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My System for Stopping Anxiety Attacks: 5 steps, 20+ Skills for Panic Attacks

therapy in a nutshell#emma mcadam#mental health#depression#anxiety#overthinking#social anxiety#panic attacks#anxiety attack#anxiety attacks#panic attack#panic disorder
244K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video provides insights on managing anxiety attacks by understanding stress levels, triggering the body's anti-anxiety response, and using techniques like grounding exercises and positive self-talk. It emphasizes the importance of addressing underlying issues, managing stress effectively, and making positive life changes to prevent anxiety cycles. Viewers are encouraged to take control of their lives, slow down, and prioritize self-care to create a custom plan for managing anxiety attacks.

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Tips for Managing Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety attacks can be triggered by stress, fear, or anxiety and can cause intense physical symptoms that hinder daily functioning.
The video delves into the psychology of calming anxiety attacks and offers tools for creating a personalized plan to handle them effectively.
The speaker shares their own experience of overcoming anxiety and stresses the significance of understanding and managing stress levels.
Different approaches to treating panic and anxiety attacks are discussed, such as accepting them or using techniques to calm the body down.
Strategies for Managing Anxiety Cycles.
Speeding up or avoiding situations can intensify anxiety by increasing adrenaline and stress hormones.
Slowing down, both physically and mentally, is crucial to addressing overwhelming stimuli one by one.
Calming bodily anxiety during an attack involves triggering the body's anti-anxiety response through sensory activities like washing the face with cold water or holding ice.
Techniques such as bilateral leg tapping, walking, self-hugging, deep breathing, and engaging senses with tastes or smells can help reset the body and mind.
Techniques to Manage Anxiety
Grounding exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, positive self-talk, and challenging negative thinking are discussed as effective strategies for managing anxiety.
Developing a sustainable system to resolve anxiety by addressing underlying issues and managing stress effectively through life management strategies is emphasized.
Suggestions for managing anxiety include setting boundaries, balancing budget, processing past trauma, maintaining a reasonable schedule, and practicing self-care.
The significance of identifying locus of control, journaling emotions, and implementing different strategies to work through anxiety attacks is highlighted.
Importance of self-care and life evaluation.
Slowing down and evaluating life choices can help eliminate unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Organizing responsibilities properly can prevent anxiety cycles.
The video provides helpful insights to empower viewers to take control of their lives and make positive changes.