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12 GREAT Jobs You Can Land With NO Experience!

Shane Hummus2022-07-04
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41K views|2 years ago
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Tech sales and digital marketing offer lucrative career opportunities in the technology industry, with high demand and competitive salaries. Specialized skills may be required for digital marketing, while tech sales present significant job opportunities. Troy's free training in tech sales has helped individuals secure jobs quickly, even without a college degree. The tech industry also includes career options in web development, software development, software quality assurance testing, information technology, and cybersecurity, with software development having the highest demand and pay. Other high-paying career opportunities discussed include cybersecurity, trade careers, UX/UI design, customer service representative, and data analysis. Data analysts can earn around $77,000 annually, while real estate agents make an average of $107,000 per year. Abdul's success in tech sales highlights the earning potential in this field.

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Lucrative career options in tech sales and digital marketing.
Tech sales involves selling products and services in the technology industry with high earning potential.
Digital marketing offers a broader scope but may require specialized skills.
Troy's free training in tech sales has helped individuals secure jobs quickly, even without a college degree.
Both career paths provide unique advantages and opportunities for those entering the industry.
Various career options in the tech industry are discussed, including web development, software development, software quality assurance testing, information technology, and cyber security.
Software development is highlighted as having the highest demand and pay in the tech industry.
Specialization is emphasized as important to increase earning potential in the tech industry.
Boot camps are recommended for software quality assurance testing due to high demand.
Cyber security focuses on data safety and breach prevention within companies, offering lucrative career opportunities with varying levels of difficulty to break into.
High-paying career opportunities discussed in the segment include cybersecurity, trade careers like truck driving, UX/UI design, customer service representative, and data analyst.
Salaries for these roles range from $68,000 to $91,000 a year, with varying levels of difficulty and requirements.
Entry-level options like truck driving and customer service representative positions are highlighted as accessible choices.
Data analysis is noted for its high demand in the job market.
The importance of researching career options based on location and industry is emphasized.
High demand for data analysts with Google creating its own certification due to lack of skilled individuals.
Data analysts can earn around $77,000 a year.
Real estate agents make an average of $107,000 annually with varying work hours and job satisfaction levels.
Tech sales is a lucrative field, as seen in an interview with Abdul who earned $70,000 in his first year at 19.
Further insights on tech sales can be found in the video.