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Is An Online IT Degree Worth It? (WGU Online Degree)

Shane Hummus2022-04-25
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11K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

WGU is an online school offering accelerated bachelor's degree programs with industry-recognized curriculum. Students can earn multiple certificates alongside their degree, particularly in IT fields like cybersecurity. Building a portfolio showcasing skills can enhance job prospects. Starting salaries in IT range from 40k to 55k, with potential for significant increases through skills upgrades and job changes. Higher pay is generally found in management and business roles, with opportunities in tech hubs like Silicon Valley, New York, Seattle, and Austin. Experience in these locations can lead to diverse career paths and salary growth.

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Overview of WGU online school structure and benefits.
Students pay for a semester at a time, completing as many classes as possible to earn a bachelor's degree faster and reduce tuition costs.
WGU is regionally accredited and offers industry-recognized curriculum from companies like CompTIA and Cisco.
Students can graduate with multiple certificates alongside their degree, accelerating their progress by completing certifications before enrolling.
The school provides resources for those interested in IT certifications as a starting point.
Benefits of WGU for obtaining degrees in 6 months to a year.
WGU is cost-effective and efficient, with degrees holding the same weight as traditional four-year degrees.
Positive reviews praise the value and quality of the online school option.
Building a portfolio, such as creating applications or a GitHub, can enhance job prospects in IT fields like information technology or cybersecurity.
Key technologies to focus on for entering the industry include Active Directory, Azure, and AWS.
Creating content like blog posts or YouTube videos can help job seekers showcase their skills and projects.
Thinking outside the box, such as making creative videos pitching oneself to companies, demonstrates flexibility and ability to learn on the fly.
This approach can set candidates apart and showcase their skills in a unique and engaging way.
It can make job seekers more appealing to hiring managers and business owners.
Salary ranges in the IT field range from 40k to 55k, with potential for higher salaries in metropolitan areas.
Advancement in salary is tied to taking on more creative and specialized roles like defining processes or designing networks.
Changing jobs frequently can lead to faster salary increases, with examples of jumps from 50k to 90k.
Upgrading skills and seeking new opportunities can significantly impact salary progression in the IT industry.
Salary variations in the tech industry based on job roles.
Management and business roles tend to offer higher pay compared to other positions.
Starting salaries typically around 50k, with the potential to reach 150k for roles such as software engineer or CTO.
Silicon Valley is known for high pay, but other tech hubs like New York, Seattle, and Austin also offer decent salary opportunities.
Gaining experience in these locations can provide flexibility in choosing future career paths.