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LeetCode Was Hard Until I Learned These 3 Things

Matt Guest2024-01-26
coding#coding interview#coding interviews#microsoft#google#google coding interview#leetcode#lc#coding patterns#maang#faang
4K views|6 months ago
💫 Short Summary

This video provides three key tips for improving coding interview skills: 1) practice how you'll interview by mimicking real-world coding interviews, timing yourself, and voicing your thoughts out loud; 2) focus on high ROI topics such as arrays, strings, hash tables, and dynamic programming; 3) learn coding patterns, which are proven techniques that can be applied to solve a wide variety of problems. The video also mentions a platform called Tech Interviews IO for learning coding patterns and avoiding common interview mistakes.

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📊 Transcript
Introduction and Tips for Improving Coding Interview Skills
The speaker used to earn $5 an hour at a startup but managed to land a six-figure job at Amazon in under two years without a CS degree.
Three key tips for improving LeetCode skills are shared.
Tip 1: Practice how you'll interview by mimicking the real-world coding interview as much as possible, including timing yourself and voicing your thoughts out loud.
Tip 2: Focus on high ROI topics, such as arrays, strings, hash tables, and dynamic programming, which are commonly asked in coding interviews.
Tip 3: Learn coding patterns, which are proven techniques that can be applied to solve a wide variety of problems.
How to Practice for Coding Interviews
Allocate 4 to 6 weeks for prep, with 2 to 3 hours of practice 5 to 6 days a week.
Suggests treating interview prepping like a part-time job or side hustle.
Practicing with a friend and taking turns mock interviewing each other can be helpful.
Focus on High ROI Topics
Prioritize studying and practicing questions with a higher likelihood of being asked in coding interviews, such as arrays, strings, hash tables, and dynamic programming.
It's not necessary to solve hundreds of problems or tackle less commonly asked question types, but they should not be ignored completely.
Importance of Learning Coding Patterns
Coding patterns have been a game changer for the speaker in coding interviews.
They are proven techniques that, once learned, can be applied to solve a wide variety of problems.
Examples of coding patterns include the sliding window pattern for optimizing time and space complexity.
Studying with intent, focusing on one group of problems at a time, and practicing handwritten solutions can help in learning coding patterns faster.
Tech interview platform TechInterviews.io is recommended for learning coding patterns more effectively.
Learning coding patterns is essential for interview preparation.
It is recommended to focus on learning the key building blocks that underlie most algorithm problems.
TechInterviews.io is suggested as a platform to learn coding patterns more effectively.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What are the three key tips for improving LeetCode skills and preparing for coding interviews?

The three key tips for improving LeetCode skills and preparing for coding interviews are: 1. Practice how you'll interview by mimicking the real-world coding interview, timing yourself, and voicing your thoughts out loud. 2. Focus on high ROI (Return on Investment) topics such as arrays, strings, hash tables, and dynamic programming. 3. Learn coding patterns, which are proven techniques to solve coding problems efficiently.

2. How can one effectively prepare for coding interviews?

To effectively prepare for coding interviews, it's important to practice how you'll interview, focus on high ROI topics, and learn coding patterns. Mimicking the real-world coding interview, timing yourself, voicing your thoughts out loud, and focusing on important topics such as arrays, strings, hash tables, and dynamic programming can greatly improve preparation. Additionally, learning coding patterns can help solve coding problems efficiently and boost interview performance.

3. What is the importance of learning coding patterns for coding interviews?

Learning coding patterns is important for coding interviews because it equips candidates with proven techniques to solve coding problems efficiently. By understanding coding patterns, candidates can approach a wide variety of problems with confidence and accuracy, ultimately enhancing their performance during coding interviews.

4. How can candidates improve their LeetCode skills?

Candidates can improve their LeetCode skills by practicing how they'll interview, focusing on high ROI topics such as arrays, strings, hash tables, and dynamic programming, and learning coding patterns. Mimicking the real-world coding interview, timing oneself, voicing thoughts out loud, and mastering important topics and patterns can significantly enhance LeetCode skills.