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How To Get A Remote Job With No Experience

Shane Hummus2023-05-22
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90K views|1 years ago
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The video discusses the surge in popularity of remote work due to the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right job based on career goals. Tips include focusing on industries with high demand like technology, creating an ATS-friendly resume, applying for jobs even without all experience requirements, and networking through platforms like LinkedIn. Building a strong portfolio, learning industry-specific skills, and engaging in forums are recommended for job search success. The video also promotes a upcoming three-day challenge event for valuable career advice and encourages viewers to participate.

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The rise in popularity of remote work post-pandemic has led many to seek remote or semi-remote jobs for increased flexibility and time with family.
It is crucial to choose the right remote job that aligns with individual career goals, catering to different life stages and priorities.
Advice is given to focus on industries like technology, Tech sales, and digital marketing, as they offer high opportunities for skill development and growth.
Positioning oneself in areas where demand is high is key to unlocking a variety of job prospects and advancing in one's career.
Tips for Job Search Success.
Aligning career path with in-demand skills can lead to higher pay and remote work opportunities.
Creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) resume and applying to jobs quickly can increase job search success.
An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) friendly resume is crucial for job application success, increasing chances by 500%.
Focusing on skills that companies are looking for can improve job search outcomes.
Importance of applying for jobs even if you don't meet all experience requirements.
Emphasizes building a strong portfolio to showcase skills.
Introduces the 80/20 rule to focus on key skills for significant results.
Advocates for active learning by practicing skills in real-time.
Offers advice on creating a portfolio to demonstrate skills and ability to learn quickly.
Building your own ticketing system can showcase your skills to potential employers, demonstrating both knowledge and creativity.
Creating a portfolio is crucial for highlighting your abilities, potentially surpassing traditional education in relevance to job requirements.
Networking, especially through platforms like LinkedIn, is an effective strategy for landing exclusive job opportunities.
Posting industry-relevant content on LinkedIn can attract attention and lead to job offers, as demonstrated by successful job seekers like Della.
Utilizing niche job boards and networking can significantly enhance job search outcomes.
Importance of Networking and LinkedIn Posts for Job Opportunities.
Building a strong portfolio and learning industry-specific skills are essential for success in job interviews.
Speaking the language of the position applied for, such as understanding terms like APV and CTR, can impress employers.
Engaging in forums with industry professionals and researching unfamiliar terms are recommended strategies for interview preparation.
Crafting a compelling brand story can enhance interview performance and showcase personal strengths.
Importance of Applying to More Job Opportunities
Applying to more job opportunities should be seen as a numbers game, rather than relying solely on perfect resumes and interviews.
Hard work and perseverance can compensate for skill deficiencies in the job search process.
Promotes a three-day challenge event offering career advice and live Q&A sessions, typically costing $300 to $600 per hour.
Encourages participation in the event and hints at potential future similar events, with a link provided for accessing remote job opportunities.