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Expressive Language Milestones by 30 Months | teachmetotalk | Speech Therapy for Toddlers Laura Mize

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The video discusses language development in children, focusing on expressive language skills at 30 months. It covers milestones from 12 to 48 months, emphasizing the importance of accurate information for parents and therapists. Strategies for teaching verbs, pronouns, colors, and negation are highlighted, with an emphasis on tailored learning experiences. The video aims to help children progress from single words to complex sentence structures through interactive activities and repetition. It also touches on the importance of parental involvement and providing opportunities for natural language practice to support overall language proficiency and development.

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Summary of Language Milestones Podcast Series
The podcast series focuses on expressive language skills at 30 months and covers developmental milestones for children's language skills from 12 to 48 months.
The podcast offers CE credit for therapists and provides handouts with strategies and goals for parents.
Handouts serve as a parent education tool and are available for purchase to support the educational courses offered.
The podcast aims to provide quality professional information in everyday language to help children's language development.
Developmental milestones in expressive language at the 30-month level.
Children at this stage are using two different sentence types and incorporating negation in their speech.
They are starting to consistently refer to themselves using pronouns like 'I' and 'my'.
The mean length of their utterances has increased from 1.50 to 2.00 words, indicating growth in language skills.
These milestones are crucial for language acquisition and communication abilities in children at this developmental level.
Language development in children is discussed, focusing on average number of words used by certain ages.
Accurate information for parents and therapists is emphasized, debunking misconceptions and erroneous guidelines.
Evidence-based strategies for teaching language to toddlers and preschoolers are highlighted, emphasizing stable goals and variable language facilitation.
Disparity between CDC and NIH statistics on language development is mentioned, showcasing the need for reliable information sources.
Importance of varying language for children's vocabulary and language skills.
Introducing new words and actions while maintaining a stable element aids in effective learning for children.
Strategy is beneficial for children with motor planning issues or apraxia.
Auditory bombardment is a helpful language therapy technique where children listen to target words without the pressure to repeat them.
Importance of imitation skills in language development for children.
Emphasis on the role of auditory processing and working memory in developing imitation skills.
Improvement in imitation skills leads to the ability to imitate complex phrases and unrelated words, expanding vocabulary size.
Strategies like auditory bombardment at the end of sessions are beneficial for reinforcing learning.
Language therapy practices should focus on increasing word complexity and variety to support children's language development.
Importance of imitation for children with language delays.
Children begin using three-word phrases once they have a vocabulary size of 35 to 50 words.
Vocabulary development is crucial for progress to self-generated phrases.
Teaching words from a variety of classes supports language development.
Strategies for Vocabulary Development in Children up to 30 Months.
Encourage spontaneous use of words to avoid sounding robotic or limited.
Emphasize vocabulary before focusing on syntax and verbal sequencing of syllables.
Address potential motor planning issues that may impact language development.
Singing, repetition, and speech therapy can help increase utterance length and overcome developmental hurdles.
Strategies for expanding children's language to three-word phrases.
Importance of adding verbs, descriptors, and color words to enhance vocabulary.
Consideration of the number of syllables in a phrase for developmental appropriateness.
Caution advised in introducing holistic phrases as true three-word phrases.
Encouragement of children to generate novel self-generated phrases for linguistic development.
Using anchor and carrier phrases to expand children's language skills.
Focus on changing one word at a time to progress from two-word to three-word phrases.
Encouraging children to build on existing phrases to increase complexity.
Cognitive challenges may arise when transitioning to longer phrases.
Additional support is needed to improve idea integration during play activities.
The importance of three-word phrases in language development.
Certain words or phrases with added elements count as multiple units of meaning.
Children being able to ask for assistance with personal needs is a developmental milestone.
Strategies for teaching children specific vocabulary to initiate requests for help are outlined.
Tailored and gradual learning experiences are emphasized for supporting language development.
Encourage parents to model help-seeking behaviors for children to learn naturally and effectively.
Use peer or sibling models to reinforce learning through imitation.
Discuss the success of waiting as a strategy with parents and encourage them to initiate tasks at home.
Implement auditory bombardment by repeating milestones to aid learning.
Create a personalized book with photos of activities that require assistance for speech and language practice.
Teaching verbs to children involves comprehension before expressive use.
Words are taught in everyday routines and specific experiences tailored to each child.
Therapy sessions focus on specific goals for effective verb teaching.
Early literacy activities, such as reading books with an adult, are beneficial.
Children need to comprehend verbs before using them expressively, although some may say the word before understanding it.
Teaching children action words.
Children should start with familiar actions and progress to more specific ones when learning action words.
Repetition is important for children, especially those with language delays, to learn and understand words.
Caregivers can use linguistic mapping to increase a child's vocabulary by mimicking what the child would say.
By incorporating new action words into everyday routines and focusing on receptive and expressive language, children can effectively learn and use language in meaningful ways.
Teaching language skills to children through everyday activities and structured experiences.
Therapists focus on action words and increasing complexity to help children learn.
New words are incorporated into familiar activities using evidence-based strategies.
Children are taught verbs like 'drive' through various examples and contexts.
Early literacy activities, such as acting out stories from books, provide engaging opportunities to teach new vocabulary effectively.
Key Highlights: Learning Colors in Children.
Children should wait until they have a vocabulary of about 50 words and are routinely asking for what they need before learning colors.
By 30 months, a child should be able to name one color accurately.
By age three, children should identify basic colors like red, green, blue, and yellow.
Typically developing children learn colors through incidental teaching, where parents show them colors as they play or talk about them in everyday situations.
Teaching colors to children with cognitive delays.
Matching and sorting by color comes before naming colors accurately, with receptive identification preceding expressive skill development.
Trial and error is common during color learning, with children initially struggling.
Matching games, such as using gift bows or balls, can help children become aware of colors and differences.
Relay games are a fun and interactive way to teach color matching to toddlers, emphasizing hands-on learning with various materials.
Teaching pronouns to children involves using gestures and interactive games for understanding and practice.
Engaging parents and caregivers in the learning process is essential for effective teaching.
Difficulty with pronouns may indicate a language disorder, necessitating targeted teaching methods.
Balancing play and practice is crucial to prevent fixation on certain words.
Interactive questioning and turn-taking activities can help reinforce learning of pronouns.
Teaching toddlers with language delays by starting with single words and progressing to phrases.
Emphasizing target words helps kids focus and stabilize their learning.
Using songs and gestures, like the binoculars trick, can aid in teaching pronouns effectively.
Teasing the child in therapy with pronouns encourages immediate usage and generalization of the word.
Teaching early pronoun use in the context of commenting and varied pragmatic functions is essential for language development.
Importance of using language effectively for children with language delays.
Focusing on pronouns and verbs is crucial for children with language delays.
Strategies such as using names to cue pronouns and modeling correct pronoun use are essential.
Pronoun reversal is a common issue for children learning language.
Consistent modeling is key to helping children learn and use pronouns correctly from the beginning.
Development of Pronoun Usage in Children.
Pronoun switching in children is a developmental milestone that may not occur early in language development stages.
Children should be able to replace a name with a pronoun, with emphasis on auditory bombardment and practice.
By age two and a half, children should be using at least two different sentence types and differentiating between word combinations and sentences.
Four types of sentences include declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogative, with declarative sentences being the most common in English.
Types of sentences discussed include declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogative.
Declarative sentences have a subject and a verb, while exclamatory sentences express strong emotions.
Imperative sentences give commands or requests, often used by children.
Interrogative sentences involve asking questions, starting with WH words or auxiliary verbs.
Children's speech patterns evolve from single-word questions to more complex structures as they age.
Strategies for teaching children to ask questions and importance of gestures and facial expressions in communication.
Relationship between apraxia and autism, emphasizing the need for structured vocal training.
Importance of generalizing teaching activities and incorporating gestures for parents.
Focus on helping children develop question forms and sentence types through holistic language development approaches.
Introduction to Children's Use of Negation in Language Development.
Children begin using negation around 30 months, often combining phrases to express 'no'.
Negation can involve various elements such as nouns, verbs, prepositions, or descriptive words.
By 36-48 months, children may progress to using contractions like 'don't'.
Modeling appropriate negation phrases and providing natural practice opportunities are essential for children to develop this language skill effectively.
Importance of teaching children about negation.
Understanding the first word of a sentence before using negation is crucial.
Strategies recommended include pairing negative words with others, using body language, and assigning homework for parents.
'Teach Me to Talk: The Therapy Manual' is suggested for speech-language pathologists and parents.
The manual contains milestone lists and effective strategies for reaching language development goals.