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How to Get Users and Grow - Alex Schultz, VP of Growth at Facebook - Stanford CS183F: Startup School

Stanford Online2017-05-03
Stanford#Facebook#Alex Schultz#Growth#Startup#Y Combinator#CS183F
172K views|7 years ago
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The video features discussions on the importance of user retention for growth, analyzing retention curves, network effects, and creating 'Magic Moments' for user engagement. It emphasizes aligning goals, understanding user data, and utilizing data-driven decision-making for successful growth strategies. The speaker also highlights the significance of optimizing notifications, leveraging media channels, and personalizing marketing content. Additionally, the video emphasizes the value of targeting, conversion optimization, and creating seamless user experiences to drive engagement and revenue generation in businesses.

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Importance of retention for growth, focusing on monthly active users.
Significance of having a great product and the role of engagement in revenue generation.
Value of metrics like cohort analysis for tracking user retention.
Impact of growth strategies and the team's approach to tactics for success in a competitive market.
Analyzing user retention curves to determine user engagement levels over time.
Importance of tracking user activity from sign-up through the first 30 days and beyond.
Success with small user samples in accurate retention analysis.
Description of three types of retention curves: flat-lining near zero, stabilizing, and re-accelerating after a decline.
Examples like FarmVille, Minecraft, and World of Warcraft used to illustrate different curve types.
Importance of network effects in the success of social services and marketplaces.
Introducing a new interface, such as an Android app after iOS, can re-engage users.
Adding new categories, like Amazon expanding beyond books, can boost user retention and engagement.
Different growth curves, from asymptoting to zero to steadily increasing, can impact a company's growth potential.
Understanding which growth curve your business aligns with is essential for long-term success.
Focus on net growth, churn, and resurrection in order to drive business growth.
Prioritize reducing churn and increasing retention to achieve growth.
Creating 'Magic Moments' for users, such as reconnecting with old friends or making a first purchase, is key to retention.
Companies like Airbnb emphasize delight and memorable experiences to drive users towards pivotal moments.
Sustained growth and success can be achieved through prioritizing retention and creating memorable experiences for users.
Importance of finding 'magic moments' in a product through understanding user experiences and interactions.
Significance of user retention and correlation between specific actions and long-term usage.
Example of eBay used to show correlation between actions and retention rates.
Emphasis on high retention rates in social networks and messaging apps for long-term success.
Value of identifying and validating key user interactions to build a sustainable business model.
Importance of User Retention in Business Models.
Higher retention is essential for successful business models like eBay or Amazon.
Physicist Geoffrey Taylor used dimensional reasoning to calculate bomb power, highlighting the importance of precise calculations.
Facebook's ad revenue curve shows the link between user registration, activity, and revenue generation.
User behavior significantly impacts revenue outcomes, emphasizing the importance of user retention and engagement.
Importance of analyzing curves for predicting future outcomes based on past data.
Methodology can be applied to various metrics like engagement, retention, and customer lifetime value.
Setting clear goals for growth is crucial, as demonstrated by examples from Facebook's early days.
Aligning the entire company towards a common goal, such as monthly active users, is essential for success.
Ensuring alignment and direction in larger teams or companies can be a challenge.
Importance of clear goals for company metrics.
Conflicting priorities can arise if goals are not aligned among team members.
Focus the entire company on growth rather than having a separate growth team.
Understanding user data and feedback is crucial for identifying opportunities for improvement.
Addressing issues such as retention rates, revenue per user, and acquisition channels.
Importance of Data Analysis in User Engagement Improvement.
Analyzing data is crucial for identifying gaps in user engagement, like push notifications not being received or clicked on.
Tracking user interactions helps in understanding growth trends and potential issues.
Personal experience of data logging at Facebook led to insights that prevented a growth slowdown.
Data is valuable in improving user experience and there is no need to choose between user experience and metrics.
Data helps gain empathy for users, with an example of product optimization for different screen sizes emphasized.
Importance of using data to understand users outside of Silicon Valley.
Data validates product development and predicts user behavior.
Metrics are valuable for optimizing user experience.
Data is powerful in forecasting revenue.
AB tests are recommended for product development, but startups often hesitate to trust results.
Utilize data for faster decision-making and independent testing by team members.
Prioritize goals based on data analysis to facilitate quicker decision-making process.
Initial customers should be friends for honest feedback and payment.
Reach out to desired users personally to avoid spam filters.
Utilize PR, social media, and ads for initial growth, focusing on product-market fit and retention for successful strategies.
Growth tactics in marketing emphasized in the video segment.
Importance of channel targeting, creativity, and conversion highlighted.
Significance of SEO strategies, including keyword research, content targeting, and link building, discussed.
Need for incremental analysis and focusing on marginal ROI over absolute ROI emphasized.
Caution against optimizing products solely for power users and importance of considering broader audience in marketing strategies stressed.
Importance of optimizing notifications for marginal users on platforms like Instagram and eBay.
Focus on email, SMS, push notifications, and offline mail for user engagement.
Value of earned, bought, and owned media, with an emphasis on leveraging owned media like website traffic.
Strategies for on-site merchandising to personalize creative content and trigger relevant suggestions for customers.
Significance of personalization in marketing, with examples from Facebook and opportunities for deep personalization through on-site merchandising.
Importance of Custom Audiences and Look-Alike Targeting on Facebook Ads.
Targeting based on behavior is more important than demographic targeting.
Signals indicating the right ad or content for individuals are key.
Creative content is valuable but not as crucial as targeting and channel selection.
Personalizing and adding a call to action to creative content can boost engagement.
Importance of using the right words, focusing on conversion, and optimizing landing pages for online advertising.
Metrics used at eBay to measure user engagement and the impact of redirecting search traffic to specific landing pages.
Emphasis on fast decision-making, bold actions, and data-driven strategies for company growth.
Prioritizing retention and identifying key metrics as crucial factors for success in business growth.
Importance of creating magic moments in product design for enhancing user experience and driving engagement.
Examples from LinkedIn and eBay show how streamlining the user journey can increase activation and revenue generation.
Focusing on reducing friction and optimizing the user flow can improve conversion rates.
Companies can create a more seamless experience for users by prioritizing user experience design.