00:00today i'm going to be interviewing
00:01kenneth lee who decided that college
00:02wasn't the best path for him and decided
00:04to get into a career that didn't require
00:06it now this was especially difficult for
00:08kenneth because his parents were very
00:09against this decision and he had to
00:11convince them so i think this one is
00:12going to be especially useful if you're
00:14somebody who finds yourself in a
00:15situation similar to this so definitely
00:17watch this one till the end and if you
00:19appreciate this type of content gently
00:21tap that like button and hit the
00:22subscribe button let's try to get this
00:24one to 500 likes in today's video i am
00:27going to be interviewing kenneth and
00:29he's about three and a half years into
00:31his career as a digital marketer so i've
00:34interviewed a few people who were you
00:35know a year maybe a year and a half at
00:37most into their career and now i'm
00:39interviewing somebody who has a little
00:40bit more experience and they're a little
00:42bit further into the career so thank you
00:45so much for coming on the channel
00:46kenneth i really appreciate it i know
00:48you're very busy yeah thanks jane thanks
00:50for having me today i'm excited awesome
00:52all right so let's go ahead and kind of
00:54start at the beginning of your digital
00:55marketing career maybe if you could tell
00:57me about your background and what led
00:59you into getting into digital marketing
01:02so um my journey has been three and a
01:05half years um i was working as a bank
01:08teller back in the day before i got into
01:11i was working for chase bank um just
01:14processing people's checks and cash and
01:18and you know and then i i kind of
01:21stumbled into digital marketing by
01:22accident i just saw an ad and then i
01:24said you know how does this work and so
01:26um i wanted to learn more about paid
01:28advertising and digital marketing how
01:30things work and i was also that was
01:32right around the time when e-commerce
01:34was on the rise with d2c brands and
01:36things like that so you know i said i
01:38potentially want to look into this
01:40career as a digital marketer um so i
01:42picked up seth's course sets of course
01:45basically uh taught me to just
01:47essentially um create a portfolio get
01:51build a website and um
01:54yeah just you know put on linkedin get
01:56on some interviews and that's how i
01:57really got started that's how i that's
01:59how i really got my first job
02:01and uh you know i had my own
02:03you know e-commerce website i was
02:04running a bunch of paid traffic to the
02:06site and i spoke about it on the
02:08interview that's how i landed my first
02:09job so that's like i really got started
02:11out of curiosity and then i just
02:13stumbled upon his course and then um
02:15yeah that's kind of how i got into the
02:17digital marketing thing got it so you
02:19stumbled upon his course and this was
02:22about three and a half years ago or so
02:23something like that you decided to take
02:26the course how long did it take you to
02:28get through the course before you got
02:30your first job offer
02:31and uh how was the course yeah so it
02:35something like six to eight months
02:37averaging i think around something like
02:38seven months in and overall the course
02:41was really helpful it taught me how to
02:43just take action um just not don't
02:45procrastinate take action um have
02:48something you know the key is really
02:50just to understand the basic
02:51fundamentals um how to run paid traffic
02:54how to set up a campaign
02:56um how do you optimize accounts and
02:58things like that speak about the
03:00experience through on the interview and
03:03you can start out you know with the
03:05entry level job and you can just work
03:06yourself work your way up from there so
03:09um yeah overall the course is really
03:11helpful um i just took the the meet and
03:14bones the course really just uh
03:17meaning have have your own website have
03:21have your e-commerce site of some sort
03:23run some basic traffic run some paid ads
03:25to the site and have that experience to
03:28speak for speak of during the interview
03:31get your foot in the door essentially um
03:33so overall the course is really helpful
03:35um just take action you know that that's
03:37all i did just take action implement the
03:39things that he taught and um
03:41yeah that's how i landed my first job
03:43really was um using his course so got it
03:45so six to eight months or so uh between
03:48starting the course and landing your
03:50first job that's pretty good to go into
03:52a new career with you know no experience
03:54or anything like that so that's pretty
03:56awesome so by the way guys uh seth did
03:59create a free master class it kind of
04:01goes over a little bit more about
04:02digital marketing because digital
04:04marketing is sort of like you know this
04:06all-encompassing thing that includes you
04:08know pay-per-click ads social media um
04:11seo etc so if you want to know what all
04:14those things are and if you want to know
04:16maybe if it's a good fit for your
04:17personality um do take that free master
04:20class i'm going to put it down in the
04:21description as well as depend comment
04:23below all right so let's go ahead and
04:26talk about your first job after you
04:28finish the course so
04:30um if we can sort of just go over kind
04:33of like what the job was all about and
04:34if you're comfortable we can also talk
04:36about salary as well yeah so my first
04:38job was essentially a performance
04:41performance marketer um essentially i
04:44was running uh facebook ads a little bit
04:47of ppc ads back in the day linkedin
04:50twitter that kind of thing a couple
04:52years back and then um yeah just
04:54managing campaigns very performance
04:55driven client will give you a budget you
04:58have to generate results roi on on the
05:00marketing dollars that you get um
05:03so yeah we were held we are held to a
05:05certain standard in terms of the goals
05:06that we had to hit um and my the salary
05:09my first job my first hour was 60k 60
05:11000 was my salary my first job um so
05:15yeah awesome and then after that how
05:17many other positions have you moved into
05:19since then so since then uh two other
05:21positions um yeah this is the current
05:24position i'm in right now is my
05:26the third one so after my first job i
05:28had another job and then fast forward
05:30now is my third third job got it and
05:32then can you maybe talk about those a
05:34little bit and again if you're
05:35comfortable you can talk about salary
05:36and if you're not you can just say
05:38generally speaking like what people
05:40would expect to make in those positions
05:42yeah um so my second position um was
05:46fully remote um after i left that job
05:49was right at the height of covid when
05:51kovit hit um you know things are going
05:55so i moved into that job and that was
05:57based in texas so it was a boutique
05:59agency made around 65k and yeah there i
06:03managed like facebook ads paid social
06:05ads there and fast forward to now
06:08i work at mute six uh which is a big
06:10digital agency owned by densu and so
06:14um right now i'm averaging around base
06:18base compensation with bonus you're
06:20probably looking at 90k everything
06:24yeah but i manage a lot bigger budgets
06:26now the budgets i touch the clients i
06:28work with are a lot bigger a lot more
06:30scale to those type of clients so
06:31there's a lot more uh growth
06:33opportunities from both
06:35a compensation standpoint also your
06:36ability to move up in the company so uh
06:39yeah that's that's currently my sort of
06:40journey the past couple years awesome
06:42that's really exciting and i've spoken
06:44to other digital marketers and say that
06:46the growth is kind of their goal at some
06:48point because that's where you know
06:50a lot of the challenges and that's where
06:52you learn the most so that's really
06:54exciting that you're doing that for sure
06:56um what would you say to somebody who is
06:59thinking about getting into digital
07:01marketing and they're thinking about uh
07:03using seth's course in order to learn
07:06do digital marketing and get their first
07:07entry-level job uh but they're maybe on
07:10the fence what would you say to them in
07:11terms of making the decision of whether
07:13they should do it or not yeah i think um
07:16we do it because it's gonna give you
07:18real practical tips on how to actually
07:20land your first job right um now granted
07:23you need to take action you need to be
07:25implementing the things he's teaching um
07:27not just and the biggest tip i would
07:29give you is don't just read read read
07:32learn learn learn make sure you're
07:33learning but also implementing the
07:35things you're learning right take
07:38uh generate your own experience maybe
07:41have your own website open a google ads
07:43account facebook ads account run some
07:47just get your feet wet and make sure
07:49you're taking action implementing things
07:50you're saying and maybe you're setting
07:52up your linkedin profile a certain way
07:54um yeah the biggest thing is just take
07:55action you're it's i mean an interview
07:58process you're gonna go through failure
07:59you're gonna have rejections you're
08:01gonna have people that don't like you
08:02that feel you're inexperienced but you
08:03have to get through a lot of interviews
08:05get to a point where you know someone
08:07does like you and find that you're a
08:08good fit and you're gonna lie in your
08:09first job so don't be afraid of failure
08:12make sure you're taking action
08:13implementing your learning i think you
08:14know you will be very successful if you
08:16um pull the trigger and really take the
08:18course um so yeah those are things i
08:20would say for someone getting into this
08:22all right and then i also just wanted to
08:24ask uh you know let's compare seth's
08:26course to college so do you need college
08:28to become a digital marketer um what is
08:31your return on investment of seth's
08:33course versus you know going to college
08:35to become a digital marketer and just
08:36your thoughts in general on that yeah i
08:38think the thing with college nowadays
08:40it's um it's not it's not very practical
08:43right the things that you you're
08:44learning college is like 30 40 50 years
08:47behind and um it's really just you know
08:50you're just memorizing a bunch of stuff
08:52and then when next semester comes you
08:54pretty much forget everything um so it's
08:56not nothing tangible in terms of
08:59getting a real practical skill that can
09:00you can go in the marketplace and
09:02actually get a job with so i think um
09:04you know myself personally i i took out
09:0720 25k debt and i i can't really
09:11i you know didn't really help me in
09:12terms of getting a job but i think the
09:14thing with seth's course is it's
09:15definitely far cheaper than 25k
09:18and he gives you real practical tips on
09:20how to actually get a job um
09:22and it's very specific and it's very
09:24niche so and that and it's a high demand
09:27skill right like digital marketing is a
09:29high demand score that any business can
09:30use and leverage um any small business
09:33or any medium-sized business can use
09:34your skill set to generate more revenue
09:36so you're always going to be in demand
09:37so i think to sum it up how college
09:40compares to this course it's you get you
09:42get a bigger bang for your buck but
09:43again of course as opposed to getting a
09:45piece of paper a degree that really
09:46doesn't help you now in today's in 20
09:482020 2022 it doesn't really help you in
09:50today's marketplace so um
09:53yeah that's what i would say about
09:54college i would say it's definitely
09:55antiquated so yeah yeah and i just want
09:57to mention one thing hey if you don't
09:58believe uh me or kenneth you know some
10:01some college degrees i think are
10:02actually worth it right some college
10:04degrees for certain careers you should
10:06definitely get a degree but if you don't
10:08believe me or kenneth all you have to do
10:09is think of the university you're going
10:11to look up the marketing curriculum and
10:14i can almost guarantee you what you're
10:15going to see is there's maybe one to two
10:18classes on digital marketing and digital
10:20marketing is by far the most valuable
10:23skill in marketing right now everything
10:25is heading towards digital so when you
10:27see that there's only one to two classes
10:29on digital marketing which is the most
10:31valuable skill by far and these are
10:33fairly surface level classes as well
10:35there's no like specialized classes
10:38that's really all you need to know about
10:42yes the skill set of marketing is really
10:46companies are still hiring people with
10:48marketing degrees but they're knowing
10:50that a lot of these people don't have
10:52any experience and they're going to have
10:53to train them from basically square one
10:56so uh you know all you have to do is
10:58look that up it's no secret colleges
11:00don't even hide it anymore that they're
11:02not keeping up with things they they
11:03truly don't care because they just have
11:05a monopoly essentially so that is a
11:09and you know learning these in-demand
11:10skills can be incredibly valuable and
11:12they can give you a huge leg up and then
11:15seth's course not only does it teach you
11:17the in-demand skills but it teaches you
11:18how to signal that you actually have
11:21those skills how to prove to somebody
11:23that you have those skills so
11:25that's how you get your foot in the door
11:26get your first job once you get that
11:28first year of experience you're good
11:30from there nobody cares about college
11:32beyond that point um so thanks for
11:34coming on the channel kenneth i really
11:35appreciate you coming on and giving your
11:37insight to somebody who has a wealth of
11:39experience and you're coming along in
11:42your career as a digital marketer
11:44so i think a lot of people are going to
11:47some real value out of this
11:49so thanks so much for coming on i really
11:50appreciate it thanks for having me jane