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What You Need To Know Before Getting Into I.T. (Cyber Security)

Shane Hummus2022-04-29
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4K views|2 years ago
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Various paths exist to enter the tech field, including traditional education, military experience, certifications, or self-taught projects. Problem-solving skills and experience are valued over formal education, allowing for job opportunities with limited experience. Employers appreciate resourcefulness and continuous learning, with ways to showcase skills including creating projects at home, making YouTube tutorials, and showcasing projects on GitHub. Advancement in the tech industry requires staying updated and being adaptable, with a focus on practical application of knowledge. Personality type matters less in common IT careers, but exploring different paths within the field for flexibility and job satisfaction is recommended.

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Diverse Paths to Tech Careers.
Employers prioritize problem-solving skills and experience over formal education.
Self-initiated projects at home are crucial for gaining experience and showcasing skills.
Google can assist in project creation and learning through tutorials and videos.
Tech field offers unlimited opportunities for entry and advancement without strict education requirements.
Importance of being resourceful and continuously learning in the tech industry.
IBM Cyber Security Analyst certification is highly recommended for students.
Testing out of classes to expedite the completion of a degree.
Demonstrating resourcefulness and eagerness to learn through creating an LLC, making YouTube tutorials, and showcasing projects on GitHub.
Employers value independent thinking, leadership abilities, standing out in certain areas, and creative ways of getting attention.
Importance of Showcasing Skills and Practical Application.
Acquiring knowledge without practical application can be detrimental to standing out in a crowd.
Pitfalls include focusing too much on reading and research without practical implementation.
Getting stuck in a comfortable but limiting role, such as the help desk, can hinder career growth.
Balancing learning with practical application is advised to avoid wasting knowledge and career stagnation.
Advancing in the tech field requires continuous learning and avoiding stagnation.
Spending a lot on a degree is not necessary, with options like WGU offering quick and functional alternatives.
Staying updated is crucial in the tech industry, as skills can quickly become outdated.
Curiosity and a love for learning are essential traits for success in tech, given the ever-evolving nature of the field.
Adaptability and openness to change are important, as mistakes are inevitable and contribute to the learning process.
Success in IT Careers for Introverts and Extroverts.
Introverts may excel in roles like IT manager or desktop support due to their natural tendencies.
Extroverts may face challenges in IT jobs surrounded by introverts.
It's crucial to be able to adapt and switch between introverted and extroverted behaviors as needed in the IT field.
Personality type becomes less significant in common IT careers with abundant job opportunities.
Importance of exploring different career paths within a field for flexibility and job satisfaction.
Niche careers can lead to feeling stuck, while diverse subfields offer more opportunities.
Transitioning into IT is highlighted as a viable option, with the possibility of career changes within the industry by acquiring new skills.
Interacting with people and working on the recruiting side of accounting is presented as an example of finding a suitable career path.
Flexibility in career choices is emphasized for individuals uncertain about their career direction.