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How To Get A Human Resource Management Degree From WGU In 6 Months

Shane Hummus2023-02-16
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8K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores how to earn a human resource management degree in six months through Western Governors University (WGU), emphasizing credit transfer policies and utilizing third-party companies for faster completion. Strategies include pre-studying classes, testing out of courses, and completing degrees efficiently. Success stories showcase quick degree completion and high employability. While WGU is praised as a flexible and respected option, it may not suit everyone due to its remote nature. Viewers are encouraged to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if WGU is the right fit for them.

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📊 Transcript
Strategies for earning a human resource management degree in six months through WGU.
Utilize WGU's credit transfer policy to reduce time and cost, including military experience, work experience, certifications, and exam credits.
Thorough research and guidance from an enrollment counselor at WGU are emphasized for a successful transfer process.
Utilizing third-party companies for transferring credits can significantly reduce the number of classes needed to complete a degree at WGU.
It is common for students to transfer in at least 50% of their classes, with some transferring in over 75%.
By strategically choosing classes to test out of, students can expedite the completion of their degree.
Some students are able to test out of one class per day, allowing for rapid progress towards graduation.
Using third-party companies for credit transfer is faster, cheaper, and easier than going through WGU directly.
Tips for Saving Money and Completing a Bachelor's Degree at WGU.
Take advantage of pre-study classes at WGU within the six-month term limit to save money, costing around $3500.
Utilize resources such as the WGU subreddit, Facebook groups, Udemy, and Khan Academy for study tips.
Avoid expensive textbooks by pre-studying effectively and enrolling in WGU to finish remaining classes quickly.
Success stories of completing degrees in two years or less, some in as little as eight months.
Accelerated degree programs at WGU offer quick and affordable options for students.
Completion of a computer science degree in two months is possible, leading to high-paying job opportunities with WGU degrees.
WGU degrees are respected by employers nationwide, enabling graduates to secure roles in prestigious organizations.
Strategies for success include transferring existing credits, pre-gaming courses, pre-studying with third-party companies, and efficiently completing remaining classes.
The program's flexibility allows students to work full-time while pursuing their degree.
Tips for accelerating your degree completion at WGU using study.com.
Transfer AP classes like Calculus and Biology to reduce required courses.
Pre-study challenging subjects and focus on completing remaining classes quickly.
Realistic to finish degree in one or two terms by following recommended methods.
Share success stories and help others achieve similar results.
WGU is a great option for many individuals, but may not be suitable for everyone due to its remote nature.
The speaker acknowledges that every school, including WGU, has its pros and cons.
Studying remotely has become more common in recent years.
Viewers are encouraged to watch a video discussing the pros and cons of WGU to determine if it is the right fit or if there are better alternative schools available.