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My Testimony: from OnlyFans to God | OnlyFans ruined my life... but God saved me!

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121K views|7 months ago
💫 Short Summary

In the video, YouTuber Gwen shares her personal story of how creating an OnlyFans account in 2020, despite initially making good money, ultimately led to the destruction of her life. She discusses her struggles with debt, shopping addiction, and being approached by followers to join OnlyFans, as well as her journey to finding redemption and turning her life around with the help of God. Gwen hopes to inspire and offer guidance to other girls who may be in similar situations or considering joining OnlyFans. In the YouTube video, a former OnlyFans creator shares her experience of getting involved in the platform out of financial desperation and a desire for material wealth. She discusses how initially she didn't see anything wrong with it due to her liberal and sexually open beliefs, but eventually, the experience made her feel objectified, depressed, and led to self-esteem issues. In the video, a former OnlyFans creator discusses how starting the platform negatively impacted her mental health, physical health, and relationships. She explains that her perspective shifted after experiencing personal struggles and exposure to conservative viewpoints, leading her to question her previous beliefs and ultimately turn to Christianity. She highlights the detrimental effects of the porn industry and emphasizes that no amount of money is worth compromising one's morals and relationship with God. The creator also touches on the impact of her decision on her family and her desire to start a family in the future. In this video, a former OnlyFans model shares her experience of feeling trapped and miserable after realizing that her desire to have a family and children was jeopardized by her past decisions. She describes reaching a breaking point where she contemplated ending her life but ultimately found hope and redemption through a spiritual encounter with God. After a period of struggle and gradual steps, she finally decides to delete her OnlyFans account, experiencing relief, gratitude, and a newfound trust in God. Former OnlyFans model shares how turning to God has brought her peace and joy, despite financial uncertainty. She has started a small business but acknowledges that her relationship with God is worth more than any material success. She hopes to inspire others to trust in God and find a way out of similar situations. In the video, a former OnlyFans creator discusses her experience, expressing gratitude for finding a good relationship after leaving the platform and emphasizing her newfound faith in God. She addresses criticisms and judgment from men and emphasizes the possibility of redemption and turning one's life around with God's help, while also acknowledging her own past mistakes and uncertainties about the future. The creator aims to share her story in order to help other girls in similar situations and encourages them to seek support and turn to God for guidance. In the video, the creator discusses her experience with a chaotic and stressful situation, and expresses her relief at finally filming the video despite having put it off for a while. She also mentions being open to making more content on the subject and answering questions from viewers.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Gwen introduces herself and explains that she is sharing her story in the hope of inspiring and helping other girls who may be in a similar situation.
Gwen is nervous to film the video because she feels pressure to say the right things and do God proud.
She speaks about her experience with having an OnlyFans account and how it destroyed her life, but God helped her turn it around.
She wants to inspire girls who are questioning their life choices, struggling with their past decisions, or considering creating an OnlyFans account.
Desperation for money and material desires led to the decision to join OnlyFans.
The speaker admits that their main motivation for joining OnlyFans was to get out of debt and have financial freedom.
They were influenced by a desire for material possessions, the ability to travel, and a lack of concern for the means to acquire money.
At the time, the speaker had a distorted view of morality and empowerment.
They were heavily influenced by a liberal and progressive environment.
Believed that morality was subjective and that sex work and promiscuity were empowering.
Being surrounded by people who supported their decision reinforced their beliefs.
The speaker acknowledges the possibility of subconscious guilt despite not consciously feeling that they were doing something wrong.
Joined OnlyFans out of financial desperation and quickly made enough money to pay off debt.
Joined OnlyFans after breaking up with their boyfriend and feeling financially desperate.
Received a lot of subscribers and made enough money to pay off credit card debt within a few days, without even posting any content.
Felt swept up and excited by the sudden financial gain.
Initial excitement and happiness from earning money on OnlyFans quickly turned into feelings of being objectified and unhappy.
Initially enjoyed making videos and felt happy and excited about the money.
Soon started to feel gross, objectified, and like a slave.
Felt pressure to keep subscribers happy and maintain the income.
Experienced a negative impact on self-esteem, leading to thoughts of plastic surgery.
Mental health suffered, leading to depression and binge eating.
Realization of the detrimental effects of the porn industry
The person experienced a decline in mental health, which they attribute to the stress of the industry and excessive eating.
Exposure to different political viewpoints, including conservative ideas, led them to question their beliefs.
They started to resonate with the concept of God and Jesus, eventually buying a Bible and exploring Christianity.
Realization of the harmful effects of the porn industry on both themselves and the consumers.
Began seeking answers and listening to Christian-focused podcasts and readings.
Impact of money and morality on the decision to leave the porn industry
Realization that making videos was harmful for mental health and not in line with their beliefs.
Learning about the negative effects of porn on individuals and society.
Money from the industry was seen as 'dirty money' and could not bring genuine enjoyment.
Despite the industry being lucrative for the person, they believe no amount of money is worth selling their soul and going against their morals.
Effects of starting an OnlyFans account on family life and future aspirations
The person acknowledges that their decision to start an OnlyFans account made having a healthy relationship with their fiance hard.
They express regret for not wanting kids at the time they started, realizing later that they now want to start a family.
Realization of the impact of her past decisions on her desire to have a family and kids.
She wants to have a family and kids, but feels that her past decision to have an OnlyFans account will haunt her and her future children.
She heard stories of how other kids suffered mentally and were bullied because their moms had OnlyFans accounts.
She felt that this one mistake would ruin her chance of having the life she desires.
Her encounter with God and finding hope for the future.
After realizing the potential impact of her past decision, she had a 'come to Jesus moment' where she felt the presence of God.
She felt that God told her everything would be okay, that he loved her, and that he could help her turn her life around.
She was assured by God that having kids was not out of the question and that there was hope for her future if she gave her life to him.
Decision to delete her OnlyFans account and trust in God's plan for her life.
She felt ashamed and regretful after her encounter with God, which eventually led her to delete her OnlyFans account.
It took time for her to grow towards God, unlearn barriers, and fully trust in him.
She stopped making new content and reposted old videos, despite it being a scary step due to financial concerns.
She felt called by God to delete her account, and despite fear, she ultimately found relief, gratitude, and hope after doing so.
After fully submitting to God, Belle Delphine feels a sense of peace, gratitude, and joy in her life.
She deleted her OnlyFans account without knowing what the future holds, but she fully submitted to God's will.
Belle Delphine attributes the positive changes in her life to her relationship with God.
She feels a deep sense of peace, gratitude, and joy every day, even though her life is still uncertain.
Belle Delphine talks about her financial situation and newfound faith in God.
She is not making any money right now, but has started a small business.
Belle Delphine believes that God has shown her potential and capability to do good in life.
She no longer defines her worth by the money she made from OnlyFans.
Belle Delphine acknowledges her initial worry about money, but is trying to trust God's plan and have faith.
She is learning to view everything from a positive lens and believes that ultimately, God is looking out for her best interests.
Belle Delphine encourages women in the adult entertainment industry to trust in God and believe in their worth beyond their bodies.
She hopes to help other women leave the adult industry by sharing her story.
Belle Delphine believes that God has better plans for women than to be defined by their bodies.
She receives messages from women in similar situations and wants to offer help and support.
Belle Delphine addresses the question about her fiance and expresses the desire to keep their relationship private.
She and her fiance want to keep their relationship private for now.
Belle Delphine mentions that her fiance has been supportive and appeared in her videos.
The YouTuber addresses the perception that she is making content with other men for money.
She mentions that she had already broken up with her partner when she made the decision to create content with other men.
The YouTuber dismisses the idea that she is lying and being fake for the sake of making money, stating that if she wanted money, she would not have quit OnlyFans in the first place.
The YouTuber acknowledges the criticism from the 'red pill' community and emphasizes the possibility of redemption for women with a promiscuous past.
She acknowledges that some men in the 'red pill' community hate on women with a promiscuous past, but she believes in redemption and advises girls not to listen to the negativity.
The YouTuber encourages girls to wait until marriage, be selective about who they sleep with, and emphasizes that there is always redemption in God.
She criticizes the '304' hating guys for watching porn while bashing women for making porn, and she urges them to focus on bettering themselves.
The YouTuber expresses that her main motivation for speaking out is to help other girls and fulfill what she believes is God's calling for her.
She states that she doesn't care about others' approval or respect, as she does things for God.
The YouTuber emphasizes that she is speaking out to help other girls, not for attention, and she would rather not talk about this subject at all.
She addresses the stereotype that women with a promiscuous past cannot have kids or a family, leaving it up to God and acknowledging that others have overcome similar situations.
The YouTuber believes it is possible to turn your life around, but acknowledges her concerns about the potential impact on her future children.
She acknowledges that she still has doubts and is unsure about the consequences for her future children.
The YouTuber believes it is possible to use your story to teach your kids the importance of God and not let it ruin their lives.
She emphasizes that turning to God is the first step and trusts that he will lead the way.
The YouTuber mentions that she finally filmed the video she had been putting off for ages.
She expresses happiness about filming the video.
She says she's going to go distress now after the crazy filming.
The YouTuber indicates her willingness to make more videos and answer questions on the same subject.
She is open to making more videos on the subject she discussed.
She encourages viewers to ask more questions as she feels called to make this kind of content.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the main focus of the video?

The main focus of the video is Gwen sharing her story of starting an OnlyFans account, the negative impact it had on her life, and how turning to God helped her turn her life around.

2. Why is Gwen nervous to film the video?

Gwen is nervous to film the video because she feels pressure to say the right things and to do God proud in sharing her story of starting an OnlyFans account and the positive impact of turning to God.

3. How does Gwen hope to inspire others with her story?

Gwen hopes to inspire other girls who may be in a similar situation as she was, as well as those who are considering starting an OnlyFans account, by sharing the negative impact it had on her life and how turning to God helped her find redemption and hope.

4. What led Gwen to start an OnlyFans account?

Gwen's financial debt and shopping addiction, as well as the allure of the potential income and a leaked nude photo by an ex, led her to start an OnlyFans account.

5. How did turning to God help Gwen turn her life around?

Turning to God helped Gwen find redemption and hope, and it ultimately led to turning her life around from the negative impact of starting an OnlyFans account.

6. Why did the person in the video start an OnlyFans account?

The person started an OnlyFans account because they wanted to get out of debt and live a more financially comfortable life.

7. How did the person's perception of money and morality change after starting an OnlyFans account?

The person's perception of money and morality changed as they became more financially comfortable but also experienced negative effects on their mental health and self-esteem.

8. What were the initial feelings of the person after starting the OnlyFans account?

The person initially felt excited and happy about the financial opportunities from the OnlyFans account.

9. How did the person's experience with OnlyFans lead to feelings of being objectified and depressed?

The person's experience with OnlyFans led to feelings of being objectified and depressed as they felt a loss of control and negative effects on their mental health.

10. What were the negative effects on the person's mental health and self-esteem after starting the OnlyFans account?

The person experienced depression, binge eating, and a negative impact on their self-esteem after starting the OnlyFans account.

11. What led to the speaker's realization that everything she believed was wrong?

The speaker's realization that everything she believed was wrong was sparked by the political events of 2020, which led her to explore conservative viewpoints and ultimately embrace religion.

12. How did the speaker's exploration of conservative viewpoints and religion impact her?

The speaker's exploration of conservative viewpoints and religion led her to believe that her previous lifestyle, including her involvement in the adult entertainment industry, was immoral and detrimental to her mental health and soul.

13. What realization did the speaker come to about the money she was making from her previous lifestyle?

The speaker realized that the money she was making from her previous lifestyle was not worth the harm it caused to her mental well-being and her relationship with God.

14. How did starting an OnlyFans account affect the speaker's desire to start a family?

Starting an OnlyFans account made the speaker realize that she actually wanted to start a family in the future, which was a significant shift from her previous belief as a liberal feminist.

15. Why did the person in the video decide to delete their OnlyFans account?

The person in the video decided to delete their OnlyFans account after realizing the negative impact it could have on their desire to have a family and children, and finding solace and guidance in their faith and relationship with God.

16. How did the person in the video feel after deleting their OnlyFans account?

The person in the video felt a sense of relief, freedom, and gratitude after deleting their OnlyFans account, describing it as a difficult yet empowering decision that brought them hope and trust in their faith and God.

17. What role did the person's desire to have a family and children play in their decision to delete their OnlyFans account?

The person's strong desire to have a family and children played a significant role in their decision to delete their OnlyFans account, as they realized the potential negative impact it could have on their future.

18. How did the person in the video find solace and guidance in their faith?

The person in the video found solace and guidance in their faith through a deep and emotional connection with God, expressing feelings of being heard, loved, and supported, which ultimately led them to make the decision to delete their OnlyFans account.

19. What were the main emotions experienced by the person in the video during the process of deleting their OnlyFans account?

The main emotions experienced by the person in the video during the process of deleting their OnlyFans account were relief, freedom, gratitude, hope, and trust in their faith and God, despite the difficulty and vulnerability of the decision.

20. What led to the significant change in your life?

The significant change in my life came from fully submitting to God's will and committing to always do the right thing, no matter how uncertain the future may be.

21. How has your life changed since giving yourself to God?

I now feel a deep sense of peace, gratitude, and joy every day, despite the uncertainty in my life. My relationship with God has brought me more value than any material wealth.

22. What are you doing for money now that you've left your previous source of income?

I have started a small business, but it's not generating much income at the moment. I believe that God will take care of me, and I have faith that everything will work out in the end.

23. How do you handle the fear of not having enough money?

While I do worry about money, I'm trying my best not to because God calls us to have no fear and to trust Him. I believe that God will ultimately take care of me, and I'm learning to be okay with the uncertainty.

24. What message do you hope to share with others through your story?

I hope to inspire others to trust in God and believe in their potential for redemption. I also want to help individuals in similar situations find a way out and build a better life for themselves.

25. What is the reason behind the YouTuber's decision to quit OnlyFans and focus on her relationship?

The YouTuber decided to quit OnlyFans and focus on her relationship because she felt it was hard enough to have a good relationship in general, and couldn't imagine making it work if she had made videos with other men. It was also her idea to quit, and she feels thankful for that.

26. How does the YouTuber respond to the accusation of quitting OnlyFans for money?

The YouTuber finds it silly to be accused of quitting OnlyFans for money, stating that if she wanted money, she would have never quit in the first place. She emphasizes that she's not doing it for money.

27. What message does the YouTuber have for girls who may have a past and have been criticized by men?

The YouTuber encourages girls to wait until marriage, be selective about who they sleep with, and not engage in activities like OnlyFans. She also emphasizes the possibility of redemption and advises girls not to listen to men who criticize them.

28. How does the YouTuber express her motivation for speaking out about her past in the sex industry?

The YouTuber expresses that she believes God has been calling her to speak out and help other girls get out of the sex industry. She emphasizes that her motivation for speaking out is not for attention, but to fulfill the purpose she feels God has for her.

29. What does the YouTuber emphasize about the possibility of turning one's life around and finding redemption?

The YouTuber emphasizes the possibility of turning one's life around and finding redemption, particularly through the support of God. She shares her belief that it is possible for anyone to find redemption and lead a better life.

30. What is the focus of the video?

The focus of the video is on the importance of destressing and the creator's experience with filming the video.

31. Where can viewers follow the creator on social media?

Viewers can follow the creator on Instagram @theilade.

32. Is the creator open to making more videos on the same subject?

Yes, the creator is open to making more videos on the same subject and is willing to address any further questions from the viewers.