications equivalent to smoking, emphasizing benefits of strong social connections.
Trust is explored as connections and knowledge built between individuals, leading to predictability and understanding.
Building trust involves sharing facets of oneself, strengthening connection with others over time.
Building trust in relationships requires proximity and similarity, allowing for shared experiences and common ground.
Direct communication is essential for deeper connections, as in-person interactions provide more information and depth compared to virtual meetings.
Reciprocity plays a key role in relationship development, starting with direct exchanges and evolving into more indirect forms as trust grows.
Strong relationships enable mutual support and understanding, leading to more profound connections over time.
Importance of Trust in Relationships
Trust leads to a more indirect but trusted transactional dynamic.
Cultural differences in principles like directness and reciprocity are discussed.
Building communities across various contexts is complex.
Resilience is emphasized in community building, with a focus on preemptive measures and remedial actions to ensure stability.
The importance of resilience, governance, social capital, and community building in building sustainable communities.
Resilience is achieved through clear communication, transparency, and honesty to resolve conflicts and foster unity.
Governance involves decision-making, rule-setting, and translating values into actionable guidelines for the community.
Social capital, or trusted relationships, plays a critical role in community building and sustainability.
Effective community building requires energy, commitment, collaboration, and understanding of members' levels of commitment.
Importance of Metrics and Informal Events in Community Building
Money represents value and can cause issues if perceived unfairly.
Metrics play a vital role in evaluating progress and resilience within complex community systems.
Informal events are more successful in fostering connections and trust, as they enable individuals to be authentic.
These events are cost-effective, promote consistency, and encourage the adoption of actionable values.
Strategies for Building Community in Remote Settings.
Informal interactions are crucial for creating a sense of community and belonging in remote settings.
Setting specific rules for engagement can help prevent overwhelming calls.
Conflict should be approached as a learning opportunity to foster community growth.
Giving people the benefit of the doubt and addressing misunderstandings constructively is key to building a positive community cycle.
Challenges of virtual meetings and the importance of engagement.
Platforms like Zoom are considered exhausting and lacking engagement.
One-on-one interactions are emphasized as important in virtual meetings.
Strategies such as walking in a park during calls are suggested for better engagement.
The need for more interactive tools like Icebreaker cards is recommended for virtual meetings.
Challenges of community retention in online spaces.
Engagement levels tend to drop after initial shared goal is achieved.
Difficulty lies in maintaining interest and participation once members graduate from main purpose of community.
Suggestions are sought for strategies to improve community retention.
Keeping members engaged over time is a key focus.
Building a lifelong community involves considering time span and size, with smaller communities staying connected longer.
Different levels of engagement are beneficial for retaining members, with co-creation being a key factor.
Providing opportunities for members to contribute and care about the community's purpose aids in retention.
Balancing freedom with structure is crucial to prevent chaos within the community.
The flywheel model is recommended for improving retention rates and overall community engagement.
The importance of a community manager as an enabler and facilitator in bringing people together and coordinating activities is emphasized.
The community manager is viewed as a leader who guides the group towards a common goal by providing direction and structure.
It is beneficial to approach co-creation with a proposed idea rather than starting with a blank canvas to streamline the process and gather input more effectively.
Participants are encouraged to freely explore ideas and processes through Post-it notes and canvas activity.
Limited time given to fill out the canvas and explain ideas to a partner.
Breakout sessions are planned for further discussion, but group decides to stay together for sharing.
Brief discussion on preferences for group activities, with majority choosing collaboration in larger group.
Development of a new feedback software focused on actionable, continuous, and human-centered feedback at work.
Core user identified as the employee, with considerations for people and culture leads.
Creating a community for nurturing progressive feedback culture and challenging outdated performance management practices.
Shift in perspective from designing for the core user to considering the community and buyer aspects of the product.
Importance of Community Building in the Workplace
Distinguishing between customers and users, as well as fostering communities within a workplace, is crucial.
HR professionals play a key role in building communities at work and creating spaces for various groups within an organization.
Bringing people together from different companies to share experiences is essential for learning and growth.
Mission to reduce screen time for kids is emphasized for the development of children's cerebral cortex.
Building a Community Through Engaging Activities.
Developers are engaged in games, book clubs, and gamified happy hours to promote creativity and playfulness.
The focus is on aligning internal and external purposes and providing activities for all age groups.
Challenges of asynchronous community building are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of information exchange, trust, and overcoming barriers like time zones.
Synchronous activities, like drawing together, are suggested to enhance collaboration and strengthen community bonds.
Building a successful online community through fun activities and connectivity.
Offline communities, like running groups, have been successful in bringing like-minded individuals together.
Fun is emphasized as a key factor in building relationships and learning about others in a unique way.
Reintroducing games into adult interactions is suggested to foster connection and understanding.
Challenges in maintaining engagement in online communities are addressed, highlighting the importance of regular meetings for meaningful interactions.
Strategies for Growing a Community from 50 to 500 Members.
Empower a Core Group with more responsibilities such as facilitators or ambassadors.
Build a facilitation team with full-time Community Builders and willing community members.
Provide value to existing members to attract new ones.
Define specific roles within the community to aid in its growth.
Closing ritual for calls involves participants putting their hands in the middle, unmuting, counting to three, and saying "go team."
The speaker emphasizes the significance of feedback and ideas for improvement, emphasizing the importance of connection and unity within the group.
Appreciation is expressed for everyone's participation, with a suggestion to share emails for follow-up on discussed topics.
The segment concludes on a positive note, thanking viewers and wishing them well.