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How to get into a Top Business School (from a Stanford MBA!)

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51K views|1 years ago
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In the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the three main steps to getting into a top business school: resume, application, and interviews. They provide insights on the GMAT and GPA scores needed, work experiences that stand out, writing effective essays, and excelling in interviews. The speaker emphasizes the importance of differentiating oneself from the competition through impactful work experiences and meaningful contributions. In the video, John discusses how he got into a top business school as a regular person by being authentic and sharing his personal story in his application essay. He emphasizes the importance of soul-searching to create a vulnerable and authentic essay that showcases one's background, struggles, and aspirations. John also advises applicants to extensively research the school and demonstrate genuine interest during the interview process.

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Tips for Getting into a Top Business School
To get into a top business school, you need to focus on your resume, application, and interviews.
For your resume, emphasize your work experience and the impact you have made.
Two important factors for your application are your GPA and GMAT scores.
The average GPA for top business school students is around 3.7.
For the GMAT, a score above the 90th percentile is desirable.
Practice taking the GMAT to improve your score.
In terms of work experience, top industries that appeal to business school admissions committees are management consulting and finance.
However, meaningful work experience that has made an impact is more important than just working at top companies.
Differentiating Your Resume for Business School
Emphasize your work experience and the impact you have had.
It's not necessary to start at a top company or ivy league school to get into a top business school.
Over half of the students in top business schools come from non-traditional backgrounds like non-profit, military, and healthcare.
Focus on pursuing something that genuinely interests you and allows you to make a meaningful impact.
Tips for Application Differentiation
The application process for business school is similar to college admissions, with essays, personal statements, and letters of recommendation.
Emphasize what makes you unique and different from other applicants.
Highlight your achievements and the impact you've made in your essays and statements.
Choose recommenders who can speak to your strengths and contributions.
Authenticity is key in writing a compelling business school essay.
Being oneself is more important than being the smartest or most talented person in the room.
A good essay is a result of soul-searching and showcasing one's authentic story, background, struggles, and how it has shaped them.
Tie all the information into a neat bow to explain why a particular business school is the right fit.
Personal examples of the impact of technology can strengthen a business school application.
Incorporate examples of how technology has impacted your life and career aspirations.
Highlight how technology has empowered independence and positive change.
Personal experiences with technology can set you apart in a business school application.
Researching and demonstrating genuine interest in a business school is crucial for the application.
Obsess over every detail about the school to show genuine interest.
Attend networking and informational events hosted by the school.
Cold message alums and current students to learn more about the school's culture.
Effectively communicate why the specific school is a good fit for your goals and aspirations.
Preparing for the business school interview
Research the background of the alum who will interview you.
Be super responsive, polite, and professional in your communication.
Be your authentic self during the behavioral interview.
Showcase your unique story and explain why you want to attend the specific school.
Connect with the alum by discussing your research about the school and their experiences.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What are the three main steps to get into a top business school?

The three main steps to get into a top business school are: 1. Acing your resume, including GMAT and GPA scores and work experience. 2. Nailing your application, including essays and recommendation letters. 3. Excelling in your interviews.

2. What are the key factors for a successful business school application?

The key factors for a successful business school application include a strong resume showcasing work experience and academic achievements, well-crafted essays, impressive recommendation letters, and successful interviews.

3. How important is work experience for getting into a top business school?

Work experience is highly important for getting into a top business school as it showcases a candidate's skills, leadership abilities, and potential for future success in the business world.

4. What is the average GPA for a top business school student?

The average GPA for a top business school student is around 3.7. However, it's important to have a GPA that reflects a strong academic performance and a challenging course load.

5. What are the top industries that can enhance a business school application?

The top industries that can enhance a business school application are management consulting and finance, but meaningful work experience in any industry can make a candidate stand out.

6. How can a regular person get into a top business school?

By showcasing their unique background and authentic self through a soul-searching process in their essay, and demonstrating a genuine desire to attend the school during the interview.

7. What is the key insight to getting into a top business school?

The key insight is to recognize that being oneself and showcasing a unique background is crucial in the application process, including the essay and the interview.

8. Why is the essay writing process considered a soul-searching process for getting into a top business school?

The essay writing process is considered a soul-searching process because it requires applicants to delve into their authentic story, background, struggles, and vulnerabilities to showcase what shapes them and their career aspirations.

9. How important is demonstrating a genuine desire to attend a specific business school during the application process?

It is crucial to demonstrate a genuine desire to attend a specific business school during the application process as it shows the school that the applicant has done their research and is genuinely interested in the opportunities the school offers.

10. What is the significance of showcasing a unique background and authentic self in the application process for business school?

Showcasing a unique background and authentic self is significant in the application process for business school as it allows applicants to stand out and demonstrate how their experiences have shaped their career aspirations.